Yoga sequence and duration

I constantly refine my yoga practices. Want to point out that, my
aim is purely physical…whatever spirtual benefits I get, I will take it.
I do it only twice a week as my games(soccer) doesn’t suit me to do this everyday.

Your feedback/comments appreciated about this sequence and duration. Please feel free add/delete.

savasana ( 2 minutes)

boat pose ( 5 times)
medu dadasana ( 5 times)

bhujangasana( twice with 12-15 breath)
salabhasan( 5 times)

ardha matsyedrasana (one each side with 12-15 breaths duration)

janu sirsana (one each leg with 12-15 breaths duration)

uttrasana(camel pose) ( twice with with 12-15 breaths duration)

viparita karani(60-90 seconds)
shoulder stand(60-90 seconds)
fish pose( 20 breaths

savasana ( 5 minute)



you don’t really outline your purpose for this particular sequence/practice. I understand it’s physical but beyond that I would be making massive assumptions.

Intention aside, I’ll comment on what you have shared.

I don’t begin a practice with Savasana. It is a pose used for bringing the central nervous system into a parasympathetic state. Ergo it is used at the end of a practice to calm the systems before returning to the real, and slightly jarring outer world.

Because this is the nature of Savasana, two minutes would not be sufficient. Five to 8 minutes would be a minimum. But of course if you like it and it works for you…

When I teach/practice I use the first minutes of that practice to ready the body for the asana to come. Navasana is not a posture I would begin any practice with as it places immediate and significant demand on the hip flexors, a part of the body in most people which is chronically tight and short. It also therefore sacrifices well being in the sacrum and lumbar spine.

I don’t know what medu dandasana is. Dandasana is a sound pose for an opening but it is not, in and of itself a complete (or even partial) opening.

Then you move into Bhujangasana (a beginning back bend). And this is without any inversion of the spinal column whatsoever. Generally speaking, backbends and twists follow inversions so that the spine may release for such poses. Perhaps Sirsasana is “not your bag” but adho mukha svanasana may be. Salabhasana is a back strengthener not a back bend, and then Ustrasana, which is a backbend is somewhere else in your sequence. Puzzling why another backbend would not be with it’s brethren. But it can be so however it needs to be correlated to purpose. Additionally, twists follow backbends, they do not come before them (in a practice which emphasizes safety).

Viparita Karani is a calming pose and that is best set just before savasana rather than before Sarvangasana. And after the neck opening in sarvangasana we do not bear weight on the head is it is risky for the cervical spine. So as long as you are not resting weight in “fish pose” then it is ok, though we do not do it as a regular part of a sequencing.

I’m winded.

[QUOTE=Layman;50049]I constantly refine my yoga practices. Want to point out that, my
aim is purely physical…whatever spirtual benefits I get, I will take it.
I do it only twice a week as my games(soccer) doesn’t suit me to do this everyday.

Your feedback/comments appreciated about this sequence and duration. Please feel free add/delete.

savasana ( 2 minutes)

boat pose ( 5 times)
medu dadasana ( 5 times)

bhujangasana( twice with 12-15 breath)
salabhasan( 5 times)

ardha matsyedrasana (one each side with 12-15 breaths duration)

janu sirsana (one each leg with 12-15 breaths duration)

uttrasana(camel pose) ( twice with with 12-15 breaths duration)

viparita karani(60-90 seconds)
shoulder stand(60-90 seconds)
fish pose( 20 breaths

savasana ( 5 minute)


I will suggest the following sequence:-

(a) Shavasan— 5 min
(b) Kapalbhati…2 min
© Shirshasan…2 min
(d) Sarvangasan…3 min
(e) Halasan…2 min
(f) Matysyaasan… 1 min
(h) Paschimatanno asan 1 min
(i) Bhujang asan 2 min
(j) Shalab asan 1 min
(k) Dhanur asan 1 min
(l) Ardha Matsyandra asan 1 min each side X 2
(m) Kaka asan 1 min
(n) Chakra asan 1 min
(o) pada hasta asan 2 min
§ Trikona asan 1 min each side X 2
(q) Bhadra asan 1 min
® Yoga Mudra 1 min
(s) Kapalabhati 2 min
(t) Shava asan 5 min


“I constantly refine my yoga practices. Want to point out that, my aim is purely physical”

It is not really the case. You may think your aim is physical, but it is fundamentally psychological. You want to use yoga not because you feel it will enhance your misery, but because you feel it will bring you happiness or well being in whatever form you have imagined.


So, what is your purpose? You say it is physical, but what are you trying to accomplish?

Gordon posted very well sounded points from a practical and safety minded standpoint. And Gordon, perhaps he meant MeruDandasana instead of Medu. If that is true, it’s the spinal column pose, or flowering lotus as I like to call it. If this is the case, it is a very intense hamstring and groin stretch and should be practiced toward the end of ones practice.

If you are just trying to get some well rounded stretches in, I may suggest the following:

~5 minutes centering/pranayam

~Reclined pigeon (Hold each side for 1 minute for release of piriformis)
~Happy Baby
~Cow Face
~Cat/Cow Can add quad stretch by grabbing onto r foot w L hand and lifting. Repeat other side.
~Several rounds of Surya Namaskar W/alternating backbends and forward bends
~Warrrior I and II
~Prasarita Padottansana (a milder hamstring stretch)
~Dynamic Plough pose (moving from paschimottanasana to plough in a dynamic sequence)
~Ardha Matsyandrasana
~Modified boat, 3 reps then coming up into full boat. You are laying down and only lift feet, head/chest and arms a couple inches. Nice way to get into full boat.
~MeruDandasana (spinal column pose)
~Baddha Konasana
~Supta Baddha Konasana (wonderful for realigning and rebalancing)
~Vipariti Karani

Hope this helps!


Wonderful words.

I do a lot of basics. Downward dog into Cobra pose (I think that’s what it’s called) It really important to get my forward and backward bending loose and lubed, cause I do a lot of Kettlebell swings and snatches. Also I do a whole bunch of hip and leg joint stuff. My goal is to get into full lotus without using hands. Cause I do Mixed Martial Art, this is a powerful ability to have for fighting on your back. If you can do full lotus without using hands, you can choke the crap out of anyone who’s on top of you, or at least give them an incredibly hard time.
I also do child pose, and that one that is like child pose with your arms driving forward and more Cobra, and Shavasasnansansana… what ever that laying down one is called, and stuff like that to help me relax before bed.

[quote=YogiAdam;50136] If you can do full lotus without using hands, you can choke the crap out of anyone who’s on top of you, or at least give them an incredibly hard time.[/quote] I can see you’re a charmer…lol

…and stuff like that to help me relax before bed.
Maybe omit that particular manouvre …lol

[QUOTE=core789;50137]I can see you’re a charmer…lol
Maybe omit that particular manouvre …lol[/QUOTE]

Actually I do have some charm. I smile a lot and joke around. Old ladies like me when I serve them at work, and so do some young ladies even.

What, omit relaxing before bed?.. well what then, should I pop sleeping pills? lol You and your drug habits :slight_smile:

Only kiiddinig Yogi.

I know you and the zimmer frame must have a special bond…lol

Said in good humour of course.:smiley:

Yes, YogiAdam, I can see you charming those old ladies!

[QUOTE=lotusgirl;50157]Yes, YogiAdam, I can see you charming those old ladies![/QUOTE]

lol, I went tell you about the old men.


lol…and why not?


lol…and why not?[/QUOTE]

Yes, tell all Yogi!

Lol, no I’m kidding. There’s nothing to tell (gulp, phew!)
