Yoga for enlarged prostate/testicular pain

please suggest some yoga for enlarged prostate/testicular pain. im male 47 years abt 80 kg weight otherwise in ok health.i want yoga poses for enlarged prostate and also dull pain in one testes

Postures alone would not be enough. For a complete protocol one must also address their living, their diet, their emotions, their thoughts and their actions.

inner athlete or somebody please advice in told vajrasana may help.also balasana.i have developed left testes pain while masturbating which subsided but took therafter a shape of a dull sensation in the left on very strong antibiotics for the last 3 someweher the pain might be due to some nerve system connected from the lower vertebra to the testes hence one has to massage these points.

Having had a prostatectomy and having experienced great recuperative results, I can tell that all of yoga is geared to reverse a major part of what leads to prostate problems, which is the downward flow of life energy normally experienced as the sex drive. In particular the pelvic girdle ( in B.K.S. Iyengar’s Light on Yoga book any asana that says it helps control sexual desire ( note: not negate but control ) is especially good ) aswini mudra, uddiyana bandha etc.I stopped incontinence within a few days after intensely doing aswini mudra though of course since I was already in general good shape my results may be quicker than average but I could see a cause and effect relationship. The Kegel exercises your doctor gave you are also good but yoga is better. Start with butt clinching to get a general experience and move gradually inward to the delicate small muscles of the perineum. Down dog , forward bends, mountain with attention to pulling up the pelvic girdle etc.- it helps to isolate the area you want by pointing the toes out with heels in. Regular practice of these will bring whatever help is available from your body but improves anyones quality of life. I remember the sensation of almost flight just walking after learning to experience my psoas muscles more. And it continues improving ad elysium. hope this helps , namaste

oh, and diet too - I am a vegetarian now and I believe that’s appropriate for yoga and what’s good for yoga is good to counter prostate problems

I’d also want to emphasize I know nothing about testicular pain and due to the complexities of prostatitis of which I know only a little more than nothing I’d say to pass any new intervention through your urologist, including the seemingly harmless things I have listed. Even the masturbation- tell the urologist about that too. From wiki-pedia it says some things can cause a spread of infection from the prostate- that danger I’d guess would be present if they have prescribed anti-biotics at all. Best of luck.

Maybe it (testicle pain) comes from calcium build up, do you use supplement?

Prostate health is of great concern for men today. Preventive measures may help reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Usually, men over 40 start experiencing prostate health problems.

The prostate is an exocrine gland of the male reproductive system that acts as a valve directing the flow of urine and sperm.

An enlarged prostate is a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland. Most prostate problems such as prostate infection, BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia), and prostatitis are caused by an enlarged prostate.

Common symptoms of an enlarged prostate include urination problems, lower back pain, dysuria, and chronic pelvic pain syndrome.

Natural supplements for prostate health are designed to improve the overall health of the prostate gland. They may also decrease the risk of the development of prostate disorders.

The following are the ten best supplements for prostate health:

  1. Herbal remedies are regarded as some of the best prostate health supplements. Saw palmetto works to reduce the size of enlarged prostates and relieves urinary problems.

  2. Nettle root is an effective natural supplement for prostate health. It reduces obstruction of urinary flow. Pygeum improves urinary symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate.

  3. Red clover contains an antioxidant that fights cancerous growth. Red clover inhibits DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) formation.

  4. Doses of vitamin C and vitamin B6 are also some of the best supplements for prostate health. They make urination easier and prevent swelling.

  5. Another supplement for an enlarged prostate is soy (miso, soy milk) and fish oil. Selenium, found in brazil nuts, slows the progression of tumor growth.

6.Lycopene contains powerful antioxidants. Lycopene, found in red tomatoes and other tomato-based products (like ketchup and puree), is a natural supplement for prostate health.

  1. Fruits like guavas, watermelon, and pink grapefruit act as natural supplements for prostate health. Fructose (the sugar found in fruits) stimulates the production of vitamin D that inhibits tumors.

  2. Garlic, turmeric, ginger, and rosemary act as supplements for an enlarged prostate. Other enlarged prostate health supplements include skullcap, holy basil, and oregano.

  3. Green tea (EGCG) may prevent prostate cancer by acting as a natural inhibitor of an enlarged prostate.

  4. Zinc supplements taken with copper are also recommended for the treatment of an enlarged prostate.

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Asana is not a pill to be prescribed for this and that. As such I need to know more about you - your practice level, it’s style, frequency, duration … your overall health, your diet, your type of work … this in addition to the symptoms, some of which you’ve alluded to - also what makes this better/worse, cold, heat, morning, evening, standing, sitting, lying down … and finally, so that I’m not wasting my time and energy, what you are willing to do in order to facilitate change.


[QUOTE=anirudh;82986]inner athlete or somebody please advice in told vajrasana may help.also balasana.i have developed left testes pain while masturbating which subsided but took therafter a shape of a dull sensation in the left on very strong antibiotics for the last 3 someweher the pain might be due to some nerve system connected from the lower vertebra to the testes hence one has to massage these points.[/QUOTE]

regular practice of aswini mudra will keep hemmoroids away as well.

fakeyogis i dnt use calcium or any supplement.thanks for the diet advice.please advice any yogasanas

in the end the general theme of a therapy ?amroli kriya? works IF everything didnot

Is anulom vilom bad for prostatae problems,pl advice.any other yoga recommended…what abt kapalbhatee

prostate enlargement treatment very irritating problem for man because not control the pain But If you more pain so you can Read this blog more define the ayurvedic treatment enlarged prostate