Raja Yoga
Mantra Yoga
Kriya Yoga
Vini-Yoga or Yoga Therapy- i believe you’ve got that forum category, nicely covered and with it’s own brand- i.e Mukunda Stiles/SYT.
Tibetan Yoga
Miscelannous Hatha,tantra and kundalini techniques
Esoteric & Himalayan Yogas
Hatha Yoga
Swara Yoga
Kundalin Yoga, perhaps
laya yoga
Karma Yoga
Yoga schools- satyananda, AYP ,nath yogananda etc etc
I think this is maybe starting to look like my web browser bookmarks folder…hehehe
You’ve got the main branches.
Or not to pootentially confuse newcomers but to streamline a forum more along the lines of the 8 -limbed path given that this can adress the many aspects of yoga through having all the limbs adressed in balance.
I do think the therapeutic yoga is important as this is often a main rationale and portal for many into yoga, as well as a welcome effect of practice and people need some orientation and advise. They may also be in some distress or folk are worried as one’s health can presdispose one to doing.
I think you might be better with the 8 limbed path approach so as not to confuse and bewilder people completely.
So another suggestion- along your lines
1)- Pranayama- Limb 4 covered
2)Meditation- limbs 6,7 & 8- dharan,dhyana,samadhi ( no one will post in the last category as they will be in a complete state of absorbtion- only kidding…haha,plus few might know what they were talking about?? +laugh+)Pratyahara maybe more in the domain of a meditation practice category.It is the gateway limb to the internal ,i.e inner, yoga practices.
3)Lifestyle & Nutrition(Diet & lifestyle choices etc)-limbs 1& 2 touched on- purity of body & mind-santosha ?? etc etc etc
4)Asanas-flow series,static asanas ,intersting or novel sequences, the main classical asana,modifications,props, etc
5)Relaxation techniques- this is a tentative suggesstion BTW but is important in an overall practice.
The latter organisation you propose would be better than branches of yoga as it keeps the empahasis on [U]practice[/U], on self-exploration just where it should be, self-responsibility and self-directed practice.
I have thought of these things myself- how you could have a tuly open-source forum that indeed endeavoured to cater for all the discerning seekers and practioners out there.
so to recap
you could add
Maybe as well
-Lifestyle & Nutrition (diet,help and advise,shatkarmas, bodily purification etc)
JUST food for thought. You can disregard the first list as it would be just a tad overwhelming to the beginner and newcomer-liable to intimidate or alienate them.
You’ve got two potential categories there enboldened. Another could be relaxation. The isues with categorisation is the overlapping. BUt you’ve got some interesting if not useful feedback here i hope.
You can retain the General and of course the therapeutic yoga. This is what defines the flavour and purpose of this forum and is what attracts most folk to yoga.It is a taster of yoga’s latent potential.
Hope this helps,by way of feedback, David.