One mind method for yoga

These are for precise accurate precision in consciousness. The second image are balance measuring beam scales with 81 plates with 100 things each on them.
I figured out those 2 problems. If you count to 1 then you can check 100 after '.' and we might ask why one hundred but that is because 1 counted to might be responsible for carrying part of another level even if just absolutely a potential after you finish the whole project, but if 1 of 9 is carrying another part of the project in the level below then it is responsible for another 9 and 9 can have 81 parts which does the check of 9 plus % of 100 or 1000 added. Simpler while more off streamline/constant logic but with lapsing cognition is that 1 can check as .100 because it is a part of 9 that gives the check a more overall constant ,1-9 to get 100%, rather than 1 getting .100 so 1 counts as 81 because it proves it is still in alignment and beyond that "waypoint" is 19 that checks by checks and 100 or 1000 proof
Cool ‘coincidence’ The tao te Ching has 81 verses and at that general time has generally 100 popular teachers where you could imagine they all wrote 81 part books regardless of if Lao Tzu was the leader or part of it in the idea.
8100 by one hundreds following the specifity of 81, and 900 following the specifity of 2 where one is 900 its own thing and the other is 1000, are necessary to see 900 and 1000 are part of more order yin and that not only 900 being 81 receives 8100 as one for Yang but that it also is received by 1000 generally as 1 in passage 42 of Tao te Ching. 62 to 100 heart bpm is averageness for two scales but forcing someone below 43 or above 119 with one or both being the third part can be dangerous.

Hello ladies,

in my opinion, looking for the right yoga exercises is very difficult! and I understand that. After weeks of searching I finally found my ideal exercises! I'm sure there's something for you too! feel free to take a look!

Straight away my recommendation like for about of questions you spend certain times on in a test for timing (chaos in the order), see progress in science and medicine science as 2; and my recommendation like about what methods to use on problems of questions that in a test for alignment (order in chaos), see a new beginning that counts from 0 of concepts and 123…… of things about science as 3 that when it is about the concept of logic 1 can be the most simple chaos and two can still reveal the nature of progress (science) while philosophy is still mostly 3 in harmony but in synchronization not only with 12-3-456… but still with the rest of numbers that may be in order, or out of order by still following an overviewing structured path foraging materials in a random space/time-order environment, for a project you know the first thing foraged was whatever number step in the process. But as the most overview would represent level of three (top) in the method I’ll explain, the method I’ll explain follows the logic of many things passing by with no listeners to enjoy the story of earth at this time which can be explained as the evolution of Nikola Tesla’s 3,6,9. The factors could be frequency vibration and energy. It’s a lot about teaching people to think by three but three is a lot of life not too much like above it. So I think imagining triangular prisms, one big one on the tip level magnetized like ions or whatever I guess keeping on three more smaller triangular prisms hanging from the bottom tips of the 60 degree multi equilateralness, with 27 smallest of the prisms magnetized to the bottom of the 9 bottom tips of the level above. Those 81 bottom tips have what we could say are no joke string theory any unit represented by weight or push or pull… string theories with 100 things each that add to 8100 with, in each, 81 specific phases & 9 phases that are also checking worthy of the 81, assuming education, in an overall way & 10 that are the most overall about a specific 81 that is hanging form the lowest level. This structure is what I think is borderline consciousness in a smart way and nature of construction in a physical way.

Here’s some additional reasoning:

The premise is three is the largest number for balancing scales by a theory where 3 is a lot of life and 4 and above is an organism when it is about what can balance things lol. Then 9 is the first number you need a method for that is for a system of threes while being philosophically precise. I’ve been seeing 1 and 2 as Jodi pair, three as philosophy precision. Two is science accuracy. One is enrichment as just a chaos without the need for order because it’s a small number while 2 and three are small lol. This balance system of three sets of three is what has been accumulating as what I can define as precisely accurately precise. 4 can’t always be a balance scale (at least in my resting average consciousness) because in a reasonable logical sectioning with 90 degree angles counting axis points in a circle or square where one is next to the next number I notice 1 can be heavier than 3 but two can be heavier than one and 3 but less than four and still be at the same one way system output amount as 1, 2 pairs at same heights, and the choices above that are getting more risky unless there is a consciousness deciding to place heavier on same side in more skillful ways.

Imagine a hummingbird flapping 81 times a second for 60 seconds for wisdom and 100 seconds for science.

I think this balance beam scale with 81 scales on the bottom shows the accumulation of info structure. Seriously. And also the bio memory of 8100 things. The 1900 things is more of a checking of proofs and a flashlight to stay coordinated in the dark while finding the next thing you can get your hands on. The checking counts the actual balance beam structure but I think that checking is mystically integrated into the universe but I can explain it in a way as it is at the beginning of the page with the balance beam scales which is the most important page.

Basically 9 is made of three threes so it’s the first largest balance beam system but if a system of 9 has 9 nines then it is the largest and has 81 things. The reason it’s 8100 and 1900 is because the the 100 points on each of the 81 things and as each of the checking points of 19 are in alignment with the how 81 things plus 9 check points then 10 proof points are 100, so 10000 is the max like the ancient number for myriad and in India they counted to nine. The prana of the plants is the structured chi that works in 10000 increments max I’m thinking.

Ps this method explains to me through geometry and physics why quintic can’t be solved as well. Kinda like the premise.

Here are Egypt things I was working on for the balance beam of threes. When the energies align on the lowest level to the angles they are aligned to the center of the pyramids
The angles of the middle of the pyramids can represent an alignment of the scale system that when energy planes of the math vortex align we can say that energy is grinding a structure. 168.53 degrees 5.94 degrees and 5.53 degrees.

I think frequency is what happens when it’s going through an amount of time and maybe also until the matter or distance align to the most useful state. If 9 are the actual things and one or 10 somehow are the easily known example, and if 81 are the actual things and 19 are the proof points, and if 8100 are the actual things and 1900 are the proof things with a structure reasonably understood as a specific design, im curious about how since chaos reveal many that of 100000 maybe this time 81000 are the literal things and the 19000 are the degree tunings for stages or how it might be about how 81000 at the correct times in the correct way when both are simple to choose in a way, is a magic number of action at least because it’s the first largest the first largest many times but not only because it’s also involving that 81 a whole overall type of checking amount (10) for each of the 81 times or for the whole 81(the creator), ten times more. Sorry this is skimpy in my head but this one’s a brainstorm.

If there is a moment that says to know one of two then explain answer by assurance of 100 not 10000 and not 10. In this Union of base concepts energy is the balance of both but 10000 not 100 or 10. 10 is vibration and 100 is frequency. With so much known about each by a many way proving way energy is more because because it is also calculating roots of other peripheral focus. So to know the vibration you can go from 10000 to 100 to 10 by simplification steps of shrinkage in perception or fractions that add to 10%

One Mind Method for Yoga – Is It Really Useful for All?

It is a common belief that you need to be fit to do yoga. You need to do the physical exercise and you need to be well trained to do yoga. In fact, it is not true. There are some people who have strong bodies but still they cannot perform good yoga asanas. And there are some people who are very weak physically but they can do a good job of yoga.

So, how to decide whether you need to do yoga or not? Well, it is just like any other physical activity. You need to choose the best yoga teacher for yourself. If you are weak physically and don’t have proper fitness training, then it is not a good idea to do yoga.

But if you are physically fit and want to do yoga, then you need to have an understanding of the concept of yoga. There is no doubt that you can do a good job of yoga but to do a good job of yoga you need to understand the concept.

You need to understand that the real meaning of yoga is meditation. You need to meditate for 15 to 30 minutes every day to get a healthy body. If you want to get a healthy body, you need to have a positive attitude. You need to follow healthy lifestyle and eat healthy food.

If you want to do yoga, you need to have a yoga mat, a yoga towel and a yoga mat stand. You need to sit in a proper position on your mat to get the best results.

Now, you need to understand that yoga is not only meditation. It is a combination of physical and mental exercise. When you perform yoga you will learn about breathing techniques, body positioning and other important things that will help you to stay healthy.

So, it is better to follow yoga from the beginning because you can get the best benefits of yoga. You will be able to understand the concept of yoga and you will be able to do the best yoga asanas.

I have told you that yoga is a combination of physical and mental exercises. If you want to learn about yoga, you need to have a yoga mat, a yoga towel and a yoga mat stand. You need to sit in a proper position on your mat to get the best results.

:+1: with ahimsa lifestyle and time management sensitive to life and lives of the future progress to an essential conservative base life is easier. The yoga lifestyle should blossom greatly.

This is what the scale looks like from above in pendant form.

This guy’s hilarious. He’s not a bard he’s a teacher so he’s some kind of Druid yet learned to teach bards lol as being imagined in a cool idea. We should listen to his philosophy.

Noticing were a lot of particles is a lot of power to say in and of itself. Wink wink. Especially for my 137 version of 137, very about swirling like 3/4 in a direction and 1/4 spin smooth continuous curve as I just thought while relating to this teaching.

I think this micronova is more about us needing moringa if we wanna move like walleey

I think 137.blankblankblank… is the bard scientific fascination so there is intelligence there from this point of way, but; plain or so to say so whatever 137.000… is the Druid non civilized way which is still liberal but not during this time on earth which needs more proper progress yet always being extra strenuous though not maybe as more core philosophical anyways than a fully cultivated (proper) earth. So the Druid exact 137 though not necessarily especially by the top tip of the biggest triangular pyramid is the lone hithers to primitive path that chooses its own fitting for the cause more spontaneously while still natural but less as part of a civil well known process yet it seems at this point to me to be a thing that can be seen as given a worth of remainder decimal or not more or less that is determined more by the warp of the sourcerer (very developed personal individual growth nature while we understand this relative to this time on earth. We may think faster of course or more synchronized by ways yet natural means in the future) that is integrated as the raw 3d complexed method is integrated throughout a task.

The 137.blankblankblank… seems, at this time’s view of mine, to be like the mountain tips that pop out above the cloud blanket floor; so plain wink wink 137 is like the blanket of clouds and the clouds are 2/3s of the reality and the mountains are 1/3 of that in this example phenomenon.

Energy frequency and then vibration for a bard and the energy vibration then frequency for a Druid if the former knows the nature but the latter knows the method or is it the other way?? Bank sander chisel bank chisel sander bank sander chisel the Bard does things wisely in this example to all things by the method and the Druid does things specifically for personal interest. Intelligence is art and the philosophic body is the athletic body because the athletic body is philosophic and art describes the truth.
Wholesomeness then proportionness

Symmetric for left and right then for every other direction then balance of twos like switches on body or aura wall for example

Emotion then balance of threes.

Structure order chaos chaos.

More thinking methods are out on the sanyasi page @veganstringbean

Maybe the mountain tips align not just as raised bumps on a z worth for a basically xy cloud plane but are more of a frequency that tapers off at a length and based off of it is the size of things from the given though whatever usually I’m guessing as what was focused as the start for many things or they are like similar base threads wefted together weaving reality along with the exact cloud 137 on this post’s pendant picture’s derivative like explained in the circle significance 360 relevance post. So otherwise since that number’s so close, other than the difference in potential sizes of the triangular pyramids(plus it’s fractal aura relevance in task environment) or trails if electromagnetically synchronized and coded…, it may be a good substitute to a standard for an individual Druid or group of Bards but it also may be worth seeing as a parts making up a bard standard or edition maybe(I’m no expert here… field of say maybe an electromagnetic carpet for the setting. #setandsetting. Also this 137withfixedremainder may be considerably significantly like the fingers that spin the om mani padme hum wall pillars which would be the plain 137s and the fingers would be much of a tempered version like the mountain tips. I hope people find out which ones which or whatever and of course find in what is the structure and order and amounts of what of whatever types we are likely to find in an environment. :scissors:you’re on your own :link:

Imagine the difference of the lotusplusrepublicplusdiamomdplusrhetoric book styles in the sanyasi post by veganstringbeam hangin out in the jatharagni and how it’s important to return to the self essentials for self care like how the teacher is a bard but still a given Druid at the given time with enormacy at any given time babey all night long.

Don’t forget the entanglement to the motivation of the meaning from the ideology that knowledge can always be afforded from being kind. Being kind is what creates the healthy body and its mind in wholesomeness that can create good great cognitions.

If not kind you are anti self success and anti universe therefore by the long lasting universal abundance and directness

You need the kaballa~math like consciousness carrier but you need the more less or medium hahahaha more specialist rhythmic.

Nithyananda vegan on YouTube 7:21

We need to get work done roll up your sleeves and all of that then then we can put sprinkles on your body later and all the sparkling sorcery but if you are sure you can help on YouTube or whatever. Good luck go ahead. Check out via vegan string bean. And don’t worry at all, but I know what you mean, always tune #AlwaysTune. We are not weak for tuning. We can get better at meditation. We may understand philosophical meanings of 1 2 3 but understanding one at the main environment level and knowing your tasks around is important and also the task of a small .5 x multiplication of maybe body height size towards the strong electro and also weak natures of quantum physics, that is still there in time of core philosophy like astronomy and leaning easy like skill sets and settings, which is a very small size being a particle size. Imagining this particle reflecting in you from the energy you are using for meditation outside of your body that drives you by great holy signs of it’s laws in science can maybe loosen you up and soften your strains by greatening meditation development of conceptual skill alignments so this may in this method shake up your ojas to stimulate full powers though you may like to start in the abdominalish specifically jatharagani for a good example, a main heat or energy or radiation thing or circulation promoter thing. In an analogy this mini meditation is like a particle triangulating the mimicker as you.

Here’s a little consciousness workout. While taking a 10000 step walk lololol cut down the time sectioning the walk into segments and maybe even alternating linear significance throughout progress to the 10000 steps which can let one see the segmentations of 16 steps per overall size wholesome amount like in the circle 360 post. GOOOOODDD LUUUCKKKKK!!!!!!!

Yoga offers several benefits for the mind. Regular practice of yoga can positively impact mental well-being and contribute to overall mental health. Here are some of the key benefits of yoga for the mind:

  1. Stress reduction: Yoga incorporates relaxation techniques, deep breathing exercises, and mindfulness, which can help reduce stress levels. It activates the body's relaxation response, leading to a calmer state of mind.
  2. Improved mental clarity and focus: Through the combination of physical movement, breath awareness, and mindfulness, yoga can enhance mental clarity, concentration, and focus. It encourages present-moment awareness and helps quiet the mind.
  3. Emotional balance: Yoga practice promotes emotional well-being by helping to regulate emotions and cultivate a greater sense of balance. It can provide tools for managing stress, anxiety, and depression, allowing for a more stable and positive emotional state.
  4. Enhanced self-awareness: Yoga involves turning inward and connecting with oneself on a deeper level. Through body-mind integration, yoga cultivates self-awareness, allowing individuals to observe their thoughts, emotions, and patterns of behavior more objectively.
  5. Mind-body connection: Yoga emphasizes the connection between the body and mind. By practicing asanas (yoga postures) and focusing on the breath, individuals develop a greater awareness of the sensations in their bodies, fostering a stronger mind-body connection.
  6. Increased resilience and coping skills: Regular yoga practice can enhance resilience, helping individuals better cope with life's challenges. Through the practice of mindfulness and acceptance, individuals develop skills to navigate difficulties and maintain a positive outlook.
  7. Better sleep quality: Certain yoga practices, such as gentle stretches and relaxation techniques, can improve sleep quality. Yoga helps calm the mind and relax the body, promoting a more restful and rejuvenating sleep.
  8. Overall well-being and happiness: Yoga is a holistic practice that promotes overall well-being. By addressing the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of a person, yoga can contribute to a sense of happiness, contentment, and overall life satisfaction.

It's important to note that individual experiences may vary, and the benefits of yoga for the mind can be influenced by factors such as the style of yoga practiced, the level of commitment, and the individual's specific needs and circumstances. Consistency and regularity in practice tend to yield the most significant results.

Great stuff in that comment dude

Now throughout my posts for things that other people post whether they are possible to abide by literally or they are Posting in Tongues using language that is illegal, but while just meaning it at a random gushing radiation samadhi in a serious way without actually of course just to clarify mean it again, which can be determined helpfully by asking a question here or to anyone who believed the essentials on by @veganstringbean which are spread out along the essentials post which should be obvious as many/all are called essential. So I want to do this for people but also the good things can be made seriously while literally serious so just don’t tell people overwhelming things determined by you always practicing core philosophy as you prepare a post just like you are practicing that hopefully every instant and also give credit to the inner dignity form force that is trying to become illuminated in each of our consciousness’ and is trying to master and control the whole body for the four noble truths evolving path while that is like many spiritual people trying to integrate coordination and conscious with its complex tendencies of the aura and even still outside of the whole self in the environment, yet that environment is so much like the aura for the dignity while the many parts of the body are like the aura; just saying overall that that more base most of our dignity version tries to master and control the evolution path of the four noble truths and its many many rhythms additionally but is just a step behind as they say in all directions, while the dignity-full self is somewhat scattered physically or not a lot or at all, because of the teaching concept, for the method of experiencing / at least literally integrating/ or tuning/checking(monitoring), that explains that more involvement for something specific makes certain portion or time accumulations more extra and complex and challenging with all of the other liberal qualities on the sanyas page post.