Nutritional Supplements

i take Maxalife MX Fish Oil, and MX vitamin C. i take fish oil daily for safeguarding the heart, and for its anti-inflammatory characteristics. i take vit C to boost up my immune system.

None…just lots of fresh foods…meat and fish are mostly organic and NO intensive farming…lots of fresh veg and fruits…again NO intensive farming and mostly organic and local…lots of water and fresh coconut water after exercise…

[QUOTE=David;47815]Can you please share links to these legit studies please? Thanks :)[/QUOTE]

Beta carotene as a component of food prevents cancer, but when given as a supplement to help prevent lung cancer in smokers the rates of lung cancer actually [I]increased[/I]. Not just one study but a meta-analysis of four.

A healthy diet full of fresh fruit and vegetables appears to prevent cancer but this study found an increased risk of melanoma - the scary fatal skin cancer - with vitamin supplementation.

From a 2008 Cochrane Review of all the available literature: “We found no evidence to support antioxidant supplements for primary or secondary prevention. Vitamin A, beta-carotene, and vitamin E may increase mortality.” That means people taking these latter three supplements were actually more likely to die than those who were not.

I don’t take any pills from little plastic bottles that I don’t absolutely have to take - medicines, vitamins, nutrients, etc. I give my body good nutrition, adequate exercise, and a little sunlight every day. I support it’s ability to detox and thereby prevent cancer and chronic disease by making sure it has all that it needs in a natural way.

I don’t consider any whole food a “supplement.” I eats tons of fresh fruits and veggies, lots of fiber, an occasional egg to get B12, and I expose myself to sunshine to get vitamin D. I stay away from meat and milk and only rarely eat a little cheese. There’s almost always 2 tablespoons of flaxseed in the first meal of the day. I eat chia seed pudding or add the seeds to vegan baked goods or other meals.

When I get an upper respiratory virus, particularly a sore throat - which is rare - I may suck on some zinc lozenges for the first 24 hours to effect speedier recovery. Taking zinc every day all the time interferes with copper absorption which can lead to a neurological clinical syndrome of lower extremity weakness, balance problems, etc.

When I have bowel problems that aren’t resolving - IBS-like symptoms - I either eat live cultured yogurt for a few days or, if particularly severe, I take a probiotic.

The supplement industry is a 24 billion dollar a year machine that wants your money. Taking something every day that you don’t need and that hasn’t been adequately proven to help - and might even harm - makes little sense for anyone except the people who stand to benefit financially. I don’t like to be a sucker and to waste my cash - and that means avoiding “manufactured” nutrients - except for on the rare occasion when I am ill and feel a little boost has substantial benefit. Better that than a pharmaceutical.

Food is medicine. Just eat right.

For anyone who [I]absolutely[/I] can not eat a healthy diet because of financial or geographic constraints, a good multivitamin may be warranted.

I currently take a multivitamin and flaxseed oil. I also drink Kombucha a few times a week.

I take a wide variety of supplements. Always have. I’ve noticed since I started Yoga in the past few months a lot of mild health issues that have been plauging me for years (I’m 28) have been greatly reduced or gone away. I should know soon how much as I have some tests / blood work scheduled.

Iron (Periodically I have low-iron issues)
Calcium Magnesium
Vitamin B (B6 and complex)
Probiotic (currently on a strong one - have had gut/digestion/colon issues)
Vitamin C
Folic Acid (periodically)

I also drink Kombucha and enjoy it but I’ve been trying to cut back a bit.

Spirulina, bee pollen, barley grass, raw veggies, nut milk, wild plants, honey, apple cider vinegar, hemp seed sprouts and other sprouts, hemp seed oil, everything masticated that is pretty much my whole diet.

I just take iron for my anemia and vitamin c. But I have been advised to take a multivitamin capsule. Still deciding on that tho.

Multivitamin does not contain real vitamins, it contains analogues. The only source of nutrients is raw whole foods.

[I]I’m now taking 3 health supplements…[/I]

  • [U]Multivitamins[/U] ([I]Centrum[/I]) - Essential vitamins and minerals, plus specific nutritional support for my health
  • [U]Brain Booster[/U] ([I]MX Brain Swift[/I]) - Support for mental focus and improved memory function
  • [U]Omega 3 Fish Oil[/U] ([I]Purity[/I]) - Protection against heart diseases and failures

I don’t take any supplements. I used to, but as a previous poster said, I didn’t see any noticeable benefits either.

I eat a healthy, balanced diet and try and get all the nutrients I need from food. I feel happy and healthier than ever. :slight_smile:

Whey protein is good as are aminos, creatine is great for strength and if you want to drop some weight while having loads of energy then ephedrine is the way. A low dose of Testosterone is also very good for strength and recovery.

About 3 months ago, I started taking an omega supplement when i visited with my psychiatrist he approved of that supplement. He also informed me omega supplements when combined with Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) has been shown to have a mood stabilizing effect on some people. I have been using both of them since and definitely agree. EPO also has other great health effects.

The B vitamins, especially folic acid and vitamin B6, help support the clearing of the stress hormones by the liver which is also helpful in depression.
Therapy to go along side your therapy is also crucial…there is no cure for depression it takes time and a lot of changes in your life.

Good Luck!! :stuck_out_tongue:

You are probably right. However, you can try a relatively new field, biopsychiatry:

a good drug guide.

Very good is SAMe:

I take Multivitamin supplements. But My personal advised eat regular green vegetable,egg and banana for vitamins.

Get as much as you can from foods, especially green leafy vegetables and fruits.

Over supplementation can present many dangers, especially because these dangers are not yet fully understood:

Pay the greatest atention to the manufacturer:

As a rule of thumb:
—you can skip all supplements a day a week
—you can use supplements in alternate days (say odd days and even days like May 1
and May 2)
----do understand the RDA (recommended daily allowance) for each supplement.

Even healthy foods present dangers in excess. Eg cosuming too much carrots will make your face white and your kidneys sick.

It looks like the best manufacturer is Thorne Research.

Probably the greatest danger is ignorance. Educate yourself.

People talk a lot about vitamins and minerals. They are good, but there are more potent compounds. Here I will mention the ENZYMES. They are way more potent than vitamins and minerals. It should be mentioned that there are anti-oxidant enzymes.

These enzymes are so potent that they can heal even cancer-with a great rate of success. Dr. Kelly treated himself of pancreatic cancer with enzymes…and then cured thousands of people of cancer. Dr. Nicholas Gonzales continues today his legacy.

Enzymes are naturally occuring substances, and they cannot be patented. That is why the
big pharma has no interest in them.

Even if you are in good health it is worthwhile to study the enzymes.

Proteolytic enzymes are great for digestion. They are great even for therapeutic purposes:

Without them the vitamins and minerals are useless.

Sources of info :

You have to know what you are doing. Taking supplements of enzymes requires
medical advice. However, you can take enzymes from natural sources like:

—bee pollen
—pickled cabbage
—sprouts-they contain lots of enzymes. It is easy to sprout
at home

There are no side effects for taking naturally occuring enzymes.
Probably the greatest danger is that your stomach will work in

Why are enzymes much more potent than anti-oxidants ? A good deal of the answer lies in their mechanism of interaction.

A molecule (atom) becomes a free radical (ie damaging to your cells) by giving an electron (this process is called “oxidation” in chemistry) to some other compounds. An
anti-oxidant gives an electron (this process is called “reduction” in chemistry) to the free
radical—and so annihilating it. So: one molecule of anti-oxidant destroys one molecule (atom) of free radicals.

An enzyme is a catalyst. Let us say that compound A from foods have to be transformed
into compound B in your cells. This biochemical reaction can take years without a catalyst. This catalyst is the enzyme.

What happens is that the enzyme catalyst (product C) joins molecule A, forms a complex molecule together with molecule A called molecile AE, and this complex molecule AE decays into molecule B:

A + C — AC—B + C

ie the molecule C is NOT destroyed. It is again used. In actual fact an enzyme can catalyze even millions of molecules A .

Some enzymes are also anti-oxidants. Eg COQ10, co-enzyme Q10, which is well known

Dr. Blaylock specifies that a great contributor to cancer is the lack of antioxidant enzymes in your body.

What about taking Aloe Vera for anti-inflammatory effects?