Yoga Teacher Training Nerves!

The studio I’m being trained at this winter created a Facebook group for all the students. Which is great, I’m really excited to get to know everyone. However, I was checking out there pages and half of them are actual models and most of them are already really amazing at yoga and/or super flexible.

Now, I’m not one who usually gets intimidated, but I’m changing career paths here. This is risky. So, now I’m intimidated and a bit discouraged. I’ve been doing yoga for over a year and I’m still really not that flexible. I can’t do anything fancy yet…except crow and a five second headstand. I know yoga isn’t about competition, but I’m honestly just afraid of the judgements. How can I calm these nerves?

Don’t be intimidated
I’ve seen plenty of teachers who know the alignment of a pose and explain it very well but can’t do it for themselves…for many reasons
good luck xox

Dear Fellow Yogi,

Being intimidated will only worsen your confidence. A yogi should be free of any fear :).
Remember, Yoga is 1% Theory/Study and 99% Practice.

You are mentioning only ASANA (Physical Exercise), one of the limb of yoga.
Also practice Pranayama (Breathing Exercise) and Dhyana (Meditation) to have a collateral benefit of Yoga.

Om Tat Sat

And don’t forget everybody else will also have their own internal dialogue going on worrying about being judged etc. We all do it :slight_smile: