Yoga Teacher Training Toronto minus Spirituality


I’m looking into doing my Yoga Teacher Training in Toronto, Canada. I have a strong aversion to too much spirituality and mysticism mixed in with my Yoga however, as I feel that should really be up to each individual to figure out.

I was wondering about different styles, teachers, studios where people were trained and their experiences there? Of course, I am also looking for something certified, and as affordable as possible.

Also, did those of you who did get trained end up teaching afterwards, and are you enjoying it?



In order to be thinking about doing a yoga teacher training you[B] must[/B] already be regularly practicing with a teacher. So why not look for a TTC in the style you are practicing now? You cannot teach something without first practicing for yourself.
Does your teacher/studio offer TTC?
Check out vinyasa flow, Ashtanga, Iyengar and (if you must) Bikram…these will probably not have much spiritual/religious stuff…but you [B]must[B] practice[/B][/B] first before contemplating a TTC and teaching.

Even if you yourself do not want to practice yoga with spirituality or religion mixed in, almost every single yoga teacher training will at least cover the roots and history of yoga. And it will be important for you to see how others view it as well.

No training is going to force you to see yoga as a spiritual thing. You should seek out a training with a teacher you resonate with who is knowledgeable and experienced. Who cares if they’re mixing spirituality into it? You don’t have to.