Yoga, cancer and heart problems

Q from Georgia – I am teaching yoga to cardiac rehab patients/clients and will be giving a presentation to the oncology patients about yoga and its benefits for cancer, as they will be joining the program. Any tips or reference material you can specifically recommend on yoga and cancer and heart problems. Thank you Georgia.

The best reference on heart disease is Dr. Dean Ornish’s “Program for Reversing Heart Disease” book and one by his staff yogini; Nischala Devi entitled “Healing Path of Yoga”. He recently is doing research on prostate cancer. His programs are in several hospitals across the country. A friend of mine on staff is Amy Gage; you can connect to her at also check with Georg Feuerstein at the Yoga Research and Education Center (which is also the International Association of Yoga Therapists at for files. They have many pages on their Website – – on specific conditions that yoga therapy helps. There is a group in Calif. called Commonweal in Bolinas that also uses yoga for cancer; you can connect to Jnani Chapman at 415-332-2478 for information on that program.