Persecution of Hindus and ending it

Most Indian sciences did decline heavily with Muslim and European invasions.

More so Europeans. As cruel and savage Muslims were against the Hindus, they were in high praise of Hindu sciences and allowed them to continue and used Hindu sciences to usher in their scientific revolution in Arabia. The Europeans, however, out of sheer jealousy outlawed Hindu sciences, and then proceeded to plagiaraise everything they could while condemning the source. We know for a fact that the Europeans learned how to make zinc and crucible steel by reverse engineering Indian zinc and steel, and tried to issue patents for it. We also know they stole textile technology and textile methods to improve their own. They also stole the tier based education system from India which imparted mass education to its masses and was divided into school, college and university level, and then out of jealousy shut down the Indian education system. Then, they stole Indian philosophy and this bought about the science of psychology in the West. They also stole from Indian logic to improve their own logic.

New evidence is now emerging they stole calculus from the Kerela school of mathematicans.

And now they are trying to steal Ayurveda and Yoga, and once again condemning the original source. Recently, Western Yoga studios announced Yoga predated Hinduism. And a Western pharmaceutical company tried to patent tumeric as a drug, after clinical trials proved its efficacy. Yet, tumeric is being used in Ayurveda and Indian cooking for thousands of years. No wonder they failed to get the patent.

The West has a lot of bad karma. It is going to pay a price for it sooner or later.

[QUOTE=Surya Deva;54630]More so Europeans. As cruel and savage Muslims were against the Hindus, they were in high praise of Hindu sciences and allowed them to continue and used Hindu sciences to usher in their scientific revolution in Arabia. The Europeans, however, out of sheer jealousy outlawed Hindu sciences, and then proceeded to plagiaraise everything they could while condemning the source. We know for a fact that the Europeans learned how to make zinc and crucible steel by reverse engineering Indian zinc and steel, and tried to issue patents for it. We also know they stole textile technology and textile methods to improve their own. They also stole the tier based education system from India which imparted mass education to its masses and was divided into school, college and university level, and then out of jealousy shut down the Indian education system. Then, they stole Indian philosophy and this bought about the science of psychology in the West. They also stole from Indian logic to improve their own logic.

New evidence is now emerging they stole calculus from the Kerela school of mathematicans.

And now they are trying to steal Ayurveda and Yoga, and once again condemning the original source. Recently, Western Yoga studios announced Yoga predated Hinduism. And a Western pharmaceutical company tried to patent tumeric as a drug, after clinical trials proved its efficacy. Yet, tumeric is being used in Ayurveda and Indian cooking for thousands of years. No wonder they failed to get the patent.

The West has a lot of bad karma. It is going to pay a price for it sooner or later.[/QUOTE]


[QUOTE=FlexPenguin;54366]I think the Chinese and the Russians may have an issue with that. But, what about the English and the Germans? They are not native to the U.S. What about the mixed races? Aren’t they ethnic as well? Do you have stats for them? But, of course not. You are not racist at all. Only those who challenge your path of thinking are racist.

And, SD - you have presented an impressive list of abuses through the centuries. I’ve read Pandara’s question, which to me asks, why were the Hindus so relentlessly persecuted throughout history? What was it they owned that everyone else wanted? Have you given any thought to the reasons? Are Hindus standing around scratching their collective heads wondering, “what the heck did we do to deserve this?” Was it just bloodsport? Or, can any culture cite its own persecution by other cultures just as well? Can someone question a Hindu without being labelled a Hindu hater? Why does Wendy’s serve square hamburgers? Can you answer in 1500 words or less?[/QUOTE]

What ARE you talking about!?!

In terms of median/average income, occupations, and so forth, Indian Americans are technically the most prosperous group in America. Earlier it was the Jews and before them, who knows. How is this even racist? I thought this was common knowledge.

Wrong. Hindus have been among the most misunderstood and most persecuted groups in human history, next to the Jews and the Blacks.

The Hindus have been bullied due to their non violent approach to life…this always brings in the bullies…

The Jewish peoples desire for money, the money lenders across the world, the desire to keep all the money in the family etc caused much of their persecution.

I think Hinduism will survive well in new Aquarian age more so than many other religions. The Aquarian age will delve into the scientific parts.

[QUOTE=kareng;54647]The Hindus have been bullied due to their non violent approach to life…this always brings in the bullies…

The Jewish peoples desire for money, the money lenders across the world, the desire to keep all the money in the family etc caused much of their persecution…[/QUOTE]

That’s a good point. Part of survival is standing up for yourself. I practice Tibetan Buddhist meditation, and I love the idea of non-violence, but the because the Tibetans have no interests invested in defending themselves, China just came along and went “I’ll have that… thank you”… and it’s game over!!!


The Jewish peoples desire for money, the money lenders across the world, the desire to keep all the money in the family etc caused much of their persecution.

David, I would request that the racist remarks on this Yoga Forum be edited and the users removed. Thanks.

I am sorry Terence, it is not my intention to be racist, I am not a racist.
This is from a book by Norman Stone, some time back where he pointed this historical fact out. The Jewish people have been persecuted many many times throughout history. In 14th century Britain they were persecuted, they were the money lenders and when people couldn’t or didn’t want to pay their debts back they attacked them, they made them wear marks to identify them as Jewish before finally ousting them out…bad, I know…Stone suggested that this was a key point.

Persecution isn’t for nothing, there is always a reason, even a wrong reason.

Once again I am not a racist…I like all nations Terence, I am above racism in thinking.

[QUOTE=kareng;54647]The Hindus have been bullied due to their non violent approach to life…this always brings in the bullies…

The Jewish peoples desire for money, the money lenders across the world, the desire to keep all the money in the family etc caused much of their persecution.

I think Hinduism will survive well in new Aquarian age more so than many other religions. The Aquarian age will delve into the scientific parts.[/QUOTE]

Jewish monetary policies had nothing to do with their persecution. It was the fact that their very existence was anathema to Christianity and Islam.

What lies did your mother brainwash you with? This is one of the most racist and stereotypical comment I have ever heard.

It is like suggesting that the Holocaust happened because of the way Jews were supposedly so stingy.

I did not at all perceive Kareng comments as racist. You should not irresponsibly call for the banning of another member on a whim. Besides, did you see Flexpenguins comments to me in, “India Yogis and Western yogis row” He openly insulted Hindu civilisation and called our culture backwards.

Making anti-Hindu comments seems to be OK, but if you make what is perceived to be anti-semetic, it is not OK and immediate action is demanded. Why these double standards?

So far in this religion forum we Hindus have been told we did not originate Yoga, and Yoga is not Hinduism, because Hinduism is the worship of many gods, superstition and cows(all misconceptions). We have been told our holy Brahmins were evil tyrants, and such statements have been congratulated. This blatant misrepresentation and ill will towards our civilisation is as bad any any anti-semitic comments.

[QUOTE=kareng;54665]I am sorry Terence, it is not my intention to be racist, I am not a racist.
This is from a book by Norman Stone, some time back where he pointed this historical fact out. The Jewish people have been persecuted many many times throughout history. In 14th century Britain they were persecuted, they were the money lenders and when people couldn’t or didn’t want to pay their debts back they attacked them, they made them wear marks to identify them as Jewish before finally ousting them out…bad, I know…Stone suggested that this was a key point.

Persecution isn’t for nothing, there is always a reason, even a wrong reason.

Once again I am not a racist…I like all nations Terence, I am above racism in thinking.[/QUOTE]

So you take one example of persecution against Jews and extrapolate that to THE reason why Jews were persecuted? You are incredibly ignorant.

The fact of the matter is that Jews were persecuted for religious reasons. Jews were hated by Christians for causing the death of Christ (too bad he never existed) and Jews were hated by Muslims for betraying Mohammed.

No, you are not racist…but you do share Western biases against other races and religions.

[QUOTE=Surya Deva;54690]I did not at all perceive Kareng comments as racist. You should not irresponsibly call for the banning of another member on a whim. Besides, did you see Flexpenguins comments to me in, “India Yogis and Western yogis row” He openly insulted Hindu civilisation and called our culture backwards.

Making anti-Hindu comments seems to be OK, but if you make what is perceived to be anti-semetic, it is not OK and immediate action is demanded. Why these double standards?

So far in this religion forum we Hindus have been told we did not originate Yoga, and Yoga is not Hinduism, because Hinduism is the worship of many gods, superstition and cows(all misconceptions). We have been told our holy Brahmins were evil tyrants, and such statements have been congratulated. This blatant misrepresentation and ill will towards our civilisation is as bad any any anti-semitic comments.[/QUOTE]

I hate to say it, but all the evidence proves that Terence is biased against Indians and Hinduism.

Everything he/she has said about the history of Hinduism is based on racist, Eurocentric versions of Indian history.

She (I am quite sure Terrence is a she) has even said that the ancient Hindus practiced human sacrifice! I have never read such a thing, even in Eurocentric textbooks.

The Hindus have been bullied due to their non violent approach to life…this always brings in the bullies…

This is not quite right. Hindus have historically had a warrior class(ksatriya) who served the county by protecting the citizens. In the times of the Mahabharata(3000 BCE) The Indian military was incredibly strong and well equipped. The numbers that were killed in the Mahaharata were millions. Then later we had the Mauryan empire which united all of Northen India and developed a highly powerful army. Then later the Gupta empire fought with Alexandra the great, and so powerful the military of the Gupta empire was, Alexandra’s men refused to march any further into India. In fact Alexandra got nowhere near India, and had a poor understanding of Indian geography. He claimed he had got into the heart of India, but actually he was at the periphery and was repulsed by a minor king Porus. Alexandra ended up ceeding his captured terriroty to Porus.

Then when the Muslims attacked India, it was not easy for them. Bear in mind every other country that had attacked was wiped out. The Persians were completely wiped out and they were converted to Islam. But India, they faced stiff resistance. Many Hindu warrior kingdoms fought tooth and nail with Muslims, such as the Rajputanas and the Maratha empire. When the British came to India, Hindus fought against them constantly. Famous Hindu freedom fighers include Rani Laxmi bhai, a Hindu woman warrior who became a menace to the British. There was the 1857 uprising where Hindus fought for independence. Thereafter, one Indian freedom fighter rose after the other: Mangel Pandey, Pindaari’s, Bhagat Singh, Chandrashekar Azad, Rajguru. None of these people believed in non-violence, they fought valiantly making British rule highly uncomfortable for them. Eventually, the British could no longer onto India because Hindu warriors had made their life miserable in India.

Ahimsa often gets mistaken for total non-violence. In actual fact ahimsa means war as the last resort.

India was attacked by so many bullies because of its extraordinay wealth and because of its pagan religion. The Muslims, deliberately waged wars on Hindus just because they were Hindu. The British deliberately left Indias to die, because they regarded them as heathens.

[QUOTE=Surya Deva;54690] Besides, did you see Flexpenguins comments to me in, “India Yogis and Western yogis row” He openly insulted Hindu civilisation and called our culture backwards.[/QUOTE]

Exsqueeze me!! Please site the passage where I openly insulted Hindu civilization and called your culture backwards? I insulted YOU and called YOU backwards for your stupid ideas of how women SHOULD be. This is the very reason I am unable to take any post you make seriously, and consider you a very ridiculous individual deserving of every rotten tomato tossed your way.

I think the entire forum should prepare for rotten tomatoes to be chucked at you, for being such a shameless liar:

Here is your original quote

"I agree with you. India is a very backward and unenlightened society that subjugates her women and restricts their rights as given to men. Hopefully the new media will awaken and enlighten the people and they will demand freedom from male-dominated, antiquated doctrine. Fingers crossed. "

Prior to this, you said this

"Total and utter dribble. India was very proficient at abusing her citizens long before Hannibal came traipsing over the horizon. In fact, I would venture to bet that India taught the West all they know about citizen abuse (and I know you know what I’m talking about).

I’m done here. "

Nietzche , Ive never heard christ never existed , is that what you are saying ? do tell .
Im also interested in your sadhana do you practise on your own or with others , any particular school , system ?

[QUOTE=Surya Deva;54736]I think the entire forum should prepare for rotten tomatoes to be chucked at you, for being such a shameless liar:

Here is your original quote

"I agree with you. India is a very backward and unenlightened society that subjugates her women and restricts their rights as given to men. Hopefully the new media will awaken and enlighten the people and they will demand freedom from male-dominated, antiquated doctrine. Fingers crossed. "

Prior to this, you said this

"Total and utter dribble. India was very proficient at abusing her citizens long before Hannibal came traipsing over the horizon. In fact, I would venture to bet that India taught the West all they know about citizen abuse (and I know you know what I’m talking about).

I’m done here. "[/QUOTE]

Westerners (racists) like FlexPenguin is the very reason I have come to have a distaste for the West.

Mlecchas like FP should not practice our traditions when they hold such reservations and ignorance of our history and society.

[QUOTE=charliedharma;54739]Nietzche , Ive never heard christ never existed , is that what you are saying ? do tell .
Im also interested in your sadhana do you practise on your own or with others , any particular school , system ?[/QUOTE]

Yes. It is incredibly obvious to see once you get around to studying the history of cults and religious sects in that region.

And I am afraid I don’t understand what you mean by the last statement.

[QUOTE=Surya Deva;54736]I think the entire forum should prepare for rotten tomatoes to be chucked at you, for being such a shameless liar:

Here is your original quote

"I agree with you. India is a very backward and unenlightened society that subjugates her women and restricts their rights as given to men. Hopefully the new media will awaken and enlighten the people and they will demand freedom from male-dominated, antiquated doctrine. Fingers crossed. "

Prior to this, you said this

"Total and utter dribble. India was very proficient at abusing her citizens long before Hannibal came traipsing over the horizon. In fact, I would venture to bet that India taught the West all they know about citizen abuse (and I know you know what I’m talking about).

I’m done here. "[/QUOTE]

What SEWAGE is this? Hannibal was Carthaginian and fought against the Romans. He was <<< way, fighting in Mediterranean regions.

Some white supremacist idiot (sorry for the redundancy) does not know his history.

SD, I wouldn’t expect 80% of the forum to do anything to FP because they probably hold the same views as he does. White supremacy, what did I tell ya?

[QUOTE=Nietzsche;54771]Yes. It is incredibly obvious to see once you get around to studying the history of cults and religious sects in that region.

And I am afraid I don’t understand what you mean by the last statement.[/QUOTE]

I have read a little around this subject but have never come across denials of the existence of Christ , not that im bothered one way of the other was just interested to know how you have come to know this.

I mean what form does your Yoga take , any school or favoured teacher /guru , particular path of yoga.

Yes, I have indeed noticed the lack of response at racist and chauvantic statements made against Hindus, and alternatively, the organized response when Hindus make factual criticisms of Abrahamic religions and western culture.

This is only showing me how dharmic civilisation and Abrahamic civilisation can never be friends. What we are seeing is a clash of civilisations - between the Abrahamic civilisation and the dharmic civilisation, and this means we have to now throw all politeness out of the window and declare all out war. We must maintain superiority of our civilisation and actively demonstrate it through constructive debate(showing factual data) and deconstuctive debate(by showing the inferiority of Abrahamic civilisation)

Fp and lg behaviour is not surprising. They stem from a civilisation that is based on hypocrisy, lying, duplicity, arrogance.