In some branches or sects of Buddhism etc everyone has their own Karma - some of which you [B]can[/B] change, some of it you [B]cannot[/B]
Do people feel this to be true or that everyone has their Karma mapped out and you cannot change any of it? That would be my view - it cannot be altered one bit. My explanation would be even though we have free will to do what we like, before the earth was even formed God / Cosmic Intelligence / the Cosmos (whatever you term it) it was known exactly when we would be born, where, everything in our life that would occur, etc i.e. God knows everything being Omniscient, Omnipotent, & Omnipresent and eternal always existing, every detail every action of our life was known exactly how it would play out before we were born , before even the Earth was formed. So in that sense even though we have seemingly free will , our Karma is predetermined and cannot be altered one bit.
For example, If I go to travel somewhere, change my mind and go somewhere else, the change though seemingly free will and it is in a sense as I am making decisions & choices, but in reality the change deciding to go somewhere else was known and predetermined before I was born and before the Earth was even formed. So we do have free will to make any choices we want, though whatever changes or choices we do make were all predetermined and mapped out exactly as they happen. That [B]does not [/B]mean sit and twiddle your thumbs ‘this is my Karma I can’t change my life or circumstances’ as some do, just that you can’t change anything even though you have free will and choices to do what you like.
That is my opinion , do most think we have Karma some of which you can change & some you can’t / or you can change all of it / or you can alter none of it?