Spiritual music

Artistic pure math

Om ah ra patsa na diye in the jathaRAGGGNNIIIIIIIIIIIIII


happiness longevity goodhealth peace 幸福长寿 身体健康 平安

Kinda like kind of in a murmur fu shouu kaoun lin yowe shao lololol

You must really have Full soul happiness longevity goodhealth peace

magic mantra additional to the work one om shanti bless: uchatana patse siddhi
For mantras of natural base spontaneous and random to core philosophy awareness coordination and specific things within a conservative realm as they are done for essential things like food intelligence try thinking of how the liberal things within the more conservative categories are like the 81 things per moment since it is more chaotic maybe but still of the conservative base which is more exact constantly like 60 seconds for a minute. Then there is the idea basically of a liberal things like a random task type which is more chaotic and changing like the 81 things per moment while it is still maybe it’s summary common focus from a basic person who is more stunning by only more core philosophy and then we could say their techniques that they use while more like 60 seconds I guess since it’s so conceptually ably born as from a base of say metaphysics consciousness mindfulness accumulation from meditation then it is orderly by favorable fun perception since it is liberal and chaotic and that order helps it greatly and anyways that task that is liberal has a more chaotic base like 81 things per moment which would for example be more like liberal conservatism than the what the mantras and specific ingredients where apart of as what they were apart of was conservatively conservative for example being more about a simpler positioning born from metaphysics as it would have been simply simpler range of reasonability for defining and food for core philosophy while it is interesting to think about the what is a bank for one who is being more mindful of core philosophy and that is interestingly again easily for comprehension the tips structures and limits of core philosophy itself. The methods and essentials of core philosophy are a must to get to heaven. There is no real doubt. This world is in a sad time. Om shanti bless. Try to filter the most stressful toiling of course without sinning in meaning and all but it is here to say do not sacrifice more than you can afford. Develop the heavenly body. Always practice core philosophy. Be healthy. Young body mature mind is key. Om shanti bless. Om ah rah pa sa na dhih see night as day and day as night.
Here check this out https://nithyanandapedia.org/wiki/April_05_2011



If you had to be ugly to save them you are god then. It belongs to you. You are a my god away from me as I do not like friends.




Maybe ask your parents and gurus for consent but I do not want to live long so if you have a hither to heavenly body or really enjoy your still having confidence body then I’d keep your life as long as you want in this should be phase throughable realm, so if you want no life then think and make sure you want to die on natural age around 81 or sets of it I guess length the whole time checking in on your interest as I say about all things of course you’d know that I’d you checked or remembered if you didn’t remember that’s basic logic and reasoning.




I just was watching Dalai Lama which got me going and I just found out his birthday was also today. When you have a birthday I hope you have a good one.




Imagine the algebra of the beginning of the day worldwide alternating to create 360 days. That would be such a cool nature.




We like to lick our body kiss on it blow on it stand in the air walk back and forth to feel sensual and all things like that because we care about our bodies with are being are sensitive and interconnected to the earth and are very much so more familiar with it than now and that is why we know we care in consciousness. We listen to the tree swing in the wind. We listen to the vibrations even of the wind off of the trunk so deeply so genuinely. Om shanti bless om shanti bless om shanti bless. Let’s give the second month after Saka Dawa to the Dalai Lama in a way to find rest after and that is a cool alignment.




On the way out of a religion if you like to be alone look for the name of one who likes to be alone and if you know one term then that is enough but having that specific one to others for you might make it easier. Arhat I read is one for Buddhism.




Watching videos is about present time maturality and tuning otherwise of a youthful healthy youthful body at least and at most as there it has to be at most unless you can remember more in the way you are not.




When the Buddha is play fighting the master can block your fart chakra ball throws with one of the lotus petals that come off from its head lolololololololol




But these clouds might smell like flowers still but where are your skills at?




Certain elements and components of long term prayers are destined to shine greatly gleaming and even shimmering or glimmering by the nature of many qualities but they may be unknown to the blesser as we bless but we are thankful the mystical rhythms of nature support consciousness which is the real natural state not the pain state that is frantically and havingunreasonnessly by the creatures of the whole spacestime reality.







The props of vegan farming equipment set and setting set. Imagine that.




If you are trying to be good with your intentions and of course plans then understand no matter how wrong or correct you are you were really just on a bunjie jump. Om shanti bless




Once I am scientifically wrong then every being will be happy and I am waiting to be wrong since that is my plan. Be blessed om shanti bless. Wiggle wiggle wiggle.




Even the settings wiggling.




Wiggle wiggle wigggle. Just checkin





Stress is a myth, action without stress is Leadership

Your Biological Clock Is Managed By Your Stress Hormones #Nithyananda #Kailasa

2.5 actually like 4 for hexagram in a square. 5 or 6 actually like 3 actual things and understanding 1 checking thing and one loading thing or 2 checking things and one loading thing. Those teachings in the second video could be put to use by that template understanding you can find more of in the circle 360 post.




I read Lao tzu said one can do things the fast or the slow way.





Humans have widdhis biddhis biddhis giddhis or biddhis widdhis biddhis giddhis. I think we should listen to those words and guess they are harmonic. If you are qualitative to be interested you may think of the more and like past base as it is like is the past base. Be initiated with ashtakanma siddhis powers and now the gurus can we can in a way say have more momentum like many exact professions as the media is so repetitive really so that it is we have it when we want search results but we must continue to think about being reasonable enough to notice the technology is another tool like a base level of seeking as well but it is important to meditate sourcefulness like with food. The Hindus talked about what food you get. How you got it. Who you got it from in the city. Specific general topic. Meditate beautiful images for a fun time. :smiley_cat:

Baser than those Siddhis may be prana mana chi chi baser or as less baser if the b w g g or w b g g are different element layers in conceptual meaning at least.

Speak words into existence like the Christians say a lot on YouTube.

And don’t forget to expand your aura when listing/talking/using a lot.

Here you could just know about b w b g as symbolic for black white brown grey a metering with sanyas time and energy matters matters matters matters can help you further. Now we’re flowing with the cosmos. Neehyaaaasah. Shakti Powaaaaaahhhhhrr. Ok ok ok. Ommm.

be better like "i am better than evil". Be blessed om om om.

Nithyananda has ashtakanma power manifestation video with somewhat initiation as it is in with and introduction preparation. There is the brahmamanchari nature base as well.

See night as day in a way to be creative. There are opposites in nature to bring balance to consciousness and the mind is the same reality as the body. For example blue water zone is white and blue sky zone is black. Eclipses are rare for the sky but are also black as well like the earth, as there is still light in the day at that time.

Threes is what things may be easily understood to be made out of as life is complex and we should help the animals integrate into the natural mathematical language in consciousness by their bodies and environments/tools(food nests etc) and we are three cubits high to the heart which makes 81 in sync to an important timing we call seconds and we check that we could say, with the fourth cubit high. So a great thing could be dance competitions with 3 first places plainly and with the long understanding to be safe that we are thinking about choice intelligently and maybe a lot about reason more along with of course logic a lot, we could say what ever group the dance style that was being judged came from would be fourth place as they were what the dance also might be checked by as they are always counted as only fourth place.

The sun is the size of big like the moon at black night plus the stars in the black sky; the white moon and white stars ant night are small like the white sun within the black earth. The big sun is white and the small moon is white and the clouds we know are small and we still know are big are white and the small white are really that we know there are big and other colors and the black earth has other colors that are overpowered with no sun by the black of the earth and the black of the universe because we know light can shine farther than the object and we know the blue sky is closer to the bottom of the rainbow but still can be seen as in the other direction like the blue water which was white even though the blue water was on the black earth and the black earth was below the red of the rainbow even though magma is red at the surface and we could meditate to evaluate the completions of the light matter and learn to understand which things can be easily different working with reflector tools objects that when looked at working with the tool as we beings can also use tools to see it the color is or can be easily coordinated to to see different colors in what is the same place.

integrate manifesting your youthful intelligence (structure)

It may be helpful to think about mandalas that align that fit in the correct largeness range and even design type qualities specification. The supercomputing body may have many components creating solutions that each have a task of interest or object of interest and there is a number of those things and even cognition numbers for what the qualities of each are that need to be added to the range number for mandala design and also those qualifications may need to be ingrained by adding those qualities as further specific designs of the mandala fractal, and the number of things (philosophical word) needs to be not so large that it would be large enough to make its function unhelpful as the relativity of the code would be microscopic and the scaling searching and zooming would be too much dot connecting and more than just packaging.

For practicing mini reasoning of the methods evolutionary state peaking in core philosophy at alignment and timing of the complex version structure timing chaos alignment, think of the square scales sensing being sensitive to the teeter tottering which is easily prominent and imagine the time it takes to let a scale tip, suspended away from a surface plane being opposite to one of the three that are not suspended and are touching the ground, to touch the ground and think about the alignment of that scales journey to the final displacement which is somewhere on that surface and in a basic way it would be below the otherwise not moving scales or environment or example or it would be the same scale or from the same linear composition/fractal/sequence/rhythm.

the 81 scales on the staff can be like that four scale tool being conceptual by being simple in determinant directives like four can be understood as anyways. The more medium less range or clinging however much to its triple balance attribute can be like 4 tip scales with two conceptual which is like more and less and the two actuals which is like the middle of [28-54] for example can be used and whatever visa vera is in consciousness. a way to keep it complex is spinning the staff back and forth focusing on a range field which segments pass by through and by focusing back and forth between that field alignment and a constant segment group that was determined by whatsoever spontaneousness whether from order or less and then also the focus can be determined by that spinning alignment or certain of those spontaneous illuminations vs for example the certain method of determined illumination by the relativity more subject to the time the spinning is stopped for moments and spot of significance however much it was changing or not during or before it is stopped moving. the choice of what segments are illuminated are can make more liberal siddhis being extra in this example method which looks like radiance and the circulatory element may be the way the uchatana determines illumination for this example as a base reality. tip there is inner mana which one can choose to call blood and there is outer mana which one can choose to call inner aura like oh i dont know maybe 3 or 4 inches from any hard body part outward. the inner mana though more part of the strong prana structure in the way obvious than the mana aura or chi aura of the most overall method is, is for the uchatana end of development for the natural powers of the human body. the outer mana is then used for the siddhis which makes the more chaotic (cyclic/repeating/sure circulatory lol) mana in the aura be useful for the techniques of the siddhis which are more structured posture sequences while using the magic method that the similarity illuminated between the + and - abilities are which is ingredients/chemicals/pieces that are used to further abilities on the scales or that are a part of the rich environment for example which still feeds the template forms used for developments construction plans. the samyama can be defined as prana mana chi as well and the prana can be the bio memory which can be the body and the mana can be the muscle memory which is illuminated for example and because it is for the present very much while being a part of structure side like as order and the structure is prana while the chaos which can be the chi can be the bioenergy. om shanti bless. the bio memory or the muscle memory (more anatomy) can be closely linked of course in this method to the uchatana, then for the muscle memory or the bio energy there is the closely related siddhi forms which can be derived from those qualities; the muscle memory or the alignments to the other prana mana chi forms can help one get around. they can be found around these posts. om mani padme hum. om shanti bless. vegan nithyananda - Google Search



in the past people would fight, die, trap the community. weird good person who would fight would always fix arguments with the familial beings, it is interesting that they never seem to the most fragile in stressful times, though they may be fragile but tuned the inner and buffered the limits of the structure directly for function and the sides of the focuser analyse, about what they remembered how to be wise about after learning. the weird good one who dealt with more sadness would be so wise to succeed through harsh testlikeness; they would be like one who used a river with a dam and when the sadness came they used another river to continue as much as possible until the dam is not as flooded then once it is evaporated or passed through a fall the weird good one closes the dam and returns along the path with the four leaf clovers by the river with the jewels in the lotuses in the muddy parts of the water along this maybe type or part of cycle of the river. to be tranquil be balanced and know to not work too much when you have enough energy and to know when to work not to little when there is not enough energy; and to not let procrastination make things build up or to do too much after procrastinating doing things incorrectly or incorrectly without procrastinating and to not make mistakes by missing time alignments

if you are attractive then if you were too sexually attractive in attribute and by the sides attitude you should be more intelligent though we both should know physical attractiveness is heavens calling. om shanti bless. form equals function still or further more emotion develops intelligence philosophy is nothing less than pure happiness intelligence is structure extra extra extra things are conceptually liberal anyone who wants gets there strong physical simple intense emotion clear mind always experiencing superconsciousness natural organic vegan food haritaki neem castor tumeric moringa chlorophyllbloodresourse ashwaganda etc strength its wisdom and extra access to extra wisdom which is really by the same name or path of a fresh accordance with core philosophy yoga chi gong tai chi checkers arm wrestle tic tack toe yogic jogging basic yoga holy story (lotus sutra)

for subtle mind accordance of course, eat a french fry then after eat another. notice the two real chemical shape story of the body eating the french fry which is the whole physiological response here in this method for the anatomy then once you notice the physical two experiences in balance as opposite by a 180 degree angle on a four scale balance measuring beam set then there is the thin matter spiritual experience which is the conceptual rather than example real problem, and that conceptual two thing is the practice meditating to coordinate your focus to the two halves of the body which allow one to balance all interconnectedness
#no headaches

woah i just realized shi heng yi is in so much suffering he said you might need deamon natures. so i will say you should say you are a divine god and you hate all of the earth that does not obey the essentials on yogaforums.com by @veganstringbean. if youre good you go to heaven if youre evil you go to hell. thats a fact its the only thing happening of course. look around.

sorcery powers which includes all powers are real and i will not let anyone get them when i am ruling in heaven in consciousness if you have sinned in consciousness

In this method the god mantras are for like someone controlling your body or playing with the gODS.

God wants to play someone might say and then there was a god that didn’t want to play. The praying person said I will polish this jewel on all sides and using the techniques many times for strengthening very precise synchronicities for all people near by to keep them tuned and easily cleansing and working. The person who said god didn’t want to play with them said I will go to the diamond wall between me and the people have polished for blessing people so the person meditating and just there in the persons mind there was a stack of walls kept representing the segment in distance between the blessers and the receivers made of all shapes and designs fitting each of the techniques and types of sides and some in general and exactly just representative ways so the person found where the polisher illuminated those mantras kindly for that person who themself there and by the method of receiving blessings and understanding relativity in, sure, certain ways deilluminated the jewel by omshantiblessing it and illuminated any one’s they wanted instead of the one that said I want to play with you God.

Energy mass constant
Energy vibration frequency

Mass vibrates because of energy and is vibrates frequently

Buddham saranam Guchami dharmam saranam guchami sargam saranam Guchami (the mission of perfection seeks the dharma which comes from the form of the Buddha). You are going into your future Buddha forms, you are mastering dharma, you are receiving gifts from a million billion trillion Buddha forms which are like singers teaching.

Namo amituofo

Om shanti bless Om ah ra pa tsa na dhih om shanti bless
Hear from the master here: