Hello Sphurti,
I’ll suggest don’t get into this cult of mass enlightenment. We goes for these kind of program when we believe that these kind of program will provide us some distance reward. You can learn whatever you need to learn from books and your personal experience. These kind of program create a sense of lack.
I’ll suggest do simple calming meditation. Just sit straight and focus on your breath. Your mind will wander but don’t be judgemental about that. Bring your attention back gently. Feel your inner body and stay with your awareness. Feel love for you inner child.
Do these pranayam for few days:
Bhramari (Bee breath)
Alternative nostril breathing
MAHASIR MUDRA https://mellowstorm.wordpress.com/2016/08/11/mahasir-mudra/
SAMAN MUDRA https://mellowstorm.wordpress.com/2016/06/30/mukul-mudra-samana-mudra/
Make a routine: Sleep on time and get up on time. Connect with nature. Looks at sunrise. Watch birds.
Once you start feeling improvement. start doing stretching exercise. You can watch few back pain related videos on youtube and start exercise. Have a patience, do not try to rush. You can try small exercise with Gym ball. Gym ball will help you to strengthen you core.
Read few books:
Power of Now
Four agreements