Persecution of Hindus and ending it

There is no such thing as Western air. Air doesn’t belong to anybody.

[QUOTE=Surya Deva;55368]There is no such thing as Western air. Air doesn’t belong to anybody.[/QUOTE]

I’m surprised you didn’t say that air was a Hindu invention :wink:

[QUOTE=Surya Deva;55368]There is no such thing as Western air. Air doesn’t belong to anybody.[/QUOTE]

hooggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhherrr…here is some more western air chaps…

[QUOTE=Surya Deva;55368]There is no such thing as Western air. Air doesn’t belong to anybody.[/QUOTE]

See the Western mentality? Next thing you know, they will start claiming Yoga and Hinduism as largely the byproduct of their own efforts.

But Kareng, this might indeed be news to the Physics community. Perhaps you can expand upon Murray Gell-Mann’s Quantum Chromodynamics? In addition to the “flavor” and “color” of certain subatomic particles, can you suggest that quarks also have “nationality”?

[QUOTE=YogiAdam;55387]I’m surprised you didn’t say that air was a Hindu invention ;)[/QUOTE]

I am actually surprised that YOU weren’t saying air was a Western invention.


The situation we have at hand is a clash of civilisations. Do not expect empathy, sympathy from Western civilisation. They are asuras. Asuras and Devas cannot be friends. Western civilisation must end, for dharmic civilisation to flourish.

So reject all Western civilisation. Reject their shakespeare, reject their poets, reject their Hollywood, reject their democracy, reject their music, reject their scientists, reject their painters, reject their writers. Reject their history. Reject their education. Reject their medicine. Reject their religion.

It is time you assert the superiority of your civilisation over this asura culture boldly. If they say Newton, Galileo, Kepler, you say Kananda, Aryabhatta. If they say shakespeare and Hamlet, you say Kalidasa and Shakuntala. If they say Freud, you say Patanjali. If they say Jesus, you say Krishna, Mahavira and Buddha. If they say Roman empire, you say Mauraya empire. If they say capitalism, you say varnashrama dharma. If they Mozart, you say Sargam. If they say English, you say Sanskrit. If they say logic, you say Nyaya and Gautama.

We have a completely opposite civilisation with our systems of science and epistemology, our own history, own our logic, our own systems of society and education, our own music, cooking, health, values. Now start to assert it. We are the inheritors of a superior civilisation.

What if we say “baseball”?

[QUOTE=Nietzsche;55393]I am actually surprised that YOU weren’t saying air was a Western invention.[/QUOTE]

No No. The only reason I made that joke was cause I know how SD likes to credit the Hindus for having the greatest of just about everything, from religion, to science, to medicine etc… show me one post anywhere, where I’ve said that the west is superior in any way compared to anyone else??

Or “McDonald’s.”

[QUOTE=YogiAdam;55428]No No. The only reason I made that joke was cause I know how SD likes to credit the Hindus for having the greatest of just about everything, from religion, to science, to medicine etc… show me one post anywhere, where I’ve said that the west is superior in any way compared to anyone else??[/QUOTE]

Show me one post anywhere where I have wrongly credited Hindus for science, medicine etc

[QUOTE=YogiAdam;55428]No No. The only reason I made that joke was cause I know how SD likes to credit the Hindus for having the greatest of just about everything, from religion, to science, to medicine etc… show me one post anywhere, where I’ve said that the west is superior in any way compared to anyone else??[/QUOTE]

The only reason you made that joke is because you are an idiot who can’t tell apart fact from sensationalism.

What SD says about India’s advances in maths, sciences, etc are historical facts. You can even look them up in Wikipedia, a cesspool of Eurocentrism with respect to history.

[QUOTE=thomas;55429]Or “McDonald’s.”[/QUOTE]

Because a fast-food chain that sells extremely unhealthy food is something the West should be proud of.

If there is anything you should be proud of, it is your advances in math and science.

But no. You are all overly proud of them. You all fail to realize that had other civilizations been left to their own fate, instead of you conquering and enslaving them, the same advances would have been made.

Hence why you resort to Eurocentrism. Hence why the rest of the world is pissed at the West.

[QUOTE=Surya Deva;55405]Neitzsche,

The situation we have at hand is a clash of civilisations. Do not expect empathy, sympathy from Western civilisation. They are asuras. Asuras and Devas cannot be friends. Western civilisation must end, for dharmic civilisation to flourish.

So reject all Western civilisation. Reject their shakespeare, reject their poets, reject their Hollywood, reject their democracy, reject their music, reject their scientists, reject their painters, reject their writers. Reject their history. Reject their education. Reject their medicine. Reject their religion.

It is time you assert the superiority of your civilisation over this asura culture boldly. If they say Newton, Galileo, Kepler, you say Kananda, Aryabhatta. If they say shakespeare and Hamlet, you say Kalidasa and Shakuntala. If they say Freud, you say Patanjali. If they say Jesus, you say Krishna, Mahavira and Buddha. If they say Roman empire, you say Mauraya empire. If they say capitalism, you say varnashrama dharma. If they Mozart, you say Sargam. If they say English, you say Sanskrit. If they say logic, you say Nyaya and Gautama.

We have a completely opposite civilisation with our systems of science and epistemology, our own history, own our logic, our own systems of society and education, our own music, cooking, health, values. Now start to assert it. We are the inheritors of a superior civilisation.[/QUOTE]

You teeter on a global view -and when these kids play their silly games you quickly move back towards segregation?

Both cultures offer a treasure of riches to the world.

[QUOTE=Surya Deva;55455]Show me one post anywhere where I have wrongly credited Hindus for science, medicine etc[/QUOTE]

That’s a ridiculous, cause there just your personal opinions. You can’t be ‘wrong’ if your talking about opinion.

[QUOTE=YogiAdam;55515]That’s a ridiculous, cause there just your personal opinions. You can’t be ‘wrong’ if your talking about opinion.[/QUOTE]

Of course I can be wrong. If the material is not factual, then you could show it as such. So far you have only accused my material of being opinion, you’ve not actually shown it. On the other hand, I have given citations from academic journals and wiki links.

[QUOTE=The Scales;55500]You teeter on a global view -and when these kids play their silly games you quickly move back towards segregation?

Both cultures offer a treasure of riches to the world.[/QUOTE]

I have concluded there is nothing rich about this culture. It is backwards. Stick to the dharmic culture, there is nothing to learn from Western culture.

By the way Neitzsche do not fall for the myth that the West contributed science and maths. Science and maths is an ongoing development for the last 10,000 years, and even in modern times science and maths has not been the exclusive province of the West. Western science has long maintained a materialistic, deterministic, linear and separatist universe, and we dharmic people have long maintained an idealistic, uncertain and interconnected and cyclic universe. So who is behind? The West.

What we have known for thousands of years is only now coming to be known by the West. They are catching up to us, not vis versa. We still trump them in every department.

[QUOTE=Surya Deva;55526]I have concluded there is nothing rich about this culture. It is backwards. Stick to the dharmic culture, there is nothing to learn from Western culture.[/QUOTE]

We don’t have the continuous skirmishes they have in India. I feel secure in Britain…no one’s creating any trouble anywhere near me…so Britain is pretty safe…even the weather is sensible in Britain…not too hot, not too cold, not too wet or too dry…no deadly species of critters…People queue here politely…they wait in turn, patiently…NHS system is pretty damn good…prisoners are treated pretty good on the whole…clean conditions and human rights…flowers to cheer us up…not too much racism considering the size of the country we live quite peacefully with our foreign neighbours, shop in their shops, buying their goods too…

We are clever in strategy and military planning. We are renown worldwide for this…and Oh yes I can hear SD and Nitsiszic…“you’ve had plenty of practice”…yes, true…but just look at our size…we are a tiny little country…pretty damn good show…we/you have all been guilty of warring, I’d like you/us all to stop but it will not come yet, lets be realistic…man has a history of violence.

I prefer to believe that one day, via this Aquarian age, we will unite in understanding and respecting each others cultures and each other…

There must be loads we don’t know about India and what it has to offer…

To say we have nothing to offer…is…silly, silly, silly…!!
What a country produces throughout it’s history is usually in the direction of improving its peoples lives…we have an equivalence to many of India’s gifts…

Recently we have had marches regarding government cuts…anarchy will rise regardless of what we do or not do…The people on the marches that were doing damage were not part of the main march. They were plants to cause the trouble…we are very good here at getting to the bottom of crime and criminal behaviour and people who incite riotous behaviour. All the people involved in that will be sought after…make no mistake…and we will identify them and they will be watched/marked…this is what is lacking in India…the correct way to deal with these issues…

Persecution of Hindus exists in India…funny how it doesn’t happen in Britain???..(what about America?).there are Hindu businesses here…there’s a guy with a local food store near me…he wears trad clothing…nobody persecutes him. The perspective you guys have is based on what happens inside India…like I said…skirmishes and worse…lack of control of your country…which I am sure will improve in time…restraining the trouble makers!!..India is full of corruption…it needs sorting across the board!! and it will. And when it has it will have the same basic peace everyday, that Britain has…

Anyone worth their research will be aware of the origins of whatever they are researching…so claims we aim to steal what is Indian is also, silly…

If your talking about the uneducated, e.g. one day someone not knowing where Yoga came from…well, that’s what happens with a lack of education.
Crikey…two of my X students hadn’t heard of the Beatles!!

There is nothing Western culture can offer to a superior dharmic culture. In every department we trump Western culture:

History: We have a 10,000 year old history of domination of this planet. The West are new kids on the block, with a history of only 500 years. We are the elders of this planet.
Language: We have Sanskrit, the worlds most advanced and scientific language.
Music: We have the worlds most complex and refined music system
Drama: We also have the worlds most refined and nuanced dance and theatre
Health and management: We have the worlds most oldest and sought after health and management systems: Yoga and Ayurveda
Philosophy: We have the world oldest and most complex and diverse philosophical system
Literature: We have the worlds oldest and longest literature: Vedas, Mahabharata, Ramayana
Astronomy: We have the worlds oldest astronomical science and also the most advanced astrological system
Science: We are ahead in the sciences having gone beyond the physical and mapped out the energy and mental systems of the body
Engineering: We have the most precise systems of architecture(vaastu)
Poetry: We have the most advanced systems of poetry
Cuisine: We have the most rich cooking in the world

There is nothing the West can teach us. Rather, the West is constantly learning from us. What possibly can the West teach us that we don’t do better already?

[QUOTE=Surya Deva;55540]Health and management: We have the worlds most oldest and sought after health and management systems: Yoga and Ayurveda
Cuisine: We have the most rich cooking in the world[/QUOTE]
ok this part is true from personal experience, :cool:. haven’t researched the rest.