"Yoga is offering to 330 million Hindu gods, and it is scary

Suhas, Ramakrishna did not have know about all religions, he had a superficial understanding of Islam and Christianity, so he is not qualified to make the statement all religions are true, because he is interpreting Islam and Christianity through Hinduism. He does not seem to realize that Islam and Christianity violently oppose his statement. Islam and Christianity do not believe all religions are true, they believe their way is the only way.

Swami Vivekananda was more educated than Ramakrishna, knew more about Christianity and Islam than he did, and he made many critical comments on them in speeches delivered to native audiences. He did not make similar comments when addressing Western audiences because it would have alienated them.

I will not venture into judging either Ramakrishna or Vivekanand. First, my knowledge is not first-hand but limited to what I read about them; secondly, I am acutely aware of the coloring of my own thoughts and the conditioning of my world-view and refuse to blind myself by the practice in the hands of wrong people to invalidate the basic principles of any teaching; thirdly, walking on the same path I can see that they were miles ahead in self-realization and also know that intellectual dissection is alien on this path as personal opinions are crippling when taken as objective assertions.

Thanks anyways for a lot of useful information given otherwise.

Thanks InnerAthlete for the links.

Surya Deva has a way of being a pin in the arse but you know what he is right more often than not and I agree with him on this.

Stating Hinduism is not a religion makes good sense and in fact raises it above the stain on humanities track record throughout the ages placed there by the various religions.