My supplements:
Fresh ginger - To combat being the coldest person alive, especially when my predominantly vata prakrte is out becomes excessively out of wack due to to traveling.
(They sell it at the health food store in pill form, so I can officially say it’s a supplement instead of just chopped up pieces of ginger in boiling water).
Amla berry pills when I think I might be getting a cold, or feel immune-compromised.
Himalaya Triphala supplements when I’m feeling irregular.
Melatonin to assist with jet-lag recovery.
And last time I was overseas I picked up this cute little bottle of Organic India “Flexibility” herb capsules, labeled for arthritis relief. I had an inflamed SI Joint at the time. It didn’t help that at all, but I get a good giggle out of offering them to people who are being mentally inflexible. he he he.