Namaste to all the forum
Unfortunately since my prevous message, nothing has really changed and I am still strugling with mind strugles and body stifness.
The only difference is I cleared the table by exploring all the possible causes for my body and muscle extreme stiffness. After several visit with an Osteopath, with pain doctors and several exams at a Neuro Muscular Center in one of the best hospital in France, it seems like “everything is normal”. Blood tests, neuro muscular effort test, MRI, electro-myogram etc… all is normal and doesn’t show any form of bad health; actually it’s quite the opposite, everything is normal as in “i’m in good health” and don’t lack any mineral or vitamin .
I even have to wear a jaw brace at night and when at rest to avoid clenching my teeth , which the osteopath said could be the reason I have muscle stress and stiffness all over my body.
It’s been 3 weeks now and it doesn’t help!
I stay positive and focused, I swim, do light work out to make sure my muscles pump blood, I have the healthiest diet any individual could have; complemented with the right and 100% natural supplement. I practice Yoga; I stretch; I meditate, do a pranayama session every other day for 30mn !!
But it is becoming worse, after meditation sometimes I find myself being more stressed and feeling angry for no reason. I keep fighting and strugling in my mind with imaginary problems. I can’t focus about anything at work and I can’t accomplish any task fully before I need to stand, walk, do something else. I am restless and very stressed. My shoulders and chest are completely locked, I tried so many different yoga and stretch poses but none helped, it relaxes for few mn then go back to its previous state of tension and stress…
My social life, my professional life are suffering from this, I have no family life as I don’t even have a girlfriend, I can’t go out and meet people so I moved to my parents place , at 38 years old!!
sorry if my message is so long and if my english is hard to understand for you, but I am hopeless at this stage. I would like to be able to live a normal life , even though I already do; I am blessed to be born in a good family and I don’t need anything material really, I have my both legs and I can consider myself as being “in good health” but this physical ailment makes my life miserable and really sad at this moment…
Thanks for your time and your advices if some of you feel they can help