Where do you find inspiration for your yoga routines? Do you find routines on the internet, in books, or on DVD? Do you create your own routines?
I selected a practice that has conveyed sequencing to me through the teachings. And I’ve had quite a bit of personal practice, teacher training, and dedicated time spent with my teacher.
In the early part of my practice (read: the first year or three) I relied on a single sequence repeated every time I practiced asana AND the three or so drop-in classes I attended each week. Today however, it is my belief that Intro classes should prepare students for safe level I participation and level I classes should begin to cultivate enough juice in the consciousness and physiology of the student to make their home practice possible.
Because of asana have both physical and psychological effects (or residue) the sequencing of poses is an art form. Great teachers learn this art form over years of study and practice. Alas many teacher believe they are masters after a 200-hour training. What one finds on the Internet I simply cannot speak to as I’ve not seen much of it.
Wow. I never realized there was so much to it. I didn’t know that yoga could be an art form, although I do love to watch someone with experience. I thought I would start practicing at home, but maybe I should take some classes first.
In referencing the sequencing (only) perhaps a better term would have been “subtle science”. Some tell me art is in the eye of the beholder
Practice at home. Take some classes. But find a good source before you etch unwholesome patterns. It makes the growing (as a human being) so much easier.
Well, I do agree with you that art (like beauty) is in the eye of the beholder, but I didn’t even realize that there was a science (however subtle) to sequencing the moves. I’ve watched people perform yoga before and I have noticed some patterns, in terms of certain moves commonly following others, but I never knew there was a specific reason behind it.
I think I will take some classes before I try to build my own routine at home.
Asana has physiology and psychology. Just because one thing follows another in someone’s sequence does not inherently mean a) they know what they are doing or b) the physiology AND psychology fit together. The Internet is littered with the ridiculous, often sheltered under the tree of “Yoga”.
Ah, I understand. So, when I begin looking for yoga classes, is there a way that I can tell that the teacher actually knows what they’re doing? How can I be assured that I’m learning from a true master, or at least from someone that knows well enough to teach it?
[QUOTE=yoga4Astrongback;78595]Where do you find inspiration for your yoga routines? Do you find routines on the internet, in books, or on DVD? Do you create your own routines?[/QUOTE]
I practice Ashtanga so the routine is fixed. But at home I follow inspiration coming from my body. At beginning I usually lie down on the mat to rest a while, and then just do whatever I feel like to without thinking. Its a good practice (letting your body to guide you instead your head or external guide) and I always feel more “in tune” with myself.
By feel my friend, by feel.