3000000 years ago all humans were vegan

It is nice to imagine that for barriers between segments becoming prominent with the letting go of things the categories were filled with is a sign of development of the next number which would be time to count the next amount of categories by the last amount of categories barriers. And when things disappear and the barriers disappear the numbers become nothing and allow one to have finished counting by the finished time of the tool and its things tuned that have been evaporated/changed however much or whatever type of way or stored. Also if one crosses a border of especially 5 without thinking more focused about the depth of limits then one may want to think 3d plainly about that segment category tool’s concepts of difference and depth and know that crossing of a final boundary is time to start knowing the past five has begun to fade out of the consciousness’ illumination, so that crossing could have been random like imagining a laser beam light for a cylinder crystal that happens to shoot the light that was created out of any random side and this could really be of many spokes like the hexagon giving signs of loading as example but anyways it would be good to no matter what basically always have these, like, five things even though you may not be happy (focused about that here) hahahahaha so I recommend to check this for example and make sure the body computer is hard driving its responsibilities at the basic level most basic at least hey I’m no expert here but i know that’s what we should do a t o f n and we should try to pick up starting in the middle and get eventually through to thrice fives within the 3rd form either side creating 5 within the middle segment twice, and there’s only five notes lolol.

Listen were serious here but i talk to navy seals and taliban so i want the world to just be good they should be doing petitions and problems in the world like these will become better things instead and gone we don’t need to think and find out what that means the universe can help you notice this is not the best that can be done as we are meant to always do better and better. No, exploiting ignorantly and arrogantly/mutilating or killing is and are we know not allowed. I know now that navy seals are for sick people and the taliban is for citizens which has a bank for sentient being interaction but all sentient beings need to learn for example these things in these posts and be assisted by the om shanti bless combination itself to allow for natural blossoming that natural blossoming is what this is all about it is true your inner (simple wholesome) core philosophy nature hahahaha is not actually a problem these teachings can be quoted among Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him on the loud speaker in the city as what I don’t mind calling it subliminal personally I’m exhausted and these writings for example, among the loud speaker for international paintball or capture the flag teams for national tax awards as mantras that subtly help every country be mentally healthy and the mind is for the same reality as the body. If i can spin words God is that harmonious for y’all of course again so anyone who is doing what is not supposed to happen in heaven listen to me as i like the book of changes which is enough to have to strive for by my judgement to be listened to as that is what i have read is important for one to listen to, so it is that we are skillful and expected to be also skillful enough to accept that the subliminal natures of the universe, sub analytical super consciousness realms being the zones and banks they are of the self’s body being the body or not are meant to be imagined having powers like that Guadalupe Mary Aura and that we all are confused about how to be good and have all hurt each other but that needs to be seen as unessentially defined as bad belonging to how where you got hurt was rich core making that extra worry’s but not core urgent or was again liberal extras that may not have even been in your moments/minutes main environments when you were in it but could be cost less in core philosophy scientifically for divine laws conscious cognitions that was called the heavenly counselors momentary consensus’ we are not very conscious but that element shines and floats around the earth strong and direct, and gentle and receptive, and the yang in the yin and the yin in the yang. Try to find an actively simple and proportional exercise; smart is two units of strong. 3 becomes 6 in this example I’d choose while in time and complexity a mid allowing like the triangle that can be understood as having specific ways to see the middle or ends as specific segments and power addition and a general limit to types of complex depth of powerful things can be another three added for the flexibility with the middle or the power. 27 can be the max focus limit for example for a flexible, and 81 can be the max limit for the strong while two more 81 scales may be the sacrifice; and intuitively id say either or can put one or 100 on each in this specific method for the 81 scales. We should have to know each other past twister extrematory yoga like game way but not necessarily with clothes on necessarily. I like the educational, for method and example, focused hand shaking counting method. I’d try shaking hands with middle three fingers touching and thumb and pinky not with all fingers extended for the whole method and when the speaking lapses enough for the correct amount of time even for through by the good amount of time they all touch and keep shaking. Is might sound and be like this “ the two are easy and I’m not even trying but the three are a little more complicated but i keep them together now i want to check how all is one [notice wholesome movement basically for example] and its reasonable [at perfect timing yet maybe still more mystical(unmeasured)] to close them after noticing five is also seen as one after noticing all is one when returning to the source from the (3) temporary source focus just before and then think of three depths of middle of fives and on the second internal five which is the third then think about the three middle fingers which is the focus until the outer thumb and pinky fingers are opened again to restart if one wants or they can continue in one method 81 scalar level depth progression as flexible may go to 27 in this new way from 1 and power may go to 81 skipping level of 3 starting from 1 but if they want to restart being more basic then they might want to cycle around in a more sort of extreme flexibility/power but by fitting five physical characteristics of of course balance and also settlement and strength which can help them not really enter the chaos with safe syllogismistic enthymemes but instead just edge into order/some randomness maybe randomness just through time for such as some kind of carrier doing one more round, not a luck one or doing the whole process three times total, just one more round to do one more core than the first or i also one might may, if they want, might do it once more to do all three or the two deeper ones if already more integrated from beginning or by end of first but they might yet still also do it twice more to be more core philosophical by doing one fully about, while maybe because this was by a chance of the timing for calculating the intelligence alignment of a later time which can allow them to do something past very conceptually which may be on the extreme side of things if they had be an extreme type of two more i guess, specifically three layers as a whole in one cycle of the cycle and then the last cycle as of course returning to the base everyday life base level of life 5 which is maybe all I’m saying is that it’s plain but that may be where many people that are better at controlling their heartbeat or >yearly-like trends may be being better at zeros and ten thousands and plenty of both but of course we are, are better at explaining.

The athletic body is the philosophic body. Art describes the truth. Art is intelligence. Choose to develop the heavenly body which is the best for yourself and any others you may be involved with at any level and don’t sacrifice more than you can afford of course. That workout would be good for anybody like government people or anything i hope it helps so much.

If its not clear i have a vision for good that way more intense and long than evil can be as of course

Rapid fire Questions to HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam! - YouTube Lol

Three may make a lot of growth look good because it has a lot of wholesomeness. Four when for a hollow ring flower pot would mystical and above; a really big one like a hula hoop but with a gutter like pot that is having no middle to clarify. Three would look very majestic two would look modern~technical and I would notice one whole circle a spiritually safe to be dominating around and to it by being submissive to its no thingness. A filled inner shape flowerpot or vase, even by putting these types of whole ones inside a hollow ground like grass inside one, with any shape would look like a middle world mystical common time thing with some other shape adjective energy and/or more constant impression on environment’s things as put on by the rim but still be any glittering decorated hollow inside by the vegetation or still like that but with a more hollow inside when there is only a gutter for the plants that is along the outside to clarify. The flowers are meant to be appreciated by actual physical angles and more while looking more objectively or not on as well routes to clarify it would help to notice that all things are interconnected. All m is c and all c is m. Then e might be some consciousness medium for the present for us as past is c by e then m, present can be e by m then c and the future might be m by c within and by e. That’s a good method for clarity I like to think about now.

We should have a year of the three millets sorghum brown top and pearl and we all know about the jagged edged ragi millet.

Also like the differences of penises and vaginas which that which all need to evolve on pornhub

Like a corn horizontal and vertical and some z to the mirror perspective which makes sense easily. I also really like the metaphors all things become the corn. It is a good analogy.

I hope y’all are doing fine.

Simply guarantee to be linguistic to what is close more the other and then when you are 20 or so like the story of Confucius then you are rooted in the world for example. Then really still be conservative. But there is some kind of government looking life action accumulation that Winston Churchill says could be nice for someone who stays kind strongly which is to spend 10 years or so being more liberal like a little in college and in I guess some time commonly after college. There are three levels of learning wisdom commonly attributed to Confucius. The first level has haw wisdom is had by which are from birth/more primal education, praying for things from heaven, and studying things that you may have worded/described yourself. The second level calls to be cautious which Id choose as crossing the great water which is possibly also where to reasonably expect the feeling of humiliation in life because of the strenuous derivative feelings of discombobulated confusing weird feelings but when crossing a lot of wisdom could be ensured, always obey divine law for all Divine beings. The third level has the most casual uncertainty involved in some way or another one may make happen and controlling to make sense of and they are being contemplative with meditation for wisdom:obey sanyasi page essentials, imitating when learning from a trained professional which is safer:obey sanyasi page essentials, and then wisdom from ahimsa cherished experienced:obey sanyasi page essentials. Always obey sanyasi page essentials. If any problems are yours personally from (by years) [beginning,5] then stop engaging in and within those entanglements, from [5,10] then only spend time with safer tasks involving then still still still perfect people and other things and notice greatest, the great role models, from [10,20] whoever would then need a professional guru. If the bad/evil issues which all are having in this time on earth which is anti universe everywhere…. are lasting or are lasting for more years then of course when those words are illuminated that is the most urgent and dangerous like addiction depression element-death which are things you’d need divine life for but obviously checking and making sure one around making sure one is not in illusions of divine life, stealing divine life, and wasting divine life. And, when one of those either within one group or the other are a problem then understand all things are interconnected and that is a bad sign for how the others would be effecting you. Be strong and cleanse purify and assist the times in life, each moment. And being hotheaded or shy as they call the, can also be more extremes which are good to have counsel or much meditation and contemplation to solve them throughout the time they are there because they can lead to ignorance and arrogance which are what I’d call overwhelming or foolish which is what I’d urge one to call arrogance and ignorance bad/harmful or if your sure you have no need to like work urgently and like scavenge for example then I’d say that’s something you can even use plotted time to cultivate the repulsive rejection of what is disgusting and again if you can afford it the even call is sinful and/or evil to you. You want a strong physical by only eating natural organic full vegan food for for example simple intense emotion which you may like haritaki for as a nice method to try and a clear mind that keeps yourself supple for super consciousness which can be good to use neem for in the method and then there is the super consciousness experience actually as the actual thing which would be good to use castor for in this method. No matter what age do not sacrifice more than you can afford. Also, be sure to choose the perfect body.

Always hate your elders but always respect them scientifically re perspective re-specting them as they are most likely evil overall a lot scientifically in this evil time on earth. Always never judge the youth and always teach the youth. Always practice core philosophy even in the scientific experiments, and even the experiment part of the project which has steps in it which are best to begin the start of each step in alignment with the question, for the purpose of being supreme good, what is this project about next corely philosophically?

The richness of essential life is strength. Richness is more in liberal categories. The different between women and men is really just a body language shade so I’m getting disgusted about the unreasonable conflict so I’m getting disgusted about the unreasonable conflict so I’m getting disgusted about the unreasonable conflict so I’m getting disgusted. When there are problems make sure good prevails as the only reality happening and that any good is the only product of toiling work or whatever to get the evil ungreatness evil unrelated to oneself completely so deintegrating evil is great and that is what you of course should know about what is disgusting. Good luck. All words are in consciousness that are encouragement and compliments that are in the supreme ethical consciousness. Do not work evil into existence by doing things for evil well known process, become vegan and also obey the other essentials on yogaforums.com by @veganstringbean in the essential post spread out around the post. A hair smaller than yours in ratio to your body is like the tree on the earth and the vegetables would be cool to understand as a split end. Bless the nature and let all of the energy of the earth be one. Anything is possible but there are essential truths.

The lotus sutra boom and for again any type of learned person kmc kriya yoga channel om YouTube is great and they both are, I was thinking about awesome, that they make some really good environments to think with a healthy base and help anyone become anytype of Buddha alonely or friendly as a whole person that can be termed whatever they call the, in the religion. I read that the “Buddha” is easily identifiable for students by that name but that an arhat could be an alone Buddha as a choice of life style.

I would section long terms of lifetime into 25 full moons phases at a time with internal segments of 5 at a time which is great for slightly different types of alignments of the method that can be helpful for liberals(extraly people) or conservatives (basic needly/usually main environment type of people). Understand as a key for young body mature minded people that the difference that lasts in religion by basic thinking now is that the bodhisattvas are not like the Buddha because the Buddha may only just be better because of the not only more stylish sanctification which is that it has the preferred surpassed wisdom while it may not even be a competition of a random examples in heaven~the Buddha is said to have what is called perfect impartial all seeing wisdom which is basically the same but just saying that instead which could simply sound more basic to me while being spread out though I don’t even know.

So if time is weird possibly and one has clothes off and when talking about if one knows what would be good to do then don’t worry about how while the answer may very well be in a certain testicle or an opposite movement/posture penis hang then because when the dharma floods everywhere like the gentle wind of living Bhakti stretchy conscious Agni we will understand that the ability to start up and begin circulating is easy as well as that is will always be able to be found with more focus purely as that is already there if wished through for time but if it is indeed these times then are not humiliations as they can control and manifest your failings for what you have wished that is just not consciousness for us do not believe that is why you are doing what you are doing if you begin to fear patheticness as opposed to a proper domination and submission within through everyday life, have no fear; they are not called either humiliation or a more all over desperateness likewise either, that is really what we would call timing of life throughout times timing which is actually just of course something every time being done that isn’t what must be done (understand behind towards away from receptiveness still maybe when the self if receptive so much), isn’t what really must be don’t that way (summon creativity lololol), isn’t what must be done without meditation(summoning new signs or moving them with great effort of wonderfullity like fully hopefully in this order hahahahahahaha), or lolol lololol by patience’s alignments. One can wear levels of clothes I would have loved thin gold or seashell blue and around fadinglly mesh robe if i really was


So I wonder what I was exactly meant for of course. Well be blessed anyways.

Sturdy progress
Bio memory, muscle memory, bio energy extension

If people aren’t taking paper out of the printer at work and having people sign the petitions asking them to saying “are you going to sign it to obey the essentials? That’s what I did that’s what I’m alive fucking here for. , then I have the universe along with who obeys and the rest go to hell. That is the eternal Tao. Om om om shanti shanti shanti bless bless bless.” The essentials are on yogaforums.com by @veganstringbean the mutilated god like each of us all now who have lived on this earth for such a long time. I hate humans I only love god.

God blessed me even stronger than any miracle god has done and anyone who disrespects me is cursed stronger than any curse god has done so are you even conscious relatively?, just obey the essentials.