I want to learn Meditation

I have taken an interest in learning Meditation but I have a few quick questions I would like to ask, and I would greatly appreciate some feedback.

  1. What is Meditation exactly?
  2. Is it a religious practice?
  3. Do you have to be a Buddhist to be able to Meditate?
  4. What are the main benefits of Meditation?
  5. Is it easy to learn how to do?
  6. What does using Incense have to do with Meditation?
    Thank you!
  1. What is Meditation exactly?
    Depends which school/discipline/belief system you choose.
  2. Is it a religious practice?
    Can be religious or not depending on which discipline you choose.
  3. Do you have to be a Buddhist to be able to Meditate?
  4. What are the main benefits of Meditation?
    Depends which type you choose…but most can help with clarity of thoughts, calmness of mind, stress reduction…
  5. Is it easy to learn how to do?
    Yes and No…find a teacher who speaks to you…takes great deal of practice for most of us…
  6. What does using Incense have to do with Meditation?

1st you need to be able to sit erect. Ask someone to take your picture when you are sitting like meditating, so then you will se if you really sit erect and what to work on.

2nd you must no allow the thoughts to enter, in the beginning it will be hard so just let them pass do not engage in your thoughts and start daydreaming.

3 after a while you will be able to extend the space between the thoughts.

We dont really need a teacher for this but when you start to be able to extend the space with no thoughts, then you can get a teacher that can guide you.

Just start today if you didnt do it already. IF you cant sit erect you can always sit on a chair to start with but that chair should only be a help/tool in the beginning phase. Best if you can start on the floor, and maybe sit on a pillow.

[I]1. What is Meditation exactly? [/I]
Two forms. Union of the mind to an object or non objectional where the mind is alert, present and abiding in awareness.

[I]2. Is it a religious practice?[/I]
Yes & No. It can be used for spiritual illumination of truth - which is the height of and ultimately - real religion. Or it can be used for things “of the world.”

[I]3. Do you have to be a Buddhist to be able to Meditate?[/I]
No but any system that in the beginning teaches ethics, and the student endeavors to comply, is a helper to progress.

[I]4. What are the main benefits of Meditation?[/I]
Increased understanding of the way things work.

[I]5. Is it easy to learn how to do?[/I]
It takes practice. A teacher is helpful though if your of decent intellect and determined you can probably figure it out by study and practice.

[I]6. What does using Incense have to do with Meditation?[/I]
Might be part of a religious rite. Or perhaps the smell is used as a technique to concentrate the mind.


Meditation from the Mayo Clinic

Jon Kabat-Zinn - Midfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness with Jon Kabat-Zinn - Video

I am answering your queries realted to your interest on meditation as:
Q.1. What is Meditation exactly?
Ans. Meditation is increased length of concentration. It is process of
foccusing attention by refocussing attention on a selected/chosed
object (external things e.g. flame of candle and interal objects e.g.
breathing, chakras; and some other objects e.g mantra, etc.)
Q. 2. Is it a religious practice?
Ans. Meditation commonly is a part of Yoga. Yoga is not religion. Hence
meditation is not religion. In order to practice meditation, one does not
need to change one’s religion. However, it is also a fact that religious
practices also involves some form(s) of meditation.
Q. 3. Do you have to be a Buddhist to be able to Meditate?
Ans. Not at all.
Q. 4. What are the main benefits of Meditation?
Ans. Physiologically, meditation helps to increase function of parasympathetic
nervous system which results in lowered pulse rate, heart rate, breath
rate, blood pressure, etc.
Psychologically, it helps reduce intensity of thought (speeds and
numbers of thoughts), enhance feeling good factors, clarity of thinking,
presence of mind, etc.
Emotionally, it helps to enhance better controll on negative emotions
e.g. anxiety, anger, depression, etc. and cultivate positive emotions
e.g. friendliness, kindness, compassion, etc.
Socially, it help to get in touch with self a ss well as ociety effectively
by being open, improving communication, expressing one’s feeling and
thoughts clearly, etc.
Q. 5. Is it easy to learn how to do?
Ans. Meditation is easy to learn.
There are over 120 types of meditation. One should learn a simple and
beginner’s form of meditation. A guide/guru, knowing your interests,
need and motivation, etc, can help to guide and teach a form of
meditation that may suits a person and his/her personality the best.
Q. 6. What does using Incense have to do with Meditation?
Ans. Incense helps in practicing and improving meditation.

meditation is the point of focus between thoughts of the past and the future, it is abiding in yourself without reading the ticker tape coming off your mind machine, it is being in the middle, the eternal present, the word itself meditation has a connotation of being in between - mediating, or to mediate, if you examine your thoughts you may find that they are relative to the immediate and/or distant past and future, but the place of no thoughts is in between, the mind is a thought machine and you are the one operating it, to turn off the computer, to shut off the mind machine is to be ‘in meditation’ … so how does one turn it off? it is a game of interest, only when you are no longer interested in thoughts will you want to shut them off, as long as they interest you that will be your focus, your attention is your love and your love is your attention, to think thoughts and be interested in them is to love them, is to put your attention upon them… think of a buffalo for example… see now you are thinking of a buffalo just by mere suggestion… put your attention upon itself, pay attention to that which is paying attention, be interested in that which is the ability to be interested… blessings… ~<3~ be present with what is and your life is meditation no matter what thoughts or activities, just observe and remain aware, you are the present moment, just be

  1. What is Meditation exactly?
    -Purest yogic sense meditation as seventh petal, which can be achieved only when all other physical and mental weaknesses have largely been eliminated. Meditation cannot be done by a person who is under stress or who has a weak body, weak lungs, hard muscles, collapsed spine, fluctuating mind, mental agitation, or timidity. Often people think that sitting quietly is meditation. This is misunderstanding. True meditation leads us to wisdom, and awareness and this specifically helps in understanding that we are more than our ego. For this one needs the preparations of the postures and the breathing, the withdrawal of the senses and concentration. " Light on life by BKS Iyengar"
  2. Is it a religious practice?
  • Upto you.
  1. Do you have to be a Buddhist to be able to Meditate?
  • Not necessarily.
  1. What are the main benefits of Meditation?
  • Its way to go beyond benefits/losses.
  1. Is it easy to learn how to do?
  • Only you can know.
  1. What does using Incense have to do with Meditation?
  • Its bit of luxury on the path of non-attachment.

Love& peace

[QUOTE=MatrixGravity;75816]I have taken an interest in learning Meditation but I have a few quick questions I would like to ask, and I would greatly appreciate some feedback.

  1. What is Meditation exactly?

  2. Is it a religious practice?

  3. Do you have to be a Buddhist to be able to Meditate?

  4. What are the main benefits of Meditation?

  5. Is it easy to learn how to do?

  6. What does using Incense have to do with Meditation?
    Thank you![/QUOTE]

  7. In the context of Yoga meditation is dhyana. It is a state of mind one achieved characterized by high levels of mental clarity, mental quietness and calm. These meditations can either be object-based where you keep yourself focused on a specific object of meditation(mantra, image, breath, a chakra etc) or they can objectless, where you can focus on simply remaining in awareness(void meditation, popular with Buddhists) There are literally hundreds of meditation techniques.

Contrary to popular perceptions, meditation is not something you can do. You can certainly do meditation techniques but you cannot make meditation happen. It will happen by itself through correct and successful practice of the technique. Do not expect it to happen overnight, it is a long term commitment.

  1. Meditation is a practice used in many religions. In terms of Yoga meditation is not religious, but it does have goals which you may consider religious: self-realization\god-realization. There is also an entirely secular tradition of meditation called mindfulness meditation which is practiced in clinical psychotherapy.

  2. Buddhism is more exclusively based on meditation, than other religions and traditions. However, basically anybody can meditate, your religious beliefs do not matter. Your thoughts, beliefs, values, concepts are irrelevant in meditation. The less you bring to the meditation table the better. Buddhists call it “Beginners mind”

  3. The most immediate benefits you will note about meditation is greater mental clarity, mental quietness, calmnnes and objectivity. You will be able to approach life better and do things with more awareness and efficiency. You will gain far better understanding about yourself and greater control over your emotions. Longer term effects are access to higher states of consciousness and activation of many dormant powers and abilities, from the most basic ability like increased creativity to paranormal. The final goal is enlightenment/self-realization/liberation.

Note: It is not all positive, you will also release many traumas stored in your subconscious mind, such as repressed memories, memories that you may not even know you have. Other negative effects will be reshifting energy in your nervous system, which may produce temporal unpleasent effects like hot sensations in your body, disassociation, increased anxiety. In order to minimize this it is recommend you commit yourself to a full Yogic lifestyle by practicing all 8 limbs of Yoga.

  1. Meditation techniques are easy to do, but difficult to practice. The mind is considered to be the most difficult thing to tame. You will face many obstacles on your meditation path: doubt, laziness, lack of concentration and focus, lack of energy. Again, in order to minimize the obstacles, a commitment to a full Yogic lifestyle is recommended.

  2. Incense merely helps in creating a mood for meditation. It is not necessary, but it may help set the mood. Others may include introductory prayers and affirmations, fragrant scents, soothing music or photographs and objects of things sacred to them. I generally recommend you set up a meditation altar or room where you practice your meditation daily at the same times.

I recommend 2 sessions of meditation twice daily: 30min-60min in the morning, near sunrise, and 30-60min in the evening, near sunset. Try to be consistent and not miss your meditation sessions.

I am not an expert in any way but to me meditation is a way to train your mind not to wonder off constantly to the future “what needs to be done” or the past “has happened”. Most of us live in our head in a very virtual way and cannot relax and be content and aware in the moment.

A very easy meditation technique I use is I lie down on the floor, bent knees, feet on floor, hands spread out, palms touching the floor. I start swaying my knees all the way to the right while I move my head to the left and repeat the other way. You inhale when knees reach the center (point to the ceiling) and you exhale when your knees reach right or left above the floor. DO NOT RUSH THE MOVEMENT. Moving your knees from side to side have to follow the rhythm of your breath, not the other way around.

While you do that you focus on your breathing and swaying. Try to feel how your breath feels going in your nose, down your throat and in your lungs. Notice how your belly expands and retracts. Notice feeling your breath on your rib cage.

Your mind will wonder!! That happens to everyone and especially when you are a beginner. Do not fret if that happens, just say to yourself “thinking!” and bring your awareness back to your breath. You may have to do that multiple times in a minute and that is ok. You are training your mind and body to be present in the now and that will take some practise :slight_smile:

Hope this helps!

My meditation is…
Sit erect (I like sitting on my heels).
Inhale for a count of 8.
Exhale for a count of 8.

Don’t think of anything but the breathing.

Soon you will be “there”.

i think you should concern dr. joseph michael levry about it…

1.Meditation is quietening the Mind. You know for a lot, if not most of the day
your mind is buzzing with all manner of thoughts, well meditation is a process
that helps you slow you mind down, and allows you to quiet your mind.
2.Can be religious or not depending on which discipline you choose.
3.Nope you don’t have to, but in order to grow in philosophy you should. And the more you study buddhism the more meditation just comes naturally.

1/ Stress reduction

2/ Lower blood pressure

3/ Aids concentration

4/ Aids relaxation

5/ Promotes clearer thinking

6/ Helps with mental health issues

7/ Helps with emotional health issues

5.Yes and No…find a teacher who speaks to you.

Thanks :wink:

[QUOTE=MatrixGravity;75816]I have taken an interest in learning Meditation but I have a few quick questions I would like to ask, and I would greatly appreciate some feedback.

  1. What is Meditation exactly?
  2. Is it a religious practice?
  3. Do you have to be a Buddhist to be able to Meditate?
  4. What are the main benefits of Meditation?
  5. Is it easy to learn how to do?
  6. What does using Incense have to do with Meditation?
    Thank you![/QUOTE]

An ordinary person may consider meditation as a worship or prayer. But it is not so. Meditation means awareness. Whatever you do with awareness is meditation. “Watching your breath” is meditation; listening to the birds is meditation. As long as these activities are free from any other distraction to the mind, it is effective meditation.
Meditation is not a technique but a way of life. Meditation means ‘a cessation of the thought process’ . It describes a state of consciousness, when the mind is free of scattered thoughts and various patterns . The observer (one who is doing meditation) realizes that all the activity of the mind is reduced to one.
A Tibetan Lama was being monitored on a brain scan machine by a scientist wishing to test physiological functions during deep meditation. The scientist said - “Very good Sir. The machine shows that you are able to go very deep in brain relaxation, and that validates your meditation”. “No”, said the Lama, “This (pointing to his brain) validates the machine!”.

5 Meditation Styles For Beginners
[li]Mindfulness Meditation:
[/li][li]Spiritual Meditation:
[/li][li]Focused Meditation:
[/li][li]Movement Meditation:
[/li][li]Mantra Meditation:

Go Within for Answers to Your Questions

People ask me many questions about yoga… to this I say, open a book, attend a class, Go Within, Ask Questions to those who have an on-going practice, study then practice, then practice some more. It appears, as Osho says, “They want to ask questions not to get the answer, but just to show their knowledge.”

What knowledge do YOU have about Yoga and what are you willing to give for that knowledge? The questions I desire to answer whole-heartedly, are those that:
“open up your wounds because once your wounds are open, there is a possibility for healing. Once you expose yourself, you are on the way to transformation. And unless you show your real face, it is impossible to make any changes in your life, any transformations in your consciousness.” ~OSHO
Do you have wounds that need tending to? Yoga offers an existence where old wounds are presented clearly & succinctly. What do you do with those feeling and wounds???

Meditation is a start. Sitting with the Wound(s). Sitting with Self. Let the thoughts come, let the thoughts go! A Meditation practice only consists of sitting with YOURSELF.

My practice has expanded immensely since 1994. The wounds have come and they have gone. New wounds come, new wounds go. What I can say I have learned from my daily meditation is I have reached a new level of Self-Awareness and Intention beyond my wildest dreams.

Today, take the time to sit with Self for 15 minutes. Find a cozy, quiet place, free from distractions. PLEASE, take the time for you; You Do Deserve it!! Reach the new Enlightenment of being Alone in those moments. If you have agitating thoughts that continue to arise, don’t fight them; they will pass. The more you practice, the easier it gets. It took me 4 long years to get “it!” FOUR years… I’d give it another 4 if that’s what it would have taken however I learned that I cannot change certain circumstances but I can change my reaction to those thoughts and wounds and live in the moment.

As a small example, when running my 6 miles today I had many thoughts and one was, was I going to make that 6 miles as required for my training. I battled with that thought. Here’s what I did:

I put my mantra bracelet on and a Phillies Phiten necklace on that my son gave me to wear when negative thoughts arrive. With that I figured I was giving it all to the mantra bracelet and the necklace and if a challenge arose during the run, I’d touch both and remember the PACT I’d made with my son. The run?? I ran over 6 miles and I could have run longer.

Therefore let me repeat, if you have challenges and wounds, go Within!!! Within is the only place we have; nothing outside of us will answer those challenges. Sit with it. Run with it, Exist in the present moment. And that, my friends, is what we call…

Intentional Living!!

Carrie B!
Yoga Spirit Center

I love the Zen Meditation from Zenmeister Alexander Poraj. Make this every day and you will be a meditation meister. This meditation is also for beginners. Take a look here:

Ganzwunderbare Grüße

  1. What is Meditation exactly?
    ans. Meditation is process to calm your mind and thought less which will release your stress, insomnia related things and many more.
  2. Is it a religious practice?
    ans. No it is not anyone can do it.
  3. Do you have to be a Buddhist to be able to Meditate?
    ans. No it's not necessary
  4. What are the main benefits of Meditation?
    ans.Meditation is process to calm your mind and thought less which will release your stress, insomnia related things and many more.
  5. Is it easy to learn how to do?
    ans. easier then taking one glass water but need to be focus on your breathing only and nothing else when you will practice meditation.
  6. What does using Incense have to do with Meditation?
    ans. This is also not necessary. You just need to sit in any comfortable posture and you can play some meditation music and with close eyes only focus on your breathing.

Meditation is most misunderstood and at the same time most frequently used word like "God".

Sorry but you questions indicate that you have totally wrong understanding of meditation.

I am replying only first question because all other questions are irrelevant

1.What is Meditation exactly?
In words you can not describe. All I can say is start doing yoga with full awareness, if you are really serious in practice, you can experience it one day.

All explanation of meditation available around will only misguide you. Focusing on answer in words will keep you always away from actual meditation experience.


Hello. So many great answers here, so I'll try to just add a little of my own perspective without repeating too much of what's already been said.

  1. To me, meditation is placing your attention on a specific object or activity. I like to focus on my breath, you could also use a candle flame, a singe word, or a concept. You can do a walking meditation, I like to meditate when I do the dishes by focusing on that activity instead of thinking about other things.
  2. Meditation is a tool that is used to focus the mind. It may be used in conjunction with religious practice, but meditation itself is not religious.
  3. You do not have to be a Buddhist to be able to meditate.
  4. Benefits of meditation are numerous. They include things like: decreasing depression, and increasing happiness, reducing heart disease and high blood pressure. The multitude of benefits have been studied and confirmed by science for years. One of my favorite benefits is being able to choose how to respond to a negative interaction with someone instead of reacting badly without thinking it through. (Being able to respond instead of react.)
  5. Meditation is super easy to learn. The difficult part is maintaining a daily practice which is where you benefit most.
  6. I like incense but have not used it for meditation.

I hope this helps, feel free to reach out with any questions you may have about getting started. I'm super excited that you are interested in meditation. Do you do yoga already?

Wow! I'm new to the forum and just realized that this question was asked seven years ago! How's it going for you? You could be a meditation master by now for all I know!

Meditation state and its benefits