I haven’t seen a lot of posts on the forum that require moderation. On the other hand, I’ve seen posts and entire threads that didn’t need to be moderated get moderated anyway. Too much moderation is just as bad as not enough, maybe worse. Polite conversation is well and good, but the rough and tumble of a good fight can be a lot more interesting. I think David’s doing just fine, and I’m sure that if he needs help, he’ll ask for it.
Hi David,
I see you are one ahead of me and has actually appointed mlam on 21 June as an adminstrator.
Hi David,
Q, you’re a pathetic hypocrite yourself but you’re too blinded by your own anger and sadness to see it. You’ve no doubt got serious issues that you’re projecting on others and frankly it’s absolutely disgusting to see.
Now please let go of that tone I spoke in above (I was actually laughing as I wrote that, there was no real hate or anger) and read the following in the polar opposite.
Yes, I could speak to you in the above manner, but what good is it going to do? I’m not your teacher, you barely know me, and the statistical probability that me talking to you in such a manner will make any sort of a positive difference is virtually nil.
your performance suffers from one major deficiency: You miss to explain why I would be this and that. It also suffers from some minor deficiencies, most relevant that you lack the emotion that is expressed. So indeed your comment is pointless.
It is also pointless as a reflection of my behaviour, because when I use a word like “hypocrite” it is embedded within an explanation and is a genuine image of how I truly think and feel.
Do you REALLY think that the way you’re talking to people here will make any sort of positive difference? Do you really think you’re getting anyone to take a step back and observe themselves? As such, there are one of two possibilities as I see it:
- You’re doing nothing but feeding your own anger and making others uncomfortable in the process.
- You’re not interested in making a positive difference.
Which is it?
If you wish to reduce what I say to a handful of single words or a tone or an emotion, then it is my intention to simply express myself. One major reason why I want to express myself is because I was impressed that way. Those emotions were pressed into me, they were created here, by the people I spoke to, for no reason that has anything to do with me, but only with these peoples standards aka their intolerance.
Why would I be supposed to pocket them and deal with them on my own? So noone feels uncomfortable, you say. So you suggest that it is alright that I am caused to feel uncomfortable and then be left alone with it. Most people here suggest that, particularly the original offenders, who refuse to deal with what they caused. Instead, they cause more and more and more inconvenience with the final goal to destroy my presence and my “heretical” standpoint.
So after all this is one grand demonstration of intolerance. I am not supposed to have a different opinion or at least, I am not supposed to express that different opinion around them. They want their opinion to be the standard.
On the question of benefit:
If possible, I will choose truth above benefit. It does not always work, but in a situation like this, it does. I am interested in making a positive difference, but I won’t “bend” the truth to achieve it. Concerning the people I criticize, I believe that they are very much orientated on a public’s reaction. You can see it in this thread, see for example Nichole’s reply right after lakurumau’s note, see how InnerAthlete had to repeat himself with no additional content, but along all those mentionings of “stone thrower”, “chaos” and “anarchy” and “basis” and “adult” and blablabla and a very very humble note about how great he is. That he felt was necessary when he saw an increasing number of “free speech is alright”-comments. Such people won’t take a step back and reflect themselves because one guy has something to say. They would, if the public’s opinion changes. If 20 people had supported me in this thread, had said “yes, this guy has a point, what he says is reasonable, he deserves a reply, why don’t you reply to him??” that would make a change. But noone does. You neither do. Didn’t you say I had points? So what about them, David? Bring them up ultra-politely, will you? Then you’ll see what happens, what you get. Smug speeches, and two days later the issue is forgotten and nothing has changed.
Remember Yonita? No? Well, I do.
I PERSONALLY see a benefit in having someone such as yourself around and I’m in a place where I’m trying to extend love and acceptance to everyone. However, as Nichole alluded to, there isn’t a trusted, enlightened teacher present who is able to reassure the people that are being upset by you that there is a grand lesson in it. As such, I now realize that people are reacting emotionally to you and there is little to no benefit.
Your whole idea that I would be your spiritual troublemaker to teach your users a grand lesson is not only nonsense, but an abuse of me as a person. You imply that my behaviour is not genuine and is inappropriate.
Therefore, I ask that you please respond to people in a respectful, compassionate tone. If that’s not a place that you can come from right now, I understand and accept that, but ask that you please don’t respond in that case. If you DO need to vent, you’re always more than welcome to contact me privately. Thanks Q
Dude, I had written a very reasonable post with all sorts of very reasonable viewpoints. You ignore all of it, like usual and all you do is telling me that, I don’t know, two or three words in that post of some 400 words are inacceptable and therefore I have to shut up.
Don’t be ridiculous. Besides reasonable, anything I said is perfectly legal and within the law of any democratic state. If you need to be some hypocrites’ tool and enforce their dictator- and censorship, don’t expect me to do your dirty work.
P.S. I really do think you’re an awesome person.
You think that we would be somewhat alike, that you would be an evolved version of me, so you actually think you are an awesome person. You like it that I dare to say the things that you only dare to think or express enormously obscured deep in between the lines. But you’re a coward and you fear that some breathing encyclopediae will leave this board and make it less valuable, so you’re willing to trade the truth for their technical knowledge about bones and how to align in some posture.
Well go ahead then, you think I care? Not really, do you. I have already said everything I needed to. The pathetic replies in this thread, which, D., you started, you caused, you are responsible for, are at best tiring. “Stone thrower”. pf Q = evil incarnated. pf Q in a line with rapists and robbers. pf Q is not using his real name. pf Let’s respect hypocrisy. pf Coming from great Yogis and Yoginis, equipped with personal uberGurus, sharing their wonderful teachings.
Yeah right.
PS: On a totally different subject, two interesting Wikipedia-artcles, which, really, truly and honestly have nothing to do with anybody around this place:
Scary how shit resembles shit, isn’t it. And I’m not only speaking about what we see in this thread, but particularly about what lead to it in the first place.
Q, I think you have plenty of valid points and I think you’re genuine. If I didn’t think you were genuine, this thread and you wouldn’t have been here. It’s simply the angle and tone you utilize. Truth can be expressed in a compassionate way. Bringing someone awareness can done in a compassionate way. And make no mistake, I’m ALL about expressing emotion. However, one thing I’ve learned is that when that emotion is anger or frustration or like emotion, there are infinitely healthier ways to express it than by aiming it at another person. As an example, I’ve personally done everything from screaming in my car to utilizing a punching bag. With that said, my partner and I have begun to develop a healing process where we yell at each other. But that requires a significant amount of trust and understanding and would be detrimental if those were not present. Taking it one step further, since we are practitioners of yoga, the Yoga Sutras speak of cultivating the opposite. Since you gave me lots of reading, I respond with the following for your perusal and quote a small part of it here:
[B]Getting free from negativity with other people[/B]: In sutra 2.33-2.34, the question is posed as to what to do when one does [I] not[/I] act or think in accordance with yogic values such as non-violence, but rather, has negative emotions. What is one to do with such strong negative thought patterns? The suggestion is made in those sutras, that we cultivate an opposite attitude by reminding ourselves (through internal dialogue) that holding onto this negative attitude is going to do nothing but bring unending pain and misery (2.34). It also points out that, in terms of the inner reaction and effects, there is really no difference between three kinds of actions:
[li]We, ourselves carrying out such a negative act [/li]> [li]Soliciting another person to do it for us, or [/li]> [li]Approving of the act when it happens, but without our effort. [/li]> [/ol]
To work with these four attitudes of friendliness, compassion, goodwill, and neutrality specifically, we can make much easier progress with the practices of the yamas (2.30) and the instructions to cultivate the opposite when we become negative (2.34).
Some people are ready and able to handle someone like yourself who is in their face and confrontational and one might say, negative. Most are not, and as moderator of this forum, I have to accept that as well. In addition, I have to take into account point three quoted above. Therefore, if you’d like to continue this conversation in a manner that is confrontational or harsh, I’m happy to do it privately but I ask again that you refrain from responding in threads in such a manner. Thanks
P.S. Yes, I think I’m awesome too However, I don’t think for a second that I’m more evolved than you. I’d have to know where I’m at in order to make such a comparison.
Looks like we’ve found our Master Teacher .We’re probably just not aware of it.
But ,it would appear we’re out of popcorn though ;).
[QUOTE=core789;31678]Looks like we’ve found our Master Teacher .We’re probably just not aware of it.
But ,it would appear we’re out of popcorn though ;).[/QUOTE]Daaaaaaaviiiiid, this one is mocking me! Swirl that banhammer right now, because I’m saaaaaad!
Now onto the wonderful teachings you’re lucky I share with you:
Hi David,
Q, I think you have plenty of valid points and I think you’re genuine. If I didn’t think you were genuine, this thread and you wouldn’t have been here.
all right, but I said that you implied that I am not genuine, because from all I said you picked that sentence about " - let’s say - some idiot". So you picked up that angle, the one about how to deal with indeed some idiot. And that’s what this thread is about, not about how to deal with someone who has plenty of valid, yet inconvenient points. You could have set up this debate a lot more skillful, then, my compassionate friend, I might not have found it necessary to write a single post in the entire thread, because I already had vented my incredible anger and might not have been provoced in another dozen posts.
It’s simply the angle and tone you utilize. Truth can be expressed in a compassionate way. Bringing someone awareness can done in a compassionate way.
Then why don’t you, for a change, demonstrate that compassionate way in regard to those plenty of points. And please allow the question: Did you not, before I brought up my points, notice the drawbacks thematized by me? And if you did, then could you pretty-please explain, why you never did anything about them, or if you did something, why it had no effect whatsoever? Myself did I indeed notice a bit of criticism coming from you before I stirred up the trouble, but any effect I noticed not.
And make no mistake, I’m ALL about expressing emotion.
You’re AWESOME, David, we’re one of a kind!
However, one thing I’ve learned is that when that emotion is anger or frustration or like emotion, there are infinitely healthier ways to express it than by aiming it at another person.
Mr. David Sir Gurumaster and knower of healthy ways, would you say that these ways are without any doubt the healthier ways for anybody and would you say that these ways are instantly walkable for anybody? And in case they at least are not instantly walkable for anybody, would you then suggest that ways, that might be less healthy than those you’ve found, but still healthier than a selfdestructive deadlock, do a) exist and b) should be walked by those who need a way?
As an example, I’ve personally done everything from screaming in my car to utilizing a punching bag. With that said, my partner and I have begun to develop a healing process where we yell at each other. But that requires a significant amount of trust and understanding and would be detrimental if those were not present.
Though this might be interesting, the bit of anger I happened to feel caused around here, would not provide me with enough energy to punch a bag or yell at anything or anybody. I think it was FlexPenguin who said that an emotion that we extract from a character string is not necessaryly exactly the one the author wanted to encrypt. My theory is that I published my character strings in an environment that declines, that demonizes any negative emotion so much, that any expression of such is perceived as a lot more intense than it actually is. In other places I discuss, for example politics, noone would even have noticed anything irregular and my allegedly razorbladish tone would have been perceived as decent and calm, instead that it’d’ve caused an debate on principles and elaborate pleadings why I need to be repudiated.
Taking it one step further, since we are practitioners of yoga, the Yoga Sutras speak of cultivating the opposite. Since you gave me lots of reading, I respond with the following for your perusal and quote a small part of it here:
[quote]Getting free from negativity with other people: In sutra 2.33-2.34, the question is posed as to what to do when one does not act or think in accordance with yogic values such as non-violence, but rather, has negative emotions. What is one to do with such strong negative thought patterns? The suggestion is made in those sutras, that we cultivate an opposite attitude by reminding ourselves (through internal dialogue) that holding onto this negative attitude is going to do nothing but bring unending pain and misery (2.34). It also points out that, in terms of the inner reaction and effects, there is really no difference between three kinds of actions:
- We, ourselves carrying out such a negative act
- Soliciting another person to do it for us, or
- Approving of the act when it happens, but without our effort.
To work with these four attitudes of friendliness, compassion, goodwill, and neutrality specifically, we can make much easier progress with the practices of the yamas (2.30) and the instructions to cultivate the opposite when we become negative (2.34).
[/quote]Intersting website; thanks for the link.
Some people are ready and able to handle someone like yourself who is in their face and confrontational and one might say, negative. Most are not, and as moderator of this forum, I have to accept that as well. In addition, I have to take into account point three quoted above. Therefore, if you’d like to continue this conversation in a manner that is confrontational or harsh, I’m happy to do it privately but I ask again that you refrain from responding in threads in such a manner. Thanks
I got your point before I even met you and you might finally notice, that I am not interested, but only willing to discuss it in consideration of my behaviour. The discussion I am interested in would be one about all those points that have been ignored until now. However, being one patient person I am ready to continue the discussion about right behaviour, manner, tone and expression, but if you want to, you will either accept how I express myself or, if you feel you have to protect your members, contact me privately. Or, of course, do neither and punch me with the banhammer. All fine with me.
P.S. Yes, I think I’m awesome too
And btw do I not think I am awesome, except that I think existence itself is awesome and I am part of it, which, though, is an undeserved gift I am humbly thankful for.
Haw haw, I is more evolved than u, so u better bowz 2 me!
However, I don’t think for a second that I’m more evolved than you. I’d have to know where I’m at in order to make such a comparison.
Is that so. It seems to be different since you seem to think that you have to teach me something, that you understand while I don’t. Did I ever mention that I am almost 40 years old? And that I have studied several philosophies and religions, as well as psychology and social interaction for at least three quaters of my life? Rest assured that I am aware of and at peace with what I am doing and the fact, that I am not perfect and have a long way to go to become what might be considered “wise” by an observer. I’m on that way, and proceeding, but negating, surpessing, denying what and who I am are very unusual landmarks at my roadside. Feel free to ask me all about it.
As I feel the desire to both accept Q and accept the people here who feel they need protected, I’m following both suggestions as I’ve temporarily banned Q for three days and contacted him privately.
[quote=core789;31678]Looks like we’ve found our Master Teacher .We’re probably just not aware of it.
But ,it would appear we’re out of popcorn though ;).[/quote]
Sorry to single you out by quoting you since many of us are guilty in this thread, but if we’re going to ask that we all treat each other with respect and compassion, it has to work both ways, otherwise, what is the difference between us?
Well Q, you act like no one wants to engage in a converastoin with you, yet have a conversation at you. This will be my third reply directly to you on this thread, yet the first two have not recieved replies.
So to sum up the first two,
Are you feeling better?
And on the subject of hypocrites, have you ever met someone not a hypocrite, at times all will be hypocritical, however does that mean they arent trying?
So instead of respecting them as a yogini, how about respecting them for the hypocritical people that they are, as you are, as I am?
I am hypocritical because I believe that compasion is a great trait to have, yet often times I do laugh at the interactions that you have made with others and that they argue back with you. while I sit and eat popcorn, munch munch.
So do you really care to discuss or rather argue?
I can see my sense of humour went unappreciated.
I don’t see what the big deal is.
Core, which one are you referring to as the master teacher?
actually just got done with a bag of popcorn, some kind of organic herb and vegetable stuff from chamberlins. Actually it was pretty good.
:)Good point.
Whichever one(s) you resonate with the most;those that turn out to provide the most guidance and help on your spiritual journey.
Of course the supreme teacher is your inner guru.
(Is there generally a difference,say relative to function , between Master Teacher & external guru?----> merits a new thread)
This is a question for Q, when (if) he comes back.
I am ready to continue the discussion about right behaviour, manner, tone and expression
What kind of behavior is this?
Mr. David Sir Gurumaster and knower of healthy ways
This feigned respect seems like completely transparent disrespect and is really aimed at the wrong person. You’re mocking the one guy who can kick you out.
What about this?
but if you want to, you will either accept how I express myself or, if you feel you have to protect your members, contact me privately. Or, of course, do neither and punch me with the banhammer. All fine with me.
You keep complaining about being so picked on and ignored, but this seems pretty arrogant to me, and aimed at the wrong person again. You’re talking to the big boss, man! What’s wrong with you? I guess you really don’t care about whether you’re allowed to post here or not. I personally don’t want to see you get permanently banned, so I hope you come to your senses and stop this. Find somebody else to pick on, and find a better way to do what you do.
[QUOTE=Brother Neil;31685]
And on the subject of hypocrites, have you ever met someone not a hypocrite, at times all will be hypocritical, however does that mean they arent trying?
So instead of respecting them as a yogini, how about respecting them for the hypocritical people that they are, as you are, as I am?
In my opinion, calling someone a hypocrite is not inherently disrespectful. If you look back on the thread, Q took care to define the term, and pointed out examples that he thought were hypocritical. I might have used some different examples, but that is exactly the right way to criticize someone, and a whole lot different than calling someone an asshole for example. Taken in the right way, an accusation like that can actually be constructive. Since he provided examples, the accused has an opportunity to refute the examples and show that the criticism is not valid, or if he is unable to refute it, to accept it and learn from it and grow.
Sometimes it’s better to criticize someone in this way than to just accept them the way they are, because it allows for the possibility of change and growth. Of course not all criticism is friendly criticism and then the voters have to decide who is telling the truth and who isn’t. But repeatedly calling someone a hypocrite, what kind of behavior is that?
[li]An attempt to get a point across?
[/li][li]A mindless expression of anger?
[/li][li]An attempt to draw an angry response?
[/li][li]An attempt to be mean and hurtful?
[/li][li]An attempt to get some activity going?
Ya gotta ask yourself, what is this guy really up to? And if he’s just trying to stir things up a little, does this forum really need that?
I’m currently reading the book, “How To Be An Adult In Relationships - The Five Keys to Mindful Loving” and just read the following paragraph:
Every person needs the nourishment of food throughout life. Likewise, a psychologically healthy person needs the sustenance of the five A’s – attention, acceptance, appreciation, affection, and allowing – all her life. It is true that unmet needs for the five A’s in childhood cannot be made up for later in life, in the sense that they cannot be fulfilled so absolutely, so immediately, so unfailingly. That absolute, immediate fulfillment of needs by one person is appropriate only to infants. But needs can be fulfilled, in short or long installments, throughout life. The problem is not that we seek gratification but that we seek too much of it all at once. What we did not receive enough of before, we cannot receive enough of now; what we did receive enough of before, we can receive enough of now.
I feel this rings true. Growing up, I received four of the five A’s in abundance. However, there was one person close to me who did not accept me. That person was in fact quite brutal to me. I have only very recently healed the wound that person opened up. Until that wound was healed, I would emotionally react to anyone that reminded me of them.
I find it interesting that the author states that you cannot get enough of what you once did not have. I would indeed react if I felt someone wasn’t accepting of me. I still have to take a step back at times when I don’t feel accepted. I’m guessing all of this is also why I feel such a strong desire to accept everyone. As I’ve begun to heal this wound, acceptance has become a big theme for me.
Since we’re on acceptance, did YOU receive acceptance in abundance growing up?
[QUOTE=Asuri;31758]In my opinion, calling someone a hypocrite is not inherently disrespectful. If you look back on the thread, Q took care to define the term, and pointed out examples that he thought were hypocritical. I might have used some different examples, but that is exactly the right way to criticize someone, and a whole lot different than calling someone an asshole for example. Taken in the right way, an accusation like that can actually be constructive. Since he provided examples, the accused has an opportunity to refute the examples and show that the criticism is not valid, or if he is unable to refute it, to accept it and learn from it and grow.
Sometimes it’s better to criticize someone in this way than to just accept them the way they are, because it allows for the possibility of change and growth. Of course not all criticism is friendly criticism and then the voters have to decide who is telling the truth and who isn’t. But repeatedly calling someone a hypocrite, what kind of behavior is that?
[li]An attempt to get a point across?
[/li][li]A mindless expression of anger?
[/li][li]An attempt to draw an angry response?
[/li][li]An attempt to be mean and hurtful?
[/li][li]An attempt to get some activity going?
Ya gotta ask yourself, what is this guy really up to? And if he’s just trying to stir things up a little, does this forum really need that?[/QUOTE]
Some very good points Asuri about how criticism can cause growth and closeness when handled with an approach that encourages that.
Thanks for the attention, appreciation and acceptance, brother.
Wow. I know I’ve been away a while so I’m off to get caught up. Seems like things are a bit rocky at the moment.
Hi Brother Neil,
Well Q, you act like no one wants to engage in a converastoin with you, yet have a conversation at you.
isn’t it like that? Take yourself as an example, do you want to engage me in a conversation or is all you want talking about me?
This will be my third reply directly to you on this thread, yet the first two have not recieved replies.
Yes, this is your third reply, so two of your replies have not been answered by me. And one of these two replies consisted of one question “Do you feel better now?”, which, my rethorically unskilled friend, is hardly a reply. However, the reason I don’t reply to any sardonic comment is that I don’t care to argue and that I don’t have time for that. Now, though, since I’m da bad boy in da house, I have some, so here ya go, big brother:
And on the subject of hypocrites, have you ever met someone not a hypocrite,
at times all will be hypocritical, however does that mean they arent trying?
I’m not talking about people who are hypocrites “at times”. The ones I talk about I perceive to be actual hypocrites regarding to an aspect or point. Maybe have another look at the definition:
Hypocrisy is the act of persistently professing beliefs, opinions, virtues, feelings, qualities, or standards that are inconsistent with one’s actions. Hypocrisy is thus a kind of lie.
The hypocrite thinks that what he or she usually professes does not somehow apply to him or her. It is not simply an inconsistency between what is praised or admired and what is done. Samuel Johnson made this point when he wrote about the misuse of the charge of “hypocrisy” in Rambler No. 14:
[quote]Nothing is more unjust, however common, than to charge with hypocrisy him that expresses zeal for those virtues which he neglects to practice; since he may be sincerely convinced of the advantages of conquering his passions, without having yet obtained the victory, as a man may be confident of the advantages of a voyage, or a journey, without having courage or industry to undertake it, and may honestly recommend to others, those attempts which he neglects himself.
[/quote]So I think indeed that hypocrites are not “trying”.
So instead of respecting them as a yogini, how about respecting them for the hypocritical people that they are, as you are, as I am?
How am I a hypocrite?
And no, I don’t respect someone for being a hypocrite. I don’t respect someone for being a liar. Why would I? I respect them as human beings, though + as I have stated about three zillion times, that’s why I’m willing to discuss with them instead of throwing stones at them from behind the safeguard of a smug speech.
I am hypocritical because I believe that compasion is a great trait to have, yet often times I do laugh at the interactions that you have made with others and that they argue back with you. while I sit and eat popcorn, munch munch.
I know.
So do you really care to discuss or rather argue?
No Brother Neil, the correct question is do you really care to discuss or rather argue. And the correct answer is “no, you don’t”.
Hi Asuri,
This is a question for Q, when (if) he comes back.
I am ready to continue the discussion about right behaviour, manner, tone and expression
What kind of behavior is this?[/quote]you don’t expect me to write an essay “On Right Behavior”, do you. If you want to discuss something, bring it on and I’ll comment on it. In one sentence: If you don’t have to, don’t do anything you know is wrong. Leaves a lot of room for interpretation, though.
Mr. David Sir Gurumaster and knower of healthy ways
This feigned respect seems like completely transparent disrespect and is really aimed at the wrong person.[/quote]If we only considered this half sentence from a whole paragraph, I’d even agree.
You’re mocking the one guy who can kick you out.
What about this?
Bums and kings, the mighty and the powerless, the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful, the dumb and the smart: They’re all equal to me, I mock them where I see fit, I praise them where I see fit. Is that no agreeable attitude?
I got your point before I even met you and you might finally notice, that I am not interested, but only willing to discuss it in consideration of my behaviour. The discussion I am interested in would be one about all those points that have been ignored until now. However, being one patient person I am ready to continue the discussion about right behaviour, manner, tone and expression, but if you want to, you will either accept how I express myself or, if you feel you have to protect your members, contact me privately. Or, of course, do neither and punch me with the banhammer. All fine with me.
You keep complaining about being so picked on and ignored, but this seems pretty arrogant to me,[/quote]Why? Asuri, why? You noted that I have reasons n stuff, where are yours? All you have is “this seems”, “you are”, “you should”, “do this”, “be that”. That’s not good enough.
and aimed at the wrong person again.
I’d aim this at any person.
You’re talking to the big boss, man! What’s wrong with you?
I must be out of my mind, I guess.
I guess you really don’t care about whether you’re allowed to post here or not.
I really don’t. You know, it’s because I don’t care to be around people who are not interested in what I have to say.
I personally don’t want to see you get permanently banned, so I hope you come to your senses and stop this.
Why do you want to see me? What’s so interesting about me?
Find somebody else to pick on, and find a better way to do what you do.
In my opinion, calling someone a hypocrite is not inherently disrespectful. If you look back on the thread, Q took care to define the term, and pointed out examples that he thought were hypocritical. I might have used some different examples, but that is exactly the right way to criticize someone, and a whole lot different than calling someone an asshole for example.
See, that’s how it’s done.
Taken in the right way, an accusation like that can actually be constructive. Since he provided examples, the accused has an opportunity to refute the examples and show that the criticism is not valid, or if he is unable to refute it, to accept it and learn from it and grow.
Sometimes it’s better to criticize someone in this way than to just accept them the way they are, because it allows for the possibility of change and growth.
It’s a wonderful opportunity!
Of course not all criticism is friendly criticism and then the voters have to decide who is telling the truth and who isn’t. But repeatedly calling someone a hypocrite, what kind of behavior is that?
- An attempt to get a point across?
- A mindless expression of anger?
- An attempt to draw an angry response?
- An attempt to be mean and hurtful?
- An attempt to get some activity going?
Ya gotta ask yourself, what is this guy really up to? And if he’s just trying to stir things up a little, does this forum really need that?
I’d guess the easiest way would be just to deal with the criticism of this guy the way you suggested it. If you did and this guy would still repeatedly calling someone a hypocrite, you could start wondering what this guy really is up to. Until that mark, you would have to assume that this guy is 1. trying to get a point across instead of accusing this guy to be 2. mindless, angry, 3. attempting to draw an angry response, 4. mean, hurtful and 5. attempting to get some activity going.
Is that not true.
Besides that this guy already noted, that David caused this thread and that others fueled it with their amusement about this guy and their pointless “do this”, “be that” litanies. All instead of dealing with the points this guy attempts to get accross. For example had this guy found it neccessary to re-explain the whole story of how this guy came to criticize the good people of Yogaforums[dot]com, so it became clear to the thinking mind that this guy isn’t just “some idiot”. The good people of Yogaforums[dot]com in return mock this guy, insult this guy, they demonize this guy, they, Asuri, are even shameless enough to associate this guy with the rape of a 65 year old woman! They behave like this guy had done something wrong, while at the same time they state this guy is just right, expresses his criticism just right.
You see, it’s not that this guy is insulting anybody or behaves in an unaccaptable way, it’s all legal within the law of any democratic state. It’s just that we are holier-than these laws.
So after all we have come to the conclusion, that this guy is absolutely right with what this guy says and that we’re just cowards who are afraid of aggreeing with this guys criticism, because we’re frozen in awe when it comes to question someone who has an x-hour teacher training, no matter if they make people uncomfortable, hurt people, discourage people, alienate people, give people a false impression of what Yoga is and how Yoga should be practiced.
Bums and kings, the mighty and the powerless, the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful, the dumb and the smart: They’re all equal to me, I mock them where I see fit, I praise them where I see fit. Is that no agreeable attitude?
Now who is the hypocrite? I’ll bet you don’t talk to your boss like that. It’s easy to be critical when you’re sitting behind a computer screen and typing. Who are you, god? All may be equal in the eyes of god, but not to people in the real world. If you don’t like the people here, and you don’t care if you get kicked out, why don’t you just leave, instead of hanging around stirring up trouble?
So after all we have come to the conclusion, that this guy is absolutely right
Nobody said you were absolutely right, except for you. You may have made a point or two in the right way, but absolutely right? No.