I enjoyed your thread that made the comparison between prunes and marijuana. I agree, the only difference between the two is how we use them. They can, like everything else, act as a deterrent or as an enhancement to whatever goal we may have. As you said, constipation is both a physical problem, and it most likely has psychological and spiritual connections as well. What is the best treatment? I would say both - take those prunes with thanksgiving, and spend some time navigating through the canals of the inner world (emotions, thoughts, memories, spiritual connections, etc.) Realizing we are at once physical and non-physical is a way to treat anything in our lives, be it constipation or consistently troubled thoughts.
I dare say, yoga is not the only way, nor is concentrating completely on herbal or food remedies (prunes, highly beneficial foods like acai, or mangosteen, marijuana, teas). In my experience, the way to retreat from addictions and imbalances is by thankfully utilizing all the tools we have at our disposal to bring healing into our lives, and the lives of those around us, realizing they are all gifts to be received, and shared.
Staying open to the multitude of options we have can help us move from obsessive dependence on any one thing, including prunes, yoga, and marijuana (among many others). All things must take their place under the umbrella of self-control, otherwise we become enslaved to that which was meant to serve and help.
The Persian poet, Rumi, found union with the Divine through dance, as do many (including me). There is music therapy, art therapy, massage therapy. I have found a beautiful experience in meditative walking, and having come from a time of constipation as a child, know the healing work of yoga, water, meditation, and marijuana, praise, worship, and dance (oh ya, and prunes!). It’s all here for us, and we are here to receive it, giving back the peace, love, and freedom it was made to afford.