Has Anyone Succeeded in turning Grey Hair black with the help of yoga?

well guys,

I have heard from a lot of people and have seen in many websites that rubbing nails everyday for 5-10 min three times a day will stop further greying process and can also turn back the grey hair to black color after 6-8 months…have anyone of you done this? did the grey hair come back to black color for anyone of you? please answer me and let me know if any of you have succeeded…
thank you,

Hi Friends,

I have heard from so many people that practicing yoga, after a considerable 6-8 months can turn grey hair back to black color.is it really possible?did you know anyone whose grey hair turned black with the help of yoga?
Also, I have heard rubbing nails everyday for 30 min will turn grey hair back to black after a considerable period of 6 months…Is this true?did anyone of you practice this technique?did this really turn grey hair black? or is there anyother Yoga asana like shirasana which can turn grey hair black??

I have asked a pretty long question. Please dont hesitate to answer. It will help me so much

Thank you,

Namaste and welcome the the forum.

When I visited India for the first time in 2005, I shared a compartment on the train from Mysore to Bangalore with an old gentleman who was well in his 50’s and already very grey. He was sitting next to me and he was constantly rubbing his nails so eventually I asked him about it. Iam by nature very curious. And he explained what you are asking about. So after his explanation I asked him for how long he was already busy with this and he told me for about two years. Next question I asked him was if he could see any difference? His face got very sad and he shook his head. (How we can allow something so small to make us unhappy.)

So I asked him if he has ever considered his grey hair to be part of his genetic make up and karma to have this grey hair in this incarnation. He never answered me, but he soon stopped the rubbing. I would like to ask you this question as well with all the love and compassion in my heart.

I personally like grey, it looks very distinctive on both men and women for me and even find it attractive. :slight_smile:

I’ve not even considered such a thing.
What, prey tell, is the value to the soul of gray hair versus black hair?

Ummm. I don’t think anything except hair color will turn your hair back to black.

[QUOTE=Pandara;16191]Namaste and welcome the the forum.

So I asked him if he has ever considered his grey hair to be part of his genetic make up and karma to have this grey hair in this incarnation. He never answered me, but he soon stopped the rubbing. I would like to ask you this question as well with all the love and compassion in my heart.

I personally like grey, it looks very distinctive on both men and women for me and even find it attractive. :)[/QUOTE]

If you have been married for years, gray hair is there. Regardless of genetics.

Just kidding.

IMHO a yoga practice lived truthfully on and off the mat will make you not mind such natural changes to your body.

People do not fear grey hair, they fear what it represents, old age.
Rightfully so, as a less worthy life results in a aged body expressing the defeciencies of the given soul.
Old age has a dignity, if the life was worthy, and only then it is not shameful. A wrinkled old face expresses the karma of that who wears it … and if it was a good karma, than it is beautiful.
For a spiritually oriented soul, the transition through old age leads closer to the supreme moment of death, when the soul finally arrives home.
For a worldly oriented soul, old age represents the approach of the inevitable self distruction, the end of all joys of the senses. What for the first is joy, and fulfillment of a life of spiritual longing, for the latter it is the most terrifying experience.
But there is no escape from this experience for neither. Only that the spiritually oriented soul realizes this, meets death on a spiritual level, sooner. Than, from this expereince grows the desire to find eternity instead of the ever changing things of this world.

The soul living unconsciously in this world, and totally lost in it’s external, sensual aspects, is already dead, but it doesn’t realize this. At the moment of death, this realization happens suddenly, and the passing to the spiritual world is dominated by this feeling of terror.
The spiritual soul is dead too, in this world, but that soul realizes this. A sufi once was asked what gift he recieved from the divine grace, and the answer was, every morning when he woke up, he was fully aware that he might not live to see the sunset. The spiritual soul is conscious of the ever changing nature of this world. Such a soul cannot be unconsciously lost any longer in any external, or sensual activity. It does not mean, that such a soul cannot enjoy life anymore … but sensual pleasure cannot rule his soul life anymore. The soul knows, that these are passing. Gives praise for any such gift, but is not expecting them, demanding them, or struggling to get them. From such a disposition, generosity, tolerance, equanimity flow naturally and without effort.
There is no initiation, self realization, enlightment, only passing through the gate of death.
The wise man does this when he’s able and on his terms, bringing the gifts of his righteous life on the altar of death, the fool tries to postpone the inevitable, until it is too late, and arrives unprepared, with many debts.
The former, depending on his merits, might never be born as a man, the latter is soon reborn to pay his many debts.

Face the fear of death, everyday, every hour, every minute, every second, and eventually, you will find the strenght ot overcome not just the fear, but death itself.

hoplessly snarky moment:

Nope, among all the superpowers I’ve seen ascribed to intense yoga practice, cameleon hair wasn’t one of them.

If it were it’s not one I’d go for anyway. Now, levetation – that you can make money with.

ok, snarky time over for today.

do enough yoga and it may cease to be a priority.

i.e your outlook might change, so it’s not a big thing any more.

That is not to trivialise your problem. maybe change your mind; stop seeing it as an issue.

saying that i cannot relate as i don’t have grey hair so i have no experience of it.

i know someone who has alopecia( patchy hair loss) and he wears caps/hats.another had baldness but he just shaved the rest off and he looked alright or even good with it. although he hung himself a few years ago from a tree although i don’t think itwas becuase of this. no humour intended of course. if iwas bald or balding ( or even patchy) i’d maybe just shave it all or the rest off.

as for grey hair, i think enough yoga might change your priorities.i know it did mine. shifts your very outlook, the way you view the world, yourself etc

hope this helps.

here is the first time ,I heard about such a thing…and have no idea.

My brother swears by the regular dose of Zinc…by regular I mean the allowed recommended dose and has been taking it every day for for about 12 years. He is the only one in the family with NO grey hair! ???

When you said rubbing nails, I was thinking of the ones you hammer in:grin:

Another old post in which Hubert was really on his game.

[QUOTE=prodiguy89;16190]well guys,

I have heard from a lot of people and have seen in many websites that rubbing nails everyday for 5-10 min three times a day will stop further greying process and can also turn back the grey hair to black color after 6-8 months…have anyone of you done this? did the grey hair come back to black color for anyone of you? please answer me and let me know if any of you have succeeded…
thank you,

Hi Friends,

I have heard from so many people that practicing yoga, after a considerable 6-8 months can turn grey hair back to black color.is it really possible?did you know anyone whose grey hair turned black with the help of yoga?
Also, I have heard rubbing nails everyday for 30 min will turn grey hair back to black after a considerable period of 6 months…Is this true?did anyone of you practice this technique?did this really turn grey hair black? or is there anyother Yoga asana like shirasana which can turn grey hair black??

I have asked a pretty long question. Please dont hesitate to answer. It will help me so much

Thank you,


Yes It does,
I was working in Allahabad, one of my trainee always rubbing his nail, after 6 months i saw the change, his Grey hair’s became Black. Now even i have Started doing this. i’ll share my experience with you 6 month later.

Thank You


“I have heard from a lot of people and have seen in many websites that rubbing nails everyday for 5-10 min three times a day will stop further greying process and can also turn back the grey hair to black color after 6-8 months…have anyone of you done this?”

If you want to find out, then do it. You will have to experiment. You have nails, you have a head, and if you have just a bit of discipline, to find out should not be a problem. But it tends to be the case that rather than inquiring out of one’s own resources, one is far too dependent upon others for one’s own understanding. And it is not that if you practice and find that it has not done nothing at all, that you are not going to be gaining anything, if you have a sincere desire to know, then you are developing certain qualities in the process. This applies to something even as superficial as finding out whether your hair can turn from grey to black by practicing a certain method.

It was obviously an advertiser…

Hello sasi,i also heard this thing from my elders but i never try this.i suffered 5 years for more than 5 years and than i got Grey hair remedy known as GRAY BAN from internet search and mate truely speaking it worked.i got rid from my grey hair in 6 months.Been using this a week and very impressed with the results. Hair is getting back to my natural colour can see the improvement each day. If your looking at this review give it a go miles better than dyeing your hair. Can see no flaws yet. I have never reviewed an item before but this stuff deserves credit.you can also try this herbal product.

It seems the issue for you, dear fellow traveller, is not the colour of your hair but rather how you perceive yourself as a whole.

InnerAthlete touched on this idea when he asked what the value of either grey or black hair is to the soul. One might be a mighty master with green or purple hair (or skin).

What does it matter?

The attempt to use yoga for such ends is, in my humble opinion, an aberration of what yoga is all about.

I’ve never heard of anything like that. I’m trying to accept my grey hair gracefully. Being part of a Kula and having that sense of community is more important to me than my hair color. However, it is a little irritating when 2 of your co-workers, in the same day, point out your grey hairs. Grrr


Then the point of reference to address, jaimenk80, is the irritation, not the grey hair.

It’s not the grey hair that is the source of the “grrr” in you, it’s something else. The grey hair (and your co-workers) are just the catalysts of the “grrr”; they bring it to the fore (as a service to you) for you to look deeper within yourself so that you may retrieve a pearl of wisdom.

Try the ayurvedic herb called Bhringaraj. You can take it in capsule form as well as in an oil that can be used to massage into your hair. It must be done regularily for 2-3 years and then the hair will return to normal.