[QUOTE=Hubert;66034]I learnt that… we are not the food we ingest. The matter what goes in, and that what results is not the same, but there is a de-materialization and a materialization process. So the need for food is actually a need for stimuli, but in our bodies all matter is created anew … and this is what makes later possible living without any food intake.
As it is guessable, this is related to higher, soul and moral levels of existence. Still, I thought it is worth mentioning that the current state of our bodies and it’s needs is not fixed, it is ever changing and evolving. Some still need meat to be able to live, and some are able to live entirely on raw food, and some use only water. I realise that this is against the general accepted scientific view, and I am not trying to fight that, or to say it is wrong (because in most cases it is right, only not universally). As a matter of fact I came here because I have been reading scientific papares on dairy and cholesterol levels, and realised that what is true for one, is rejected by the other. As result, I strongly believe that we need not to rely too much on the everchanging scientific truth of the day.
The best is to actually pay good attention to our habitsand develop the awarness what makes us really know what certain foods or substances cause to our body. I am not sure how many here are familiar with Frank Herbert’s Dune series. There, a priestess is required to perfrom changing poison, to harmless water, by ingesting it. Although that is science fiction, I am sure now, that it is indeed possible to extend and deepen awarness and consciusness of our own metabolic functions. These are not separated for the vital and soul nature of man. Only they usually are on the opposite ends of our self experience. Normally, these are guided and ruled by beings higher than us, many of them. As we become more aware, they relinquish control to us.
One might say, but what use it is to me to actually control and guide my own digestion ? As the example has tried to show, it can have uses. But not these uses are important, but the freedom we gain by being able to do just that.
So, while in a polluted and depleted world, life might be harsh, and time will come when abominable things will be accepted quoting the theory of struggle for survival and survival of the fittest, I just wanted to kindle a bit the light of hope and freedom. We are much more than we think, and definitley able to become beings we dare not dream to. The power of atman is not dependent on supplements.
But as the Upanishads say: this atman is not attainable by a weak man.[/QUOTE]
Hello Hubert,
You are probably right. The food itself is not everything. You can feed a dead man all the best food, at no avail. What counts is the life force (prana, qi…)
which transforms food into energy for the cells.
The trend is probably to feed yourself directly with life force. There are many
people who succeeded. Only in Moscow there are over 300 aputrophens, people
who do not eat anything. But it will take quite some time until this will become
a mass phenomenon.
Until then, we have to do our best with what we have available.
You are right that science does not know everything and scientifical theories
sometimes contradict each other. Actually, this is good as the truth comes out from conflicting opinions.
Take eg cholesterol, which you mentioned. There is a lot of misunderstanding about it. Peoplle know that it can be deadly (heart atacks). This is simple not true. Just 1:500 (one in five hundred) people with high cholesterol dies because of it. The body has built-in ptrotection, 6 molecules of vitamin E per molecule cholesterol.
People know about the bad cholesterol LDL and good cholesterol HDL. This is also not true. LDL has two forms: LDL1 and LDL2. Only one of them is “bad cholesterol.”
When you have a blood analysis reading “high cholesterol” you get scared…
for nothing. What counts is not the cholesterol itself but the oxidized cholesterol etc…