Yoga sequence for spondylolisthesis

Good Day,

I am a Pilates practitioner, massage/bodywork therapist and fitness instructor; I have also been a fan of yoga (primarily Ashtanga, Vinyasa flow) however, after having been diagnosed with spondylolisthesis (slipped vertabrae of the lumbar spine - NOT disc) and experiencing alot of pain throughout the practice, I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions for a yoga sequence that may be beneficial for me.

I have access to some great teachers here on my island in the Caribbean, however, none of them are at all familiar with my condition. I wanted to expand my search for help!


So have you been having problem with your back before when doing pilates? or did it just came after doing vinyasa? Which makes me think no one corrected your posture nor put any attention in doing so?

You should do a yoga that is slow to begin with and avoid bending your back too much. Preferrably laying down and do asanas to strengthen your stomach and back. And if it hurts stop. Always listen to your body.

IF you do yoga where there is speed involved you are much likely to get hurt if not done properly or doing advanced poses as a beginner. You need slow movement.

is it backbending , trianglepose that hurts or which asanas does hurt?

Actually i dont know why there is speedi yoga as yoga should be calm and not stressful, thats what i think. But its good with diversity so everyone can choose what they like. We all need to start somewhere.

hard to say dear… difenately would recommend restorative yoga, savasana, meditation, mantra, mudra and breathing… but poses…not sure…need more info

mudra - interlaced middle fingers for 10 min each day, reduces spinal discomfort
mantra - Vam (seed for svadhistana) + om tara swaha (for lower back pain)
guided imaginary (water, moon, moon reflection)
breathing into the pain region (direct prana)…

well… what caused the vert to slip? which one is it (L-12345?)?

Spondylolisthesis of grade 1 & 2 are manageable with Yoga therapy, Chiropractice and Osteopathy and physiotherapy. Grade 3 & 4 of the same problem needs surgical intervention.
For management of symptoms such as backache, etc and prevention of the problem; following set of asanas is beneficial:

  1. Ardha Uttanasana (with hands kept shoulder width apart on the chair top or wall with height of hip)
  2. Ardha Setubandhasana (simply press the lower back, with knees bend, against the floor and cirl the tail bone in).
  3. Adhomukha Swanasana (dog pose face down).
    Finally, lie on the back and keep the lower legs on the chair or some object one to one and half foot height) and relax for 5 minutes.
    I believe that above words will lead to take right direction toward management/cure of and prevention your problem. For speeding the healing process do try the mudra and mantra based meditation suggested by CITYMONK.

Thank you all for your responses! Fakeyogis, I have had back pain of some form for over 20 years after a fall (I was a dancer and dropped from a lift)…usually piriformis syndrome and sciatica. I could always control it with Pilates and some vinyasa practice; however, in the last year, the pain changed completely and would not ease up, regardless of the usual things that would calm it down. CityMonk, spondy is a very common condition in dancers and gymnasts so I assume my age of 46 has led me to this road, and moving furniture and boxes during our relocation last year seemed to seal the deal, so to speak. It is L5/S1, to be exact. Any side bending or twisting poses, as well as back extension in any shape or form, DOES NOT feel good at all so I am avoiding those altogether. HealthandYoga, Chiropractic alleviates the pain but only very temporarily, as does massage and Rolfing. I have not tried acupuncture for this condition but may, as I am a firm believer in it for many things! Physio/physical therapy has not been helpful as most of the therapists here on island use very generalized exercises that are for much more de-conditioned people than I…remember, I am on an island in the Caribbean and health care is not at all like it is Stateside or elsewhere! I will try the poses, mudra and meditation that you all suggest and see where that gets me. We do not have a yoga therapist on island so I will have to be guided any way I can! Again, many thanks and any other feedback is appreciated!