Chakra Meditation

Hi, I’am new here. I’am very interested in meditation. I started to meditate 2 weeks ago and 1 week ago started to meditate on chakras. So My questions are:

  1. Is it dangerous to meditate on chakras everyday few times in the morning and in the evening?
  2. I heard that some people got traumas or gone insane, because they meditated on chakras in wrong way, is that possible?
  3. I meditated on chakras 6 or 7 days and it feels good, but now I’am scared, please give Me some advices.
    4)Please don’t judge Me, I’am new here and I need some help and advice. Thanks.

Hi Domas,
Many people say they practice ‘meditation’. Many people say they ‘teach meditation’.

But the word is being used incorrectly by many people, and also used in very many different ways.

There is an interesting article at the Burren Yoga and Meditation Centre website which you can find under the section ‘about yoga’ if you are interested.

But again good to bear in mind that this is ‘my way’ of describing it. And although i have been practicing meditation for over 30 years, and have put my life’s work into yoga and meditation… i am also a human being with many failings and i can be wrong too.

My heart felt advice to you is to find a good ‘meditation teacher’ and sit down with them directly, discuss what it is you are trying to do, and follow their advice.

For me to try to guess exactly what it is that you are doing… how you are sitting, what your environment is like, what your personality and other strengths and weaknesses are like, how you are actually practicing and what techniques you use for distractions and other problems that can arise… this Forum i don’t think is the best place to do this.

You are best sitting down with an experienced teacher face to face who can ‘feel your energies’ and see directly as they are guiding you.

Best Wishes,

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“I started to meditate 2 weeks ago and 1 week ago started to meditate on chakras.”

Concentration on the chakras is not meditation, but it can be used as a method to enter into meditation. There are eight depths of meditation, and once you come to the first, whatever was your object of concentration - whether a mantra, yantra, or a chakra, it disappears. Meditation cannot be done as an effort of the mind.

“2) I heard that some people got traumas or gone insane, because they meditated on chakras in wrong way, is that possible?”

Yes. First it is important to understand that these chakras are also different aspects of one’s own consciousness. The lower three chakras are corresponding to instinct, the heart center to your emotions, the throat more with the intellect, ajna with the intuition, and sahasrara with the direct experience of one’s true nature, or what has been called nirvikalpa samadhi.

What you are doing through concentration upon the chakras along the spinal cord, is that you are awakening different aspects of your own consciousness. Different states of consciousness are different states of energy, and the chakras are simply centers of energy in different states of vibration. And the problem is that our system is so complex, that any change in any part has an influence on all the other parts, everything is interconnected. That is why, if you are going to do work with the chakras, it is not something that is to be done radomly, but in a systematic way. One has to first start from the root chakra, bring certain qualities of energy into it before working on the other chakras until eventually one’s energies reach sahasrara at the top of the brain.

If the work is not done in this systematic and scientific approach, it can create more damage than good. There are people who have become psychologically insane because they awakened certain energies in their system which they were not able to handle, all kinds of mental disorders can arise from improper practice. This is why in the yogic sciences, all of the methods dealing with awakening certain energies in the subtle body and spinal cord, have always been transmitted secretly to ensure that such things would not happen. If one is practicing these methods without the proper understanding, rather than assisting you towards your enlightenment, it can only take you into an even deeper unconsciousness.

“3) I meditated on chakras 6 or 7 days and it feels good, but now I’am scared, please give Me some advices”

The danger lies not in not knowing the method to awaken these centers, but in knowing the method and being successful at it. If you do not know of the techniques, then there is almost no possibility of such problems happening : )

Thanks guys. As You see My english is not very good. :smiley: Both of You suggesting My don’t do anything with chakras, am I right? Can You suggest Me some easy, safe meditations to remove all negative feelings (phobias, anxiety, insecurity, emotional pain). I just want to be "clean’’ inside and live My life.
Thanks guys, I appreciate Your answers. :slight_smile:


“Both of You suggesting My don’t do anything with chakras, am I right?”

That is not what I have said. You can continue working on them, there is no problem. Because the work of awakening the chakras requires you to know of specific techniques, and if you are not practicing them, there is very little harm.

AmirMourad, sorry, You written in difficult form, to Me it’s difficult to understand everything. :slight_smile: What other safe techniques You know to “clean” myself?

I just want to overcome My constant worry, to get rid off old belief patterns and bad memories.


“Both of You suggesting My don’t do anything with chakras, am I right?”

That is not what I have said. You can continue working on them, there is no problem. [B]Because the work of awakening the chakras requires you to know of specific techniques, and if you are not practicing them, there is very little harm.[/B][/QUOTE]

Wrong again.

for they are already awake - from birth. if they weren’t “awake” nothing would operate in the body. They govern life processes, organ function, locomotion, and on and ON.

you truly are a character for me to put in my stories.

I thank you for your existence and your presence here.

Most humorous.


“for they are already awake - from birth. if they weren’t “awake” nothing would operate in the body. They govern life processes, organ function, locomotion, and on and ON.”

One will first have to investigate into one’s being and find out whether such “chakras” are there or not. As it is, it remains simply a hypothesis, one which one has borrowed into one’s mind from the outside, it does not arise out of one’s own direct experience.

Yes, it is true, the chakras are already there, but in a basic, raw form. They are to be developed,. As they are, they remain just a potentiality to use for one’s awakening. The same is the case with the nadis, they are already there. But the problem is that unless you undergo a thorough purification and detoxification of one’s system, the energies flowing through one’s system are going to be blocked in their path. That is the whole purpose of all these various different methods - asanas, pranayam, mudras, kriyas, bandhas - these are all just different skillful means to create a vessel which is prepared for the moment of enlightenment.

Neither should it be assumed that the so called “Kundalini” is already there. It is something that is to be created. Just as when oxygen and hydrogen come into contact, there is a certain explosion - the same is the case with certain energies of the subtle body.

Thanks guys, for Your replies. I’am new to meditation and thought that cleaning chakras is absolutely safe and good for Me. I just need to get rid off all negativity. Which meditation is safest and most suitable for that?


Because a chakra, mantra, or a yantra, usually has a particular meaning or suggestion to the mind, I would not recommend them if you are interested in using something more “safe” as an object of meditation. What would be far safer is to use something neutral - without any meaning, as an object. For this, a method which I would recommend is concentration upon the breath.

Can this meditation help Me to completely overcome anxiety and make Me be as positive as I can?


Any method which brings your mind to a stillness is can dissolve your fear and anxiety. Concentration upon the breath can be used for this. Practice it for some time, it will help strengthen your attention and alertness.

But eventually, you will have to learn how to be in meditation from moment to moment in daily living, not just sitting. Because when anxiety comes, it is always without warning. And when it is there, you will have to learn how to approach it in the moment.

When the fear or anxiety arises, don’t try to escape from it, control it, or change it in any way, just watch it as it is in the moment, without judgement. Remain a witness in the present without any prejudice. And the longer you can remain a witness, is the more and more the anxiety slowly starts disappearing. Eventually, it fades back into nothingness.

It takes some time to awaken this witnessing quality in your experience. But after some time it becomes very natural. But the essential thing is that when the anxiety comes, you watch it closely as it is in the present without judging. In the science of meditation, this is what is called mindfulness.

AmirMourad, thank You very, very much. Now I understand more about it. again very BIG THANKS.

[I]One will first have to investigate into one’s being and find out whether such “chakras” are there or not. As it is, it remains simply a hypothesis, one which one has borrowed into one’s mind from the outside, it does not arise out of one’s own direct experience. [/I]

[B]You think I don’t know this? or are you just preaching to the masses. You ramble on and off tangents often in your posts and do not address the OPs question - many times. [/B]

[I]Yes, it is true, the chakras are already there, but in a basic, raw form. They are to be developed,.[/I]

[B]No. You have no clue. There is no need to ‘develop’ them. Your funny.

[I] As they are, they remain just a potentiality to use for one’s awakening. The same is the case with the nadis, they are already there. [B]But the problem is that unless you undergo a thorough purification and detoxification of one’s system, the energies flowing through one’s system are going to be blocked in their path. [/B][/I]

[B]Wrong again. Nadis flow at least from birth…perhaps before. [/B]

That is the whole purpose of all these various different methods - asanas, pranayam, mudras, kriyas, bandhas - these are all just different skillful means to create a vessel which is prepared for the moment of enlightenment.

[B]Yawn. No. You speak of Hatha yoga. Has nothing to do with enlightenment or kensho. if so only hatha yogis would be achieve the highest spiritual aims which is complete and utter nonsense. Nice try though. [/B]

[I]Neither should it be assumed that the so called “Kundalini” is already there. It is something that is to be created. [/I]

[B]WRONG AGAIN. Your understanding is so incredibly poor that if you were mine I would beat you with a stick till you were senseless. Then in that moment of senselessness you might be worth a squirt. BUT I DOUBT IT.


[I]Just as when oxygen and hydrogen come into contact, there is a certain explosion - the same is the case with certain energies of the subtle body.[/I]



: )

It’s Me again. Because I can’t post any links I added only title of the video that I found in youtube, please check it. Video title is: Chakra Meditation Balancing & Healing. Can I do everything what is shown in this video? Is it safe? Is this a chakras meditation? Thank You.

[QUOTE=Domas;53322]It’s Me again. Because I can’t post any links I added only title of the video that I found in youtube, please check it. Video title is: Chakra Meditation Balancing & Healing. Can I do everything what is shown in this video? Is it safe? Is this a chakras meditation? Thank You.[/QUOTE]

Dear Domas,

Chakra meditation can be dangerous without a Guru. You could go on & on around in circles & not get anywhere. Be patient… just do not copy anything from the video as theory and practice are far more different. Your body/mind might react differently.

I do not intend to discourage you, but kindly do not venture into the unknown out of immature excitement. Enroll yourself in a class or find yourself a worthy Guru who can systematically guide you thru chakra meditation or Kundalini Yoga.

[B]P.S.[/B] Kindly pay attention to Amir’s words of wisdom. He never misguides!


b.shahvir, thank You for Your answer. I think meditation is not for Me and it looks a bit confusing, I will try to do something else. :slight_smile: By the way, I used chakras meditation because I believed that it would help to energise My body and remove all negativity. I’am too young for that, I think 18 not a right age for meditation especially this complicated.

[QUOTE=Domas;52205]Hi, I’am new here. I’am very interested in meditation. I started to meditate 2 weeks ago and 1 week ago started to meditate on chakras. So My questions are:

  1. Is it dangerous to meditate on chakras everyday few times in the morning and in the evening?
  2. I heard that some people got traumas or gone insane, because they meditated on chakras in wrong way, is that possible?
  3. I meditated on chakras 6 or 7 days and it feels good, but now I’am scared, please give Me some advices.
    4)Please don’t judge Me, I’am new here and I need some help and advice. Thanks.[/QUOTE] Best is to meditate on Sahasrara but is better first to awaken Kundalini.


Don’t shy away from meditation just because you are 18. That is not too young at all! But there are meditations that are perhaps more suitable to the newbie or someone of your age. Vipassana meditation (a simple form of Buddhist meditation also called insight meditation) is a beautiful segway into a deeper practice. Or as many do, just stay with it. Amir’s post #11 touches upon this. I use this quite often in my classes and my students find it comfortable and easy. As your practice/meditation grows, you can try other types of meditation such as mantra and zazen.