Yoga Classes Online? Is it worth anything?

Hello All ,
I’m new to the forum and to the Yoga world. .

I’m interested in knowing if anyone knows about sites that let you do Yoga classes online.
I found some but I haven’t tried it.

How do you feel about doing Yoga with an online course?
Is there anyone here who ever tried it?

Is it worthwhile? Would you use that or is having an instructor a “must” ?
Is it possible to get these courses for free anywhere?

Thanks ,

Hello Ran,

welcome to the yoga forum. We look forward to your continued contributions in the community.

On your first point, it is best to go and try and determine these things for yourself in your living. Finding sites with yoga classes is as easy as using a search engine, so you don’t need me for that.

Online courses, when they are well taught, incredibly clear, and inherently safe, are partial contributors to a robust yoga practice. They are not, in and of themselves, a robust yoga practice. The interaction between teacher and student during contact hours is quite critical to the growth of the student.

As for cost, generally speaking one gets what one pays for. When a student ONLY receives the teachings without an exchange of energy (in some cases currency) an imbalanced landscape is created. This is the same in any relationship and can be easily vetted if one interacts with their spouse or partner and ONLY takes (or ONLY gives). The erosion is fairly rapid.

I suggest that students look at the value side of the yoga equation rather than the expense side. Instead of looking for a discount class, look for a class of regular cost that offers immense value in the transmission of the teachings. Pay $15 but get $100 of value. Or stick to the norm and find an $8 class which gives $5 of value.

I’ve recently heard good things about Looks like they offer different ways to join including a free membership for a free weekly class. That’s a good way to see if you like it. The current free class says it is for first timer’s too.

Oh! I signed up for yogaglo for their free trial. They have some nice beginner series videos for different traditions that might be interesting if you are just starting, but I really just recommend it because they have a few great guided meditation videos.

I’ve found doyogawithme online classes to be fantastic - there’s a huge array of classes to suit every level and they’re really well done too - amazingly they’re free of charge so definitely worth a look!

Have you tried
Our studio was born from the idea and demand to have access to yoga classes wherever and whenever you go.
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I was going to suggest free podcasts. Amazingyoga podcasts are my favorite!

I am surprised that anyone would point a beginning yogi to an on-line class. Beginning students need the help of a teacher for proper alignment. I have been practicing on a daily basis for 5 years and I find that the interaction with an experienced teacher is still very useful in my practice.

I do use Yogaglo to augment my practice a couple times a week, but I would not recommend to anyone to solely use on-line classes. For a beginner, I would say go to 20 - 30 classes and get a good foundation before even thinking about on-line classes.

What I like about Yogaglo is the opportunity to receive instruction from Master Instructors like Noah Maze, Darren Rhodes, etc.

We are forcing meaning out of something that is nonsense. In fact, L.Carroll is usually the first name mentioned when referring to the ?School of Nonsense.? If it is nonsense, why are we trying to make sense of it? The answer is in fact because it isn?t truly nonsense. There is deep meaning found in the lines waiting to explode to the reader. That is, of course, if the reader takes time to absorb and accept something more than the mere words, but rather the meaning of the whole??

Should I take yoga classes online or offline? The short answer is: Yes, you can take the yoga class online in fact and learn yoga online from Arhanta yoga institute they are the best they have experienced faculty.