You have been doing Yoga wrongly

Fellow seekers, if you are interested to know what is real yoga please read an article from my blog as mentioned below…". it might change your perception towards yoga. It is little long post which first explaing about Kaulantak Peeth and then the article on yoga starts.

You are for sure to gain some different perception after reading this post thoroughly. It explains how the yoga is done in himalayas, how yoga originated and what is the real purpose of doing a yoga.

Feel free to reply me.

Kaulantak Peeth Nepal

Western people think that yoga is a kind a sport. They pay for yoga classes, and they do asanas, pranayama, and meditation to feel good. Unfortunally no one can change their view.
Yoga is for Free. Yoga is not a sport, like baseball etc. Yoga is the path to liberation from reincarnation cycles.Meditation is upon God only.
Bhagavad Gita mentioned 4 of them in order to get Moksha - Karma Yoga (Selfless work), Raja Yoga (mystic way), Jnana Yoga (knowledge) and Bhakti Yoga (devotion).
Classic yoga or Raja yoga or Ashtanga Yoga (Pantajali ) have 8 limbs- Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Prathyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi. First 4 limbs are Hatha Yoga and the last 4 are Raja Yoga.
In fact Yoga begins with Samadhi, not end with it. All the 7 steps prepare the sadhaka for the last one.
To get liberation u need all 4 -Karma, jnana, raja and bhakti yoga.
Guru is important on the path and must be a liberated sage. Guru is the one who will remove the darkness from a sadhaka. Influence of Kali Yuga is very powerful, thats why people love to live in this world (Maya),

This is an incorrect and grossly exaggerated statement.

No one has said that Yoga is a “sport” - yet you cloud this board with your spam - why? Be quiet about your personal obsession with “Westerners” – You are just a racist! Not very impressive.

Yes, and before the BG there were thousands of years of Sramana yoga practices. Mentioning the Brahmin text BG brings no merit. It holds nothing unique. It is a Brahmin retelling of a physical reality that belongs to all creatures.

Yes, as everyone already knows. Pantajaliyogasutra is not a rare or unpopular text. It is the easiest and most accessible text on yoga.

This is your personal opinion. The views vary greatly depending of which region and tradition your teachings are from. That is to say, this is a false statement. You cannot arbitrarily set rules.

There are many ways to moksha and yes these four you mentioned are the most mainstream and popular. Again, you are bringing nothing new to the discussion. Your tone and style of writing lack any sort of clarity.

This again is a personal opinion and differs according to the region and tradition.

I don’t know who you are or how old your body is, but it seems like you are a new yogi that is very young in age. In which case that is fine, but please remember to hold your tongue when discussing spiritual matters. You are only hurting yourself and confusing yourself.

jai guru

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Sport yoga? Formula Y?

This sounds awesome, I'm voting for the mixed doubles downward facing dog relay lol

A yoga teacher can offer various benefits to individuals seeking to practice yoga. Here are some of the key advantages of having a yoga teacher:

  1. Guidance and Instruction:

    • A yoga teacher provides clear and detailed instructions on how to perform yoga poses (asanas) correctly, helping to prevent injuries and ensuring proper alignment.
  2. Personalized Approach:

    • A skilled yoga teacher can tailor the practice to suit individual needs, taking into account factors such as physical condition, flexibility, and any specific health concerns or goals.
  3. Safety and Alignment:

    • Teachers can provide hands-on adjustments and corrections to ensure students are practicing safely and in proper alignment, reducing the risk of injuries.
  4. Progression and Challenge:

    • Teachers can create a progression in the practice, gradually introducing more challenging poses and variations as students become more experienced and comfortable.
  5. Motivation and Inspiration:

    • A yoga teacher serves as a source of motivation, encouragement, and inspiration, helping students stay committed to their practice and explore new aspects of yoga.
  6. Breath Awareness and Control:

    • Teachers emphasize the importance of breath control (pranayama) and guide students in developing awareness of their breath, which is a fundamental aspect of yoga.
  7. Mindfulness and Relaxation:

    • Yoga teachers often incorporate mindfulness and relaxation techniques into their classes, promoting stress reduction and mental well-being.
  8. Knowledge Sharing:

    • Teachers share their knowledge of yoga philosophy, anatomy, and the principles behind various yoga practices, enriching students' understanding of the discipline.
  9. Variety of Styles:

    • Yoga teachers may specialize in different styles of yoga, such as Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, or Yin, allowing students to explore and find the style that resonates best with them.
  10. Community and Support:

    • Being part of a yoga class led by a teacher fosters a sense of community and support. It provides an opportunity for students to connect with like-minded individuals on their wellness journey.
  11. Adaptability:

    • Teachers can modify poses and sequences for individuals with specific health conditions or injuries, making yoga accessible to a wide range of people.
  12. Accountability:

    • Regular classes with a teacher create a sense of accountability, encouraging students to maintain a consistent yoga practice and experience the cumulative benefits over time.

In summary, a yoga teacher plays a crucial role in guiding and supporting students on their yoga journey, ensuring a safe and effective practice while fostering a deeper understanding of the holistic nature of yoga.