Yoga for burn scar tissue

I am a yoga teacher studying for a remedial yoga qualification. I have the opportunity to work with someone with extensive burn scar tissue & whilst I am looking forward to this experience, I have been unable to find any studies into the benefits of yoga on burn scars. Does anyone have any experience in this field? I would really appreciate any knowledge that anyone can share and will be more than happy to share my findings during my studies. Thank you. Love & light :slight_smile:

The skin is the termination or the nervous system. It is also the nervous system’s connection to the outside world. This not to mention the emotional trauma that goes along with burns.

Since we can’t do a therapeutic teacher training over the Internet (thank goodness) I would focus on a practice that calms the student’s nervous system. That practice, in terms of asana, should be gentle and soothing and obviously not stoke the element of fire. The pranayama practice should also be one of gentility, moving the nervous system into its parasympathetic state. Add to this, meditation with light and color and nutrition focusing on yin and an alkaline diet (state in the body) and you’ve got an idea of the direction.

Thank you so much for your response InnerAthlete. I think I got caught up in concern over the tissue & lost sight of working with the element/dosha. Sometimes it just needs someone to light a candle & the room is flooded with light. That’s what you’ve done in my mind & it’s greatly appreciated. I’ve started work on a yoga session for him & am feeling confident that it will be beneficial. Thanks once again :slight_smile:

You’re welcome.

Great @InnerAthIe I was looking for same thing, Thanks