Ohhh your post is soooo sweet. I wished I had authored it myself. Sweeter still you provide foundation for your assertions in classical text. <deep sigh of relief> Thank you. There is hope.
I am not a Sanskrit scholar. And I do not know if you are.
However there are some other interpretations of Brahmacharya other than the one you’ve outlined. It is not in principal that I disagree. It is in interpretation of brahmacharya.
As I understand it, from my teacher, who is on the earth as a result of Iyengar’s work, began studying with him at age 7, was awarded his Advanced Yoga Teachers Certificate at age 22 (some 25 years ago), and has more degrees than a thermometer, brahmacharya translates as “wise use of sexual energy”. It would be difficult to take a definition that involves the phrase “use” and compare it to “absolute celibacy”.
It is important for others who might read this thread to understand that for some there is only one truth. For others there are layers. There are some things that even scholars still debate. One example is the identity of Patanjali. Many believe Patanjali to be one man. However some have asserted and others have agreed that “patanjali” refers to more than one person and that the writing style in the Sutras is not of one person.
You are right; many teachers take liberties with mudras and pranayama. Many are careless. Many do not teach things they themselves have brought into their body/mind/soul. True, true, and more true.
It would seem prudent for us as yogis, teachers, students, practitioners, ones who are “on path”, to use extreme care in shaping yoga philosophy into dogma. It is so easy, so common to apply western ideology to eastern thought and it defeats the very purpose yoga has come to us.
We also need to remember that traditionally pranayama was only taught to a qualified student. What’s that? Well, one qualification that’s essential, but is (almost?) always overlooked, or at least defined out of existence, is brahmacharya. This means absolute celibacy - in word, thought or deed, this includes dreams. It does not include ‘sex within a loving relationship’ or anything like that. Sex interest is finished. Any qualified students out there? A qualified teacher would obviously be one who only teaches qualified students. Any qualified teachers out there?