İ have been meditating for several years, it began after a drug experience during which İ experienced that everything is love. During the experience, İ was told by a friend experiencing the same thing: ‘you shouldn’t drink - it’s bad for you’.
İ got into meditation and fairly rapidly, within a few months, activated my prana or ki… İt’s like liquid sweetness, but also like steam or like burning celluloid. İt’s not quite any of these things.
Anyway, İ went through all sorts of painful and blissful transformations, and ended up blissfully happy, filled with love. Self-dissolved. İ was in heaven.
However, İ still craved alcohol. İ loved wine. İ drank a bottle…
The next day the blissful state İ was in had gone… İ started meditating again. As it was just a bottle, it didn’t take long before İ was back in the light, so to speak.
But this carried on, İ must have lost and found love three or four times. İ assured myself each time it worked ‘don’t worry, it will always work eventually’. İ decided (this was at a point when İ was in ordinary consciousness, trying to reach love again), ok, İ will drink this Christmas, however much İ want, and afterwards İ quit for good. So İ did, İ drank and partied, also took some E… had a fairly miserable time… because you only think you enjoy being drunk; it’s really not so great as the desire makes you believe.
And İ did quit. So far so good.
That was more than five years ago. İ have been meditating daily ever since… for the first two years or so it was probably the worst, just dead flat. But to be honest the feelings of defeat İ’m having now and have been having now for years are worse because at first İ still had faith.
And that’s the real pain - there’s nowhere to go. My body keeps on trying to follow the breath, İ can’t back out as İ don’t exist. İ’m just phenomena, though suffering seems to be the main phenomenon. What does one do, where does one go, after one has lived in heaven and cast himself down?
Physically, İ have prana trying to move up the sushummna, painfully. All the times İ reached the state of peace, this happened too, İ was downcast and downhearted etc, and there came a point where İ would take a long breath, hold the breath till İ thought İ would drown, and then unblock the sushumna. After this, my lungs would fill with light and my breath would no longer be volitional.
But İ’ve been at this stage for years now, each day straining in mental and physical agony. İ have begun considering ant-depressants or even suicide. Because İ think İ’m in hell now, and İ don’t think İ will ever get out. Suicide would just take me somewhere worse and hurt my family and friends. Anti-depressants İ fear because İ am worried they would end any chance İ had of becoming enlightened. Which is the best thing there could possibly be, and better than that, because it’s better than anyone could imagine.
İ also worry about seeking medical help because İ don’t want to end up in an asylum.
İ would be so grateful for any advice.
İ keep telling myself ‘it could happen tomorrow. But it doesn’t’. One thing which has changed is that İ was smoking a lot of cannabis at the time when İ was successful, and this helped, İ think, in letting go of subconscious baggage, though İ also think the actual point of success wasn’t when İ was stoned. İ don’t have access to that now, or only very rarely.
İ’m so tired. İt’s as if the whole point of my life was an elaborate torture.