3000000 years ago all humans were vegan

The Penis and Vagina are very conscious and creative, while they are very controllable they are very uncontrollable and - sounstarted- in consiousness. There are twelve forces in consciousness in Hinduism, like the word relativity and word physics of wisdom, chit; there are 4 big ole juicy forces in modern known science though.

Also there is Tetris which is a cool game to play. Anyway be moderate and healthy. To be intelligent a method is to cognize by cognition units as they are actual processes (mind is the same reality and spaces as the body specifically and generally to tune that reality there). These units can be 81 things a moment like heart beats or 60 seconds a minute. One can be as more yang and one can be as more yin structure-order yin

If one does not obey the essentials on yogaforums.com by @Veganstringbean on sanyasi page they do not deserve anything and if you don’t except that heaven is poor you are a fool and we are not.

No humans are aloud to punish they can only do anything that is good no matter what has to happen to evil. There is a difference that is actually why there is proof in science for example of course. Relativity is a law that is throughout the whole universe but that is specific and impartial to us when specifically yet still and it is general when we understand there are wholesome and many essential by relativity to humans specifically also as well which make some of the situations relative and some not by what is truly times needed and proved as so in consciousness which is either or about things proved in consciousness, but what is specifically while possible remaining or lasting-specially in core philosophy nature or what is very chaotic in general which could be too costly in liberal units (sanyasi page)

I barely even recogniz3 what i wrote there but that’s okay it makes sense in this problem example as being about what is or is not then what is generally and then what is not generally so this little analysis is to me an example of what can help us stay relative which is really an adjacent topic here interestingly and this can also help us stay relative to the task in general topic philosophy as well as general personal whole lifestyle philosophic available alignments as well as things like even helping stay relative to the specific part of the actual example problem task which can be about general words like future generality and past generality with the miraculous consciousness nature that can simply accumulate information for what we can still mean as very basic involvement meaning which the examples i use for example are the common structure order chaos alignment timing constant changing objective subjective essential extra relativity conservative general liberal/trends core philosophy 1 2 3 science math physics chemistry sorcery sanctification heavenly-body body-mind-structure 81 19 vegan food coconuts millets potatoes corn moringa wheat lentils beans rice soya. Wilderness city etc. interconnectedness logic reason ethics of divine laws morality that can be studied that can be why it is the Buddha is one with surpassed knowledge as well as one that could be like that because that person for example could be and reliable and still yet in all essential philosophical ways responsible by the devotion/dedication to constant studying practicing and teaching dharma at probably different levels of intelligence being more obvious/or/reasonable or by being more chaotically random and rare

The bodies look like poop here is an example for the eyes some people may have a wild green poop and I’ve seen a picture of a black person whos skin was purple shimmed so we have the rainbow and blue is closer to green Than purple is and blackest of blacks again have dark dark brown eyes. There is more about this in the sanyasi post talking about the most basic type of thing that gets jammed by more potential not by you really id say humans. There is a balance to everything on the planet there is the nature for sure about how what lasts keep lasting in the universe because not that it is perfect or not perfect but because the perfection has validified it though just because whole fulfillment solar systems are easy and honest within the certification of being non forcibly checked by God though i speak within the bounds of good (consciousness and its bounds) for what things need to have the possible possible chances to be successful in core philosophy (nothing worse than pure happiness for all lifetime by the structures and limits of course that reigns of and by eternal perfection. In heaven as in earth) it does not mean that the present time is insert: whatever is problematic conceptually ANYWAY in philosophy questions of doubt or even doubt within the unreasonability of even just core philosophy

Get started with your moment such as like Amr Diab in this picture

Read things like baby books or the lotus sutra for example as i like to say. Think about 25 full moons as how long you age every basic whole medium long conservative span of time all of the times within 81 to 100 years. The 25 full moons is a long time but a medium time between one day and 81 years for example. And yes the robotic prominent lifestyle self robotic lifestyle could work very well with the proper goods/goodness in life which make the complexity of the present maybe say honestly more urgent but just as what is the final point in determination here but i am no expert i guess i could say so one would say that it is really only chosen in their collective interest ability somewhat as much as they are tuning things in the future and one would say all at once. This comment is like how the emerald tablets are said to be programmed to really tune you up as we say. Prana mana chi chi structure order chaos chaos. Alignment timing physics chemistry. 1 Sorcery, 2 math alignment timing, 3 sorcery; a person may really see 1 and 3 even as present task relative or even changing relative limits like width and length of a piece of paper you draw on and really the whole plane is a part of that but 2 is what is drawn on that and then maybe not just obviously the painting substance or the paper below but the fusion and more of its radiation to you could just say the ends of the paper back to them which is like number four or the product which is a number which really LOOKS like a timesmultiplicationxproductxtimesmultiplication, and this on a triangle tool itself in the method i like and is basic is that the sides 1 2 3 on a triangle even pretty hollow could be with just some energy complexions working interconnectedly in the hollow middle, could be allowing 1 and 3 to be limits that allow 2 to mix onto both sides which can end up as an easy skill for even perfect symmetry throughout the mixing as of the edge material matter/energy which makes 1 and 3 probably helpfully switch between morexless in cognition on each side due to the re-cycleness bringing in new and old energies and even different moreplusless qualities for both sided at the same time individually really in base consciousness maybe which is constantly why the triangle is constantly like a plain triangle called 1 but with this knowledge is more like a chaotic energy vibrating three from beginning to start while the second side of the triangle opens up the minds eye i think which can really be why the triangle is the type of triangle it is while first and third sides are that it is really a triangle more that anything else as the initial characteristic that the triangle could keep relying on in a single basic way throughout the task. The second side is easy on me to say it is in the environment which is made of the three sides so this is like mini physics while gravity is real but just relative to the chaotic changing electromagnetic design with potentials or the electromagnetic chaotic or maybe derived qualities which makes the electromagnetic like mana while the stuff that is regardless the most amount raw or complex can be helpfully called chi while also known but not understood as other thing or known and understood as also another quality just because reality is mystical.

The dharma you teach can really just be the very specific path you take. Goodness is rich. Cultivating it for the self is great enough to have much of so then all needed otherwise is to have much of it.

People should be rich in emotion and not really probing as a constant element for the time of transition to a perfect solar system and that is something that can be personally more or less random even just by both types of task accumulations in an example of comparison being a medium understanding each, again that is that that medium could just be different. While on the other hand as we say one could simple play by what one was allowed and interested in as long as it was easy. So easy things are actually externally allowed and interested/prepared though is can just be prestage of the external thing that only had to be discerned to be certified, and easy thing also must be don’t those ways internally for the self of course and like of course for the external.

The outside environment may be more of what the triangle as a tool could be made to work on but the environment should be considered throughout what things are essential to implement like as called time and matter/energy; so the environment is like a bigger three that effects the inside thing ie the triangle and maybe a thing its working on if the triangle is not the self object of the moment since the triangle can really be objective plainly that is okay like the body i guess can afford time as but not that it can say it is worthless when said about as not holiness (that is not to be mentioned) so now back to the other stuff anyways i want to say the triangle throughout essential, as in oh just what is why something was done for the sake of continuing even an extra task, balance checking is constantly wholesome and proportionate so it may seem that when not checking a single shade which was just checked as constant one would slightly be maybe they’d call relaxed but anyways all of those other shades while the one checked could be the most specific or literally just specific about constant form and function, would be wholesomely proportionate or proportionately wholesome so constant blandness since this level of particular or plain basic style could be basic, so anyway i guess it’d be good to say it was checked specifically to reveal if the whole is wholesome and proportionate (like a very fast well goood pure chaotic vibration either one or just that its random otherwise but easy to understand what its made of probably)(so when the inside energy plane of the triangle started to work while the first second and third sides may shift and flip around or woah even exchange with different outside things its that in this method the middle energy like a little thin energy plane but with a little matter is what its made of spread thing or other pieces was completely considerably significantly symmetrical by the for example method of the energy plane even having the exact same of amounts (don’t really be so surprised if you want to remain progressive id recommend if ones fragile now i know now i know) of hills and valleys like a foam sound absorber might have which are all helpfully in the shape of just 1000 to 10000 smaller ones.) (for symmetry of 2s but maybe wholesomeness or balance of threes (by maybe frequencies of like 100s or 1000s as i see would be warmly nice) the 1 and 3 being rawer triangle creative material at least by that there are three sides and two are as the same we may notice that to settle the mind there are 666 triangles that fit in the same space for surface area of one of them in one place(for example like how light blends or different triangles of dust in the air are really like that that even when those little dust things are separated with their own types they even glow as one quality maybe senseable but they may be another cool thing which is thinning and expanding into one piece but maybe it was before which is cool(and a whole one could make little particles more) which is also maybe where we are thinking a lot about three possibly-those three possibilities one with small particles one with whole fluidity that shows that each particle is why the perimeter is why it is, and that fit like a 3 segment sided side of of course a 3 sided triangle with 74 things in each 3 segments within each side and the corner spaces were added but actually became zero by their oh so beautiful but maybe very proportioned splitting of what it was made of for being added into every other particle after any major beginning stages of wanted perfect segmenting by the still realignable form and to top it off it could be made of 9 spherocylinders or something which is fine because it looks cool for this what you may call imaginative exercise thing or made of matter symbolic logic exercise.)

I would spread to the ends of the earth:
The sanyasi page by @Veganstringbean
The meditational thinking of environments stimulating watering the magic maker triangle in this post
The question in this comment for all people so that if they are to by chance indeed rule by chance and for their city spurts of random super conscious experience i guess to make things “liù as i saw on the internet.
This helps people understand some structure by especially governmental intervention and basis
Use wisdom from other posts by @Danglinplumshaker @Veganstringbean especially sanyas post @Rarayarthurdruit or anything else
The question goes like this:
If the basis of wisdom in the methods round here are in the order of: structure, order, chaos, chaos for sanyasi science and it is as known to evolve like next in order similarly:
structure, timing, alignment at beginning of 3rd, chaos then like:
Structure, timing, alignment at the end of the third while he rest is still chaos, chaos
While there are more methods like on the pictures that intend for some more svabhava on the sanyasi page by @Veganstringbean HERE IS THE ‘“PRODUCT’’’ OF THE QUESTION, ‘THE QUESTION ITSELF’:
If you have these a. construction force, b. business marketing force, c. general government mystical worker intelligence force, d. boss government worker(prime ministers presidents etc.) force in random order what order would you put them in to make them fit the very grand overall complex philosophical complex ordering for the citizens thou leads, that is in this order structure timing chaos alignment?
Starting at the 11th letter is the answer in order cabcbdbabdabdccadbdbdbabcbdacaadadbcacbcbdbabddbabcababdbdabcabdabcabdbcbadbcbabdab

In this example, this one may would be good for the people who work in the government thinking of themselves for example
For example e = m and c and all 6 possibilities as a common variable/analogy or metaphor so there is another version that is asking for the same structures/orders of the types of positions and their letters, but a slightly different version for the alignments with the order of the philosophical structure of order and chaos which still goes like structure then order then chaos then alignment?
The answer is starting again at the 11th letter and ending at the 14th :sunny: bddcdbacdbabcdacacbdbdbbcabddacdabcdbbdcdddcabdbaaabcbdbacdbab

Don’t forget the three essential levels when you’re on the go. Wholesomeness symmetry emotion

Those are in the orders of the numbers they belong to

One thing that might be a prophecy is an white elephant i saw that someone might make now that i say that lololol but anyway it was all decked out in jewels as if it was its nature to have them while it was on some good ole ground i sense it had to do somewhat with nithyananda and ram bahadur bomjon anyway…

A good question to ask is in a rhetorical but Bhakti rhetorical way, “is my Svabhava my Self Aseity?”
Think about if you are responsible about frequencies that you may for example see come from the golden ratio for example. Also you may even like to know how good you are at tuning task things as they are actually developing by six (like in the pure math in the circle significance 360 relavance and how good at understanding the depth of loading towards you from the object for example that is timely in development of loading by six as well. For the Self Aseity I recommend understanding that by positive truths as well because the 10 commandments of the Christian origin is already an overall negative (must have been enhanced in the past) truth and the 8 precepts are positive (enhancing) truths, so positive is better because it has to do with what must be done in the future and meditation is enough negative to just tune negative things less often and then just get contemplative as about the future if these two words become defined for example based off of what if get now. So further for Aseity think that the middle neutral understanding is by good and for good about the self or the others of one main life-practitioner’s heheheh checking which is like the numbers for example of some prime ones in the common methods of the 81 scales are by a pure math style 4 for 3, 10 for 9, 19 for 81, 30 for 27 and 4 for 3, 10 for 9, 100 for 81, 30 for 27 and 4 for 3, 10 for 9, 30 for 27, 100 for 81; that which help people think of the word Aseity like that if they are making sure for example a person whether it is the self or not to especially core philosophy but also can be being all in times of examples, aligns specifically the self’s personal specific usually extra by a more common and core two of three ways which are extra philosophy things qualifications or extra philosophy that has become needed by lifestyle design needs or by just only basic needs that commonly we may think about in the methods given on veganstringbean danglinplumshaker rarayarthurdruit pages which as previously stated can be in great intuitive ways for example, with tools assisting, like checking ones level of personal interest of curiosity and interest of more costly investments we could say with the numbers we mentioned like 19.

I think the way that flower faded is mystical and rich