Yoga obsession

I feel that Im getting a bit to involved with yoga. Im having difficulty getting away from the computer to actually engage in yoga. I spend hours reading at this forum. I end up in places I never dreamed of. Im like a sponge taking in every last drop of information about the many different types of yoga. I never came to yoga for any kind of spirituality but Im also fixiated on that. Im learning more about meditation and where that can take you. I just read that people have had their tongues cut for yoga purposes. Could this lead to insanity? This cant be healthy. Is this common for new people? Now I know why I keep hearing…find a teacher. I have studying to do but cannot concentrate.

Okay I have to ask, what does yoga say about obsession? I can walk away from this at any time but Im still here.

Cutting the tongue. Its basically a lingual frenectomy. A tongue tied person needs this to speak normal.
It will not drive you insane.
Thirst for knowledge is good. Dont slow down! Keep absorbing. If you slow down,it could be hard to speed back up.

Dont get lost within the fragments of yoga. Pm me if you would like to discuss some topics. Although you must know. Many people prefer not to talk to me. They want to keep things mystical. To me. All things can be rationally understood.

Thanks for your kindness Avatar! I know what a lingual frenectomy is but the yogis are not doing it because they are tongue tied haha. I agree with you about thirst for knowledge. At the moment I am just physically exhausted. Why do you think people here prefer not to talk to you?

Who knows!
I can’t even seem to invoke criticism. :p.

Ah yes. The 11th? Cranial nerve runs into the tongue. They use it to stimulate other nerves. I have frequently thought of khechari. Even started snipping. But I know from personal experiance it is not necessary. Then if becomes a question of usefulness. And I cannot judge its usefulness for I can’t yet perform khechari.

Maybe I’m avoided due to my grammar? :stuck_out_tongue:

I hear ya, girl. I also have been spending more time obsessively reading about yoga than actually practicing. :lol:

I think it’s because it’s just such a larger presence than it was at first. Some of us start practicing for various reasons, but when you realize there is so much more to it than A or B, it tends to take over. In some ways, I think that when we touch the [I]otherness[/I] that is yoga aside from the asanas, it shows a glimpse of how things could be.
I feel this happens more when a person might be a bit spiritually lost, or dealing with difficulties in our normal lives. It gives hope that yoga is a magic wand that can fix everything. Even though this isn’t strictly true, it does make one realize that our every little thought and every action has an impact, and we have the power to be better people in many ways.

Lmao. Yoga is magical. If you know the nich. Lol.
I’ve spent 7 years failing. But that’s only cause I know what I’m trying to do and what needs to be done.I’ve obsessively researched for 7 years with a 3 month break.
pranayama is controlled nostril hyperventilation. Also known as decarbonization of the blood.
kundalini is reversing apana channel of the bladder/kidney. Reversal of apana can be done with the breath.

Without details this is as simplistic as I can make it. Although men and woman anatomy are slightly different. And that does count.

PS. This is the core. As addressed by the rapists and yogas.
I did forget to mention samadhi. Which is the Tao. And is cessation of brain fluctuations while.consciouse. like being in deep sleep while aware
Although beyond that. Mastery being moving while remaining in that state.

[QUOTE=TGKvr;79491]I hear ya, girl. I also have been spending more time obsessively reading about yoga than actually practicing. :lol:

I think it’s because it’s just such a larger presence than it was at first. Some of us start practicing for various reasons, but when you realize there is so much more to it than A or B, it tends to take over. In some ways, I think that when we touch the [I]otherness[/I] that is yoga aside from the asanas, it shows a glimpse of how things could be.
I feel this happens more when a person might be a bit spiritually lost, or dealing with difficulties in our normal lives. It gives hope that yoga is a magic wand that can fix everything. Even though this isn’t strictly true, it does make one realize that our every little thought and every action has an impact, and we have the power to be better people in many ways.[/QUOTE]

There are hidden treasures and we have the power to find them. We could even reach a level of power that would allow us somehow to communicate with animals haha. How far can we go with this? Its overwhelming and difficult to imagine. In all seriousnness its a little frightening.

I’m so sorry. I meant Taoist. I am on the net via phone. Autocorrect got the best of me.
sad panda. No reply for me? Lol

Ive had a lingual frenectomy. A decade ago got the symbol for the left hand tantric path tattooed over my heart which is a backward swastika. I dont see obsession with yoga a bad thing. IMO it is the way to enlightenment, you dont find enlightenment from casually looking up on the subject but by dedicating your entire being to it.