3000000 years ago all humans were vegan

I’m writing this by some cognition i contemplated. The one who is a mix of flexible and powerful(it looks like a hair clip on the keyboard or maybe alternating current segment) reaches and strongly thresholds well but has plateaus in the future that they work on that prevents them from dominating. The flexible edge infinity by reaching but fizz out before alignment work evolves. The powerful edge infinity by being strong with some complexity to do something simple/(simply (simple in expressing status)) but they miss certain alignment techniques for components and elements of natures of potential.

Use the 81 scales to load up strategy form and technique and/or strategy making the level of towards 1 most about finality of completion, or the level of 81 most about finality of completion making time or specificity of complexity. Think about what to you think about these two paragraphs and/or how you’d say it differently.

For example about trends that have been unchiseling for new tools and unscavenging for sanders and unsanding for the things that were extra complex but still necessary whether they were uncore philosophy by pure natural philosophy or not, have been making our basically basic skills weird if you can read that perfectly. So here we have not been like Yogananda for example and Joseph the Father in the story of Jesus of Nazareth.
So the other thing about the trends is we should be doing shivanic dances with id say importantly a little snake action. Or dances with snakes as a snake guider like as is common in India and I’ve heard about it in China; now folks this would be nice as Mary the Mother of Jesus of Nazareth has been Squishing the Cocks of the earth under her feet as a dominatrix hallelujah counsel to the Men themselves and maybe a twooo. But anyway to cultivate and cherish the virtue of the body and the mind as the body we must no matter what cleanse purify/tune assist/tune om shanti bless and do these fullbearingly during these very testing and trialing and erroring and pain and suffering and sinful and evil times to perfect the excesses and deficiencies of the body and the losses and gains of the mind. While being wise as a sage contemplating the harmony and even synchronicity of night and day; yang in the yin and the yin in the yang. So be with me Joseph and Mary and such, for this game you’re balling for. We must be wise about harmoniosity of chance/symbolic logistics of language. And not be an ignorant and arrogant fool. I have replacements for words people use about the deadly sins on the sanyasi page by @veganstringbean. So you have them there. It is not a joke. It is the most disgusting thing. Don’t fuse by irresponsible hope and chaotic ecstasy or you’ll be prone to exploiting-mutilating/killing within subliminal derivatives of objective responsibilities or of the known and attendly sub analytical super consciousnesses

As guidelines in a society again one may be very goooood to understand 1 year units as a short trend 100 year units as medium trends and 1000 year units as long trends. Examples are saints of the year for what many Christians like to know, cherishing of success for longevity by quality care throughout life for many people who receive letters from the president for living that long note: don’t forget womb time, and over 1000 year culture lapsing shivly trend lead by Sadhguru recently.

One may appreciate this method of explanation by 3 levels of intelligence for the active nature in the story of a human; here they are: base level of five (Extreme less where Gods are found, less by the nature of expert yogis, medium by the nature of the expert Buddha moderate and always attainable daily lifestyle with some Ramdev workouts and Sadhguru meditation and Nithyananda chants and Sri Sri etc wisdom and Ram Bahadur Bomjon story games, more by expert yogis, extreme more amounts the Gods); the second level which is taoue chiy which is part of structure in resting position and the yang of the yin; the third level which is the most chaotic by doing more extreme and hither to extreme we could say tasks like for example patty cake, four square, kickball, freeze tag with bead aura supreme intelligence, jump rope, CrossFit, sports, etc, then things as well like tic tac toe, checkers, chess, connect four, pick up sticks or whatever.

Just do have what you need for you your family your friends and the rest of your mission already. Heeeaalllll. And even llllleeeaaaaaaaave them.

Choose good sorcery of course. Many people are confused about relativity which is funny if it is only a theory.


I like brown tropical hibiscus black velvet viola white snow rose; and brown agate with the rainbow around it obsidian quartz

Sorcery is cool. I don’t like spies as they ruin the nature of good by their nature. Though George Thompson is like a spy as he is barely recognized as one to Americans but his triumphant formidable lolol position. He is like Cody Banks if i remember correctly

These posts are like templates a with specific wording. One would be very good to evolve like that only by their own way with them from us by me. Then we talk out the bad… stuff. Peace be with you