Yoga postures to relax anal sphincter

Hi all,

I am new to this forum.

I have been suffering from anal stenosis for the last few years. Basically, this is a problem of the internal sphincter, which does not relax. This has the effect of an increased sphincter muscle tone, which does not allow the anus to expand properly. As you can imagine, it is not a very pleasant feeling…

I went to the urologist, an 80 years old doctor who did Yoga in his past, and his solution was doing a very basic relaxation posture every day before going to sleep. The posture consists on kneeing on the edge of the bed, with the anus facing the outside of the bed. The knees have to be well part. In other words it is as if you, very relaxed, were going to evacuate outside the bed. Kind of child pose with open knees…

It is working for me, but every now and again I still suffer from the same problem. I was wondering if you knew any other Yoga posture that can help me to relax the sphincter. Thus, I can incorporate them into my Yoga practice. Please note, I should not contract the sphincter at all

Many many thanks!!!

Perhaps this issues is Psychosomatic?

anything troubling occur that you haven’t dealt with but merely locked away?

thanks for your reply,

I would prefer if it was phychosomatic and take a completely different angle to go about it. Unfortunately, it is a physical problem that some people have since they are born. The more common solution, which I want to avoid, is going for surgery. This consists of cutting a portion of the anal sphincter muscle, which reduces tension of the anal sphincter.

My chosen path is using Yoga to relax the anal sphincter muscle instead of surgery.


[QUOTE=pgames;47630]thanks for your reply,

I would prefer if it was phychosomatic and take a completely different angle to go about it. Unfortunately, it is a physical problem that some people have since they are born. The more common solution, which I want to avoid, is going for surgery. This consists of cutting a portion of the anal sphincter muscle, which reduces tension of the anal sphincter.

My chosen path is using Yoga to relax the anal sphincter muscle instead of surgery.


Just a blind shot from me. I take lousy ones everyonce in a while. I didn’t think it through very long.


Don’t worry. You were just trying to help!


Have you though about or tried learning/using uddiyana bandha so you can kind of tackle this problem from the opposite end, so to speak? Uddiyana bandha (as I understand it) is contracting the lower abdomen, and can be applied during all phases of breathing, inhale, exhale and kumbhaka. You can then look into the stomach churning kriya yoga techniques that may be benefical to relaxing your sphincter. I would also imagine that some gentle forward bends might help or just gentle deep breathing along with cat/cow and child’s pose.

Thanks for your reply rechaka,

Doing Uddiyana bandha is an interesting option. I was also considering doing Pranayama, which I have never done before.

I am not familiar with kriya yoga techniques. Are those techniques oriented to meditation?


Hi pgames,

I think you could say kriya (cleaning) techniques are indeed helpful for meditation or at least calming the monkey mind. After all I think I’m right in saying once you have a certain level of mastery of the stomach, toungue and breath it’s a lot easier to rest the mind, body, emotions etc, letting flow of thoughts settle and feel peace. Persoanlly I only used a few kriya, like sometimes in the morning I do uddiyana bandha then Nauli (stomach churning) and neti (nostril cleaning). Im still learning Nauli as it seems to be the more regular I am with asana, and the less food I eat, Nauli becomes a lot more natural and pleasant.


Kriya is a doing or action. Kriya yoga is the yoga of doing.

Uddiyana Bandha is the drawing in of the abdominal cavity from the pubis to the xiphoid process. Shat karmas are cleansings and as such they are doing and therefore they are kriya.

It would be most profound to approach the current issue in terms of lifestyle, nutrition, meditation, asana, and pranayama. I would use only that which allows, releases, lets go, calms, and sedates the body and its systems.

thanks InnerAthlete,

Are you basically suggesting to treat this localised problem as an issue related to the whole body? Interesting
I also think that incorportating meditation and pranayama into my Yoga routines might be a good idea.


Try prasarita padottanasana, pawan muktasana and Uttanasana…these are recommended for anal fissures for relaxing anal muscles.

[QUOTE=pgames;47611]Hi all,

I am new to this forum.

I have been suffering from anal stenosis for the last few years. Basically, this is a problem of the internal sphincter, which does not relax. This has the effect of an increased sphincter muscle tone, which does not allow the anus to expand properly. As you can imagine, it is not a very pleasant feeling…

I went to the urologist, an 80 years old doctor who did Yoga in his past, and his solution was doing a very basic relaxation posture every day before going to sleep. The posture consists on kneeing on the edge of the bed, with the anus facing the outside of the bed. The knees have to be well part. In other words it is as if you, very relaxed, were going to evacuate outside the bed. Kind of child pose with open knees…

It is working for me, but every now and again I still suffer from the same problem. I was wondering if you knew any other Yoga posture that can help me to relax the sphincter. Thus, I can incorporate them into my Yoga practice. Please note, I should not contract the sphincter at all

Many many thanks!!![/QUOTE]

You could try Ashwini Mudra which contracts and relaxes the anal sphinctre.

That is, of course, the holistic approach, right? To look at the body as a set of inter-related systems rather than treating one isolated part. Yoga is, to me, a holistic system. It would not be the best system to use for a person seeking an alopathic approach, though it may still, in that context, provide so “help”.

[QUOTE=pgames;47819]thanks InnerAthlete,

Are you basically suggesting to treat this localised problem as an issue related to the whole body? Interesting
I also think that incorportating meditation and pranayama into my Yoga routines might be a good idea.

I have a similar problem. I developed the problem after an injury, and subsequent painkiller use (the opiates were the cause, not the accident). Since then I have had to consciously try to relax the sphincter, and often times am unable to do so completely. It is very frustrating, and feels unhealthy. I have noticed that diet can aggravate the condition; coffee does so slightly, and alcohol magnifies the symptom 5 fold! That fact gives me hope that there are foods that may have the opposite effect. If anyone knows anything about such a diet, pleasepleaseplease let me know. I would pay greatly to be able to FULLY relax, once again.

hi author_krishna

plz add snap shots of these asanas. what precautions need to be taken?

I think the more common solution, which I want to avoid, is going for surgery. This consists of cutting a portion of the anal sphincter muscle…


Why don’t you try Siddhasana. It will immediately contract the external and the internal sphincter muscles strongly. It has many other benefits. This is a very common asana. Hope this will be helpful

Meek Leo
Trainer-Yoga San Diego

Hi. Have you had any luck? I recently had a rectocele repair and hysterectomy and am having the same painful problem. Could you share the rest of your experience?
