Is yoga right for me?

I honestly have never tried it and do not know much yoga/meditation etc.

I guess I'm just looking for reasons to get into it and what it really does for you?


I believe that there are many reasons to practice yoga but they are all based on the individual and at what stage of their life they are at. For me yoga was a way to integrate my body into my meditation routine. Meditation is great but yoga can be seen as a integrated movement based meditation. These two practices can be used together to form a body mind practice. They complement each other. Gotta go. Yoga is great. If it's not for you you will know.

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Hello U-Gav!

Yoga is a practice, much like going to the gym, or learning math. It takes practice. But from MY point of view, and through a lot of my students, it's a way to give you a strong mind AND body. While you practice Yoga you balance out the stress and anxiety in your life, and it gives you a calmer, happier day, and more productive day, so try it! You have absolutely nothing to lose, only something to gain. Even if you wont like it, you will grow a little bit as a human.

My Regards

-Joel Rox

It improves my muscle flexibility and strength, help me slash the stress, improves my eating routines and I can write loads of other positives because I simply love it. The most important is that it makes me a happy person as a whole.

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Dear U-Gav,
I began practicing yoga for a fitness porpouse. Then I noticed how yoga was helping me in breathing, concentration, and know more about me, not just physical but mental too. In my worst moment, returning to practice yoga guided me to recover my self-confident and view the way with acceptance. Thought I am not a religious person I realized yoga was healing my spirit/inside. But my better experience was when my son started to practice yoga with me. I saw the benefits yoga was on him improving his attention, respect, empathy, and self-control. One year later I studied a yoga for kids formation and I like to teach other children because I think moral values are really important nowadays.

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I think Yoga is made for everybody. It's just that you have to choose a type of Yoga which is matching with your personality. It can be intense, peaceful, restorative... You don't even need a clear purpose. Yoga is helping in so many areas in my life that I can say it became a purpose itself to practice. Yoga is Life. You def won't regret to join !

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There are many reasons to practice yoga but it depends on your interest. If you are really interested in doing yoga & meditation then first, you have to know about the yoga basics and principles. Yoga word is about meditation, spirituality, and physical poses. It improves your strength, muscles flexibility and relax your mind.

Learn how to prepare yourself before starting professional yoga lessons.

Further, if you feel like learning yoga and becoming a teacher, then you can join Yoga Teacher Training course. Joining a professional course will introduce you to the depth of yoga.
best of luck!

Yoga is right for everyone.The best thing about yoga is it not helps you to physically fit it also helps you to keep mentally fit.Although there many reasons that you should went for yoga some of them are to increased flexibility,reduce blood pressure ,treat insomnia, and tone your body.Along with these
yoga helps in treating many other ailments and it works for everyone who performed it regularly.

Hi U_Gav!

There are many benefits of Yoga to our body especially in terms of breathing. There is never too late to start and with right motivation and vision you will reach it for sure. You may find this Ted Talk helpful especially in undressing your fear

Yoga is a practice, much like going to the gym, or learning math. It takes practice. But from MY point of view, and through a lot of my students, it's a way to give you a strong mind AND body. But my better experience was when my son started to practice yoga with me. I saw the benefits yoga was on him improving his attention, respect, empathy, and self-control. One year later I studied a yoga for kids formation and I like to teach other children because I think moral values are really important nowadays.

I practise it to improve my health & yeah ! it does !
I can feel the difference after started with it.
It is so great !

Yoga has many benefits, which you reflect in how you look and feel. You just have to make sure you are practicing the best Yoga that fits you. Read more about this, in order to avoid the common mistakes.

Yoga helps you to have overall well-being, be it physiological, psychological or spiritual. Any issue in any of these fronts makes total imbalance. Yoga helps to have equilibrium in all the three. Hence yoga is must for every one. You can have more insights of yoga in my tow of the websites.

  1. Classical Yoga Studies: Yoga Upanishads, Yoga Sutra, Gita
  2. Yoga Pradipika
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I think Yoga is right for everyone because it does have many benefits both physically and mentally and can really benefit you. Some of these benefits include relieving stress and escaping from the world especially after a long day of work, sleeping better because of the refreshment you get from yoga, improving flexibility as well as strength without the gym so it does not feel as intense.


As everyone mentioned above, yoga can benefit your mind, body and soul!

One suggestion I would have as you start out is to find the right kind of yoga for you depending on what you are looking to get out of it! Here's a blog post that I like that discusses 11 different types:

Another thing that can really improve your yoga experience is having an instructor that you like. I'd suggest talking to them before your practice and letting them know that you're newer so they can help you as you begin.

Your source for affordable yoga basics!

My answer is why not yoga right for you. Yoga is a great thing for your body, mind, and soul. If you like to physically, mentally fit for then yoga is for you.

Whyyoga can be right for you such as;

Improve flexibility
Increase muscle strength.
it will increase your blood flow
Bone health becomes strong.
Drop your blood pressure
Makes you happier.
Improve your focus
Your body become relax
Improve balance
improve your immune system
Enhance your breathing power.
Give a peaceful mind
Encourage self-care

Above the reason, yoga should be for you.

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Yoga is right for everyone. It is not gym training that needs Eminence stamina and power to do that. It's about peace, spirituality, mind, and soul.

If you get bored with your hectic life and want to peace, try Yoga it helps.

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Yes well said nadira. There is actually a website that talks more about yoga for those interested in reading up on it. Go here to find out more