ajna chakra awakening:1.sit in siddasana,chin mudra,eyes gently closed,practise mula banda 10min.2.Adjust breath with perineum constraction for 50 breaths.3.Consentration on ajna imagining absorption of prana beetween eyebrows chanting “om” for 1hour
muladhara:1.sit in vajrasana,eyes at the tip of the nose for 20 min.2 attention to perineum constracting it for 40 min.
svadhistana:1.siddhasana,chin mudra,2.klechari mudra, jalandhara banha 3.shalabhasana
manipura:1.prana and apana unified in the navel area 2.manduki kriya(trakata,uddiyana banha,nauli kriya)
anahata:ajapa-napa with mantra so-ham
vishuddi:spinal breathhing, viparita karani mudra
Too things are very important and should be taken seriously:One must first awaken the ajna chakra and if for example you want to awaken vishuddi you must first practice a small piece of each lower chakra exersices
But if you want to procced with this I really recommend you to purchase the book “Bridge to higher consciousness” which has complete instructions for tthe teqniques