[quote=Pandara;12690]Be Silent…and listen to your inner voice, it will know best. 
No one can tell you, only you know. By questioning it already here tells me that you have doubt in you about it. But then again you have done yoga since the beginning of the year and you want to do a teacher’s course, I would ask the motivation behind this? Don’t you think a few more years in yoga might help you to make a more informed decision later? Why this great haste to rush into something where you will deal not only with the physical aspects of others, but also their spiritual evolution?[/quote]
Yes, you are right.
My motivation for this is the desire to incorporate yoga fully into my own life making it a way of life and a way of balance: the philosophy, the history, the poses, the chakras, and once being knowledgeable enough, I would like to pass on to others what I know.
is it a premature and rushed decision?
well yes…
but i will fill you in on my reasoning…
Initially the trip to India was to spend time with my friend and his family, and simultaneously I had a friend who had mentioned the possibility of us looking in to Yoga retreats and possibly teacher training programs to get certified and begin teaching.
Looking further into yoga ashrams etc, I was advised by both friend and parent to go ahead and try for a TTC simply because I will be there and have the opportunity, and because they believed a certificate from India has something a little different from one out of the US. Both of their decisions, I believe now, were motivated by money: That I will have secured a job coming back to the states, a job that I will enjoy considering my distaste for the usual nine to five. I think they both might have had that in mind.
I recognize now that with your and Louise’s replies, that these are not necessarily for the right reasons.
However, considering that I have not had enough experience, this place does feel right now. 600 dollars to stay in a place for one month in India (roughly twenty dollars a day) with meals included and spending six hours a day to learn yoga extensively in areas typically not covered in yoga vacations or retreats, I will take this as an opportunity to get my feet wet and see what teaching is about. It is not as intensive as the TTC in other ashrams and so I will be able to explore outside with plenty of free time and experience India! i have never been outside of the States and this secures me a safe place to stay and the liberty to navigate my way around Rishikesh with a home base. Necessary, I believe, for someone not fully knowing what to expect in a different county, culture, etc.
I will more or less, treat this as a vacation but take what I learn very seriously. then when I am ready I do it all over again in the right setting at the right time, and spend the money I dont have right now to get certified and teach.
I do agree with you, I have a responsibly to my “students,” I would not want to put them at risk physically, or handle something as big as ones spiritual evolution.
After your post, I am certain this is right.
Thank you Pandara. I will not teach until I “know” I am ready, which will not be for a while anyway, considering my desire to serve with Americorps for one year and go back to school full time.