Hi, I haven’t done yoga yet but I just read about it. My opinion is, it doesn’t CURE mental illness nor does it deal with mental illness directly compare to some of today Western Methods however; I wont ignore some of the information about how it help and assist the mind, body and spirit.
With that being said, I read some of your previous posts, and I was wondering what exactly is your mental illness? You seem like you have been in a similar boat like me. My mental illness is different. I had no friends because of it, no relationship, work etc. I thought about suicide a bit in my past but I never did it. Why? I thought suicide is taking the easy way out. I feel I was born for reason. Out of 50 million swimmers (sperm), I won the race. With that being said, I know I’m here for reason.
Anyway, I have social anxiety which cause all of my pain and problems. To make the long story short, I just kept seeking help to solve my issues. I read multiple books, did multiple treatments. Now, I have friends and my SA is very low. To the point, it is like I dont have social anxiety anymore.
So the point of what I’m saying is you just need a different method to heal you problem. Maybe in the future, yoga will be useful for it but right now I dont think it is.