Yoga sabbatical?


After years of practice and and a few years of teaching, I, as a 53 year old male with some typical 53 year old physical problems, was given the opportunity to complete 200 hour YTT part time (one weekend a month).

Then, because the practice I taught was not popular (yin/restorative/Nidra) the studio I taught at cancelled my class due to too few students.

I’ve had several offers since my ryt-200 but instead have not taught or practiced in months.

I could offer more back story of "small town and competing studios but instead would like to know if I am alone in my separation or what I might do to help me at the very least return to yoga.


Interesting. I’m also in my fifties but don’t seem to have any health problems (knock wood) due partly, I like to think, to a lifetime of doing yoga. What are your fifties-related ailments?

As for separation from your practice, might I suggest a change in modality? I’ve often found that if I feel burned out or disconnected from my practice just doing something different for a while brings me back round. I’m an astanga guy mostly, but I have also gone for months doing kundalini instead, or just holding given poses for very long times and focusing on my breath. Some change in your perspective might help you re-connect.

In my tradition practice comes first. Then people may come to join and learn from you if then find your teaching appealing to them. If not - well, just enjoy your own practice. I suggest that you burned because you have expected people to follow you and your teaching and they did not.? maybe? some of that… right? separate teaching and practice id think…

Some misunderstand the nature of dharma (yogic not religious) thus believing it remains constant. Instead, one’s life purpose or mission changes over time. It is for this reason that svadhyaya (self-study of self-inquiry) is so crucial on the path.

I mention this because while one’s practice can, and often does, have an ebb and flow, and such a current can result in breaks (what you refer to as separation), it is also quite possible that your calling lies elsewhere. This could be for the moment or over the long term.

One of the lessons for me personally in the ebb and flow I mention above is how to be kind to myself around my practice (or lack thereof) and not to get caught up in the expectations of others or my own projections of who I [I]might[/I] be (instead of who I am).

There is also a tendency for practitioners who are only doing asana, doing the physical practice without yama and niyama, without meditation, without pranayama, to eventually “burn out”. This in much the same way any machine constantly run without a robust maintenance cycle would eventually stop. An asana-only practice may initially (10 years) feel like enough or plenty … but over time it’s hollowness is revealed and the absence of the supporting limbs, the framing, the foundation, do matter.

Finally, there are times in one’s practice where inspiration from a teacher of merit is incredibly helpful in finding dark corners, illuminating them, and rekindling the embers of a practice fire that once burned brightly. The term guru literally means remover of darkness and so I’m alluding to something more than a teacher/instructor but not at all alluding to someone who makes you a serf to their lordship. Such a person is tough to find. But perhaps some classes with some others might be “for you”.

It is what Patanjali’s refers to as “discernment” that we cultivate in order to suss out which of the above are true for us (or not at all true for us). I hope something here is helpful for you in the exploration that lies ahead.


I taught was not popular (yin/restorative/Nidra)

You need to ask one question as city monk said that irrespective of anyone coming to you or not, are you enjoying practicing on you what you teach ?

As far as money is concerned, if you are very good at giving RIGHT benefit to the people that they are seeking for then they will follow you no matter which approach you take. Technically, your method should be very sound.

Yoga sabbatical?

Yoga is like breathing, how come anyone can take sabbatical if he/she loves practicing yoga.

Right on , Gordon, teacher/guru is a must for teachers;)