My name is Matthias and this is my first post on this forum.
Maybe it’s best if I start this thread with sharing what I want to achieve with my yoga and meditation.
First of all I want to get rid off, or at least calm, my anxiety. That’s my main goal.
The second goal is to get a healthy and flexible body (I’m extremly stiff). No need to be super strong and ripped.
I understand both of these goals are not easy achieved, especially as I’m kind of the opposite today.
Moving on, I’m a beginner yogis, have been doing yoga on my gym for about a year, on and off.
I really have been struggeling as I’m VERY stiff and have a hard time doing all the postures correctly. I’ve been thinking that I just have to be consistent and things will turn out alright.
As my lack of flexibility makes me kind of modify all the poses so that I can do them, maybe I don’t stretch the right muscles.
So I was thinking, does yoga really have to be the traditional yoga postures? Can’t I just do regular strechtes and apply all the other aspects (breathing etc) of yoga to that?
Another thing I really wonder is about the breathing. How should I breath? I read different opinions everywhere. Should I breath in one way when I do yoga, one way when I meditate, one way in everyday life?
I know this is some extensive questions, so I’m glad with any help I can get.
Best Regards