You worry about you

I’m writing this thread as a responds to ‘Yoga forum?’. Firstly, I should just point out that this particular thread is mainly aimed at myself first (so no need to point out my past weaknesses, as I am well aware of them), and to others who are struggling on this forum, and seek a solution.
I, as much as anyone, have struggled with forum users who seem to have nothing to do in their lives other than try and get a rise from others online.
This can become difficult, as often our emotions are often invested in our opinions we put forward on the forum, which makes us vulnerable to attack by ‘trolls’.

Last night at Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, I heard the phrase ‘you can’t attack what’s not there’. This, I found so profound and thought about how it applies to many aspects of life.

I then thought about this forum, and considered the application of this idea. If we put our opinions forward, and they come under attack by trolls, then we should not provide anymore fuel to throw on the fire. If we ignore trolls, what have they got to attack? We have essentially disarmed them.

I think the first thing to do is lower our own expectations. We know that there are others on this forum who have nothing else in their lives to do but try and rattle the cage. So lets not have high expectations. Lets make the assumption, that every time we post something, it is likely to be attacked. This will reduce our chance of becoming surprised that our opinions have been attacked… after all, why should we be surprised by now??

Secondly, cease providing fuel to the fire. If we ignore trolls, they have nothing to attack… you can’t attack what isn’t there.

I’ve deceided that I am going to worry about me, and let others worry about themselves. We have NO power to change or control others, but we have all the power in the world to change ourselves.
This may seem like a difficult path to take, but think about how lonely the day in the life of a troll would be if they had nothing to attack?