Hi all,
I am new to this forum.
I have been suffering from anal stenosis for the last few years. Basically, this is a problem of the internal sphincter, which does not relax. This has the effect of an increased sphincter muscle tone, which does not allow the anus to expand properly. As you can imagine, it is not a very pleasant feeling…
I went to the urologist, an 80 years old doctor who did Yoga in his past, and his solution was doing a very basic relaxation posture every day before going to sleep. The posture consists on kneeing on the edge of the bed, with the anus facing the outside of the bed. The knees have to be well part. In other words it is as if you, very relaxed, were going to evacuate outside the bed. Kind of child pose with open knees…
It is working for me, but every now and again I still suffer from the same problem. I was wondering if you knew any other Yoga posture that can help me to relax the sphincter. Thus, I can incorporate them into my Yoga practice. Please note, I should not contract the sphincter at all
Many many thanks!!!