Yoga vs Gym | Which one is better?

Have a look at this Video! Yoga vs Gym...which is better?

I think they both have their pluses =D

also, he’s talking about a specific type of gym goer. Because I go to the gym and I\m very aware of my breadth, where my mind is, form, etc. He says the gym the body is the goal but as a gym goer myself I don’t agree with that either.

It is scientifically proven that where weight training is concerned, you don’t have to pump massive weights to reap the same results as the guy who lifts baby weights. You just have to do more for lighter weights than working to heavier weights with lower reps.

If you think about it, it makes sense; the actions of our skeletal and muscular system are not repetitive to fatigue extents unless you are training which is why unless your grosely obese or medically unwell, you don’t get out of breath performing simple daily tasks like walking around. However, you look at videos on YouTube of lads who have totally transformed themselves with Calisthenics. I’d argue their results far exceed those of any weight training program when coupled with a helathy diet and plenty of sleep. Theirs is similar in action to Yoga in that it’s simple body movements using your own body weight and stretch.

I’m sure someone will correct me on this :smile:

The major issue with comparisons of physical activity is that of specificity - i.e. “Which one is better for what?

In terms of a general, all-round fitness programme, an individual would do well to combine yoga and gym work.

I feel that many of these comparisons fall into a pointless “either/or” debate because people want to compete and tout their chosen discipline as “the best.”

I’d agree with this. I don’t know why other than for any financial reason why one would argue their practice as “better than doing xxxx”. Why not do a bit of everything you fancy. Anything you do is better than doing nothing. Even walking the dog will have more therapeutic effects than doing nothing.

Saying that, I have been surprised by the before and after stories of those out there who haven’t lifted any weight (other than their own bodyweight) doing things like ‘bar work’ or in simpler form calesthenics. The outcomes of these would prove the therory that lifting lighter weights repeatedly can yield the same if not better results than slinging dumbells around a gym.