Yoga Socks. Do they work? Are they welcomed?


I haven’t taken yoga classes in a long time. I would like to. The reason why I don’t is that I have a significant cosmetic issue with my feet that will take a long time to go away. I found something called “yoga socks” on which seems like a good solution. The socks completely cover the feet and the socks have a sticky bottom to prevent sliding on a floor.

Has anyone tried these socks?

Do they work? Do they prevent sliding?

Do yoga teachers have a problem with students keeing their feet covered?

nevertried them but i can’t imagine any teacher having a problem with you wearing them. at the same time i doubt any people would protest to you practicing barefoot if your foot issue is purely cosmetic.
like you commented in the hot yoga post (shirt or no shirt?) they are there to practice yoga not make judgements on your issues
on the other hand (or foot as the case may be, groanlol) whatever you need to make you comfortable is what you should use. remember that it is your practice not the teachers, they are there to assist you

[QUOTE=LapsedSolipsist;62125]nevertried them but i can’t imagine any teacher having a problem with you wearing them. at the same time i doubt any people would protest to you practicing barefoot if your foot issue is purely cosmetic.
like you commented in the hot yoga post (shirt or no shirt?) they are there to practice yoga not make judgements on your issues
on the other hand (or foot as the case may be, groanlol) whatever you need to make you comfortable is what you should use. remember that it is your practice not the teachers, they are there to assist you[/QUOTE]

I completely agree. Nobody should be judging others on their apparel as long as you’re comfortable with what you’re wearing and practicing with the right intention in mind.

i do not like them, most of the socks are poor quality and those rubber dots on the soles go bad too quick, but when it is too cold - I do wear them

i’ve never seen anyone in class use them to be honest and i know a lot of instructors don’t like when their students wear socks. But if you tell them your issue it shouldn’t be a big deal. That being said, my friend and I are soon launching a “yoga club” where every month you get a new piece of yoga apparel or accessories for around $30 per month. Is that something you guys would be interested in ? would love to hear your thoughts

I could not tell you… my feet are to big :smiley:

There is no problem to use socks in yoga, you are even allowed to enter temples in asia with socks. If any yoga studio does not want you to wear them ask them why or just tell then before hand about your problem and they wont ask you, in india when it is cold people use socks.

And to have these non slippery socks is not needed if having a good mat as the mat in it self is sticky more ore less.