What would be more humane to deal with somebody like Hitler and Ted Bundy? To confine them, feed them, clothe them with taxpayers money? What does one do with a mad dog? They put it to sleep. In fact the greatest act of compassion towards of souls of people like Hitler and Ted bundy is to release them from their evil bodies, so they can go on and continue with their spiritual evolution. In a way by punishing them here we are reducing some of their karmic burden.
To me love and compassion does not mean being nice, it means doing what is best for the soul of a person. Love and compassion to the souls of Hitler and Ted Bundy is ending their miserable lives which has lead to them doing such evil things. If a body is not serving you it is better to just end that body. This is why I believe in the option to end life if that is the best option in the end. For example somebody dying painfully from a terminal disease should have that option.
It is not true that if you are practice loving kindness you are less likely to be in that situation. You can still be murdered, raped, beaten up, mugged even if you are a good person. You do not have to think very far back to see what I say is true. Look what happened to the peace loving Tibetean people at the hands of the Chinese. If you are faced with an evil person, either you are going to get harmed or they are going to get harmed. Most sensible people would prefer the latter happens. You would, like any human or animal would, fight back if somebody was trying to harm you. In fact, in subtle ways you fight with me all the time when you feel your beliefs are being attacked. You are as human as we all are.
Can you give me some examples of people who practice unconditional love and compassion and how they have been violent and destructive?
Again I must remind you of the history of Christianity which is built on this doctrine of unconditional love and compassion. Countless Christian saints were also behind crusades, inquisitions and witch burnings. The operative word in what you said is you try to practice unconditional love and compassion. So have countless others throughout history and look at the results. It is easy for a sensible person to see this doctrine is unrealistic. I could try all my life to put a circle peg in a triangular hole, it’s never going to happen.
Therefore love should and compassion always be guided by wisdom. Simply being nice to everybody is foolishness.