Yoga, meditation and semen retention

I have been practicing meditation twice daily and experimenting with semen retention. Today I meditated twice and was still very anxious. Later on I ejaculated and instantly felt so much better. What forms of yoga and meditation are best for creating the relaxing benefits of orgasm in a man without the need to ejaculate?

Any form of yoga will work if center of your awareness is on mind rather than on desire (here sex)

This situation is like a person who stops food thinking he is doing fasting but lands up on starvation.

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There's a dimple between the anus and penis when you press you will not ejaculate. Sitting in 1/2 lotus with heel against that spot may work.

One of the benefits of yoga is mental clarity and focus. The technique of meditation is itself calming, and yoga's physical poses can relieve stress, making you more able to focus on your meditation.
Most of the benefits of meditation are mental, but physical benefits also come from regular practice. Meditation can lower blood pressure, improve posture, and increase circulation. It can also increase mental clarity, especially in its early stages.

Meditation isn't easy, though. It requires concentration, and concentration requires discipline. But you can develop the discipline with practice. In time, meditation becomes easier, less demanding. It not only clears your mind, it clears you.

Hey all,
Izzy here. I have put together some easy to follow guides for beginners, if you’re interested check them out on my website. The guides include, Beginner Guide to Yoga, Easing Your Stress with Yoga, Meditation Technique, Mindfulness Meditation and Breath Watching Meditation.
Hope this will help someone.
Talk soon