Are you talking about Big Bang ? Even a provincial physics teacher will tell you that it’s a [B]theory[/B], and not [B]The Truth[/B].
It’s just something you like to [B]beleive in, [/B]as it’s the main fashion of thought these days.
I did have a conversation with a physics teacher talking about the Higgs boson. I am not dwelling into detalis now, yet we somehow arrived to the Big Bang theory and how astronomy wanted to know the actual speed of the Universe’s inflation. Based on the existing knowledge about the mass of the known Universe and this speed of dilation we could determine wheter this inflation will last forever, at an ever decreasing speed, or, it would come to a halt and a the process would reverse into a collapse of increasing speeds.
Yet what is interesting and noone expected, is that the Universe is apparently inflating with an increasing speed ! An this fits our current models only if we assume the existence of the so called dark matter, what we do not know anything about, yet it should make 80 % of the whole mass. Basicly, this say, we have theories about 20 % of the universe. Not even knowledge, but theories. Just by a quantitative analysis (which is of course an imperfect one) we can affirm that basicly we know next to nothing. Any self respecting scientist will tell you this in his domain.
The research science does is most important and valuable. Only it’s conclusions are lacking, but those do that by a lot. That’s why I like sometimes to call science just another cult, and the very offense the followers of these people suffer is shockingly similar to the mad bigotry of some religious organisations dealing with their opponents.
PS. To make it simple, I do not subscribe and believe in Big Bang, biogenesis, darwinian evolution, survival of the fittest, and none of the materialist scientific theories what are all forced, and forged having the fear of their propagators to recognise the spiritual element of the world, one existing and manifesting in their own psyches. Yes I do belive in another form of genesis what makes at least as much sense, and it relates to human life much better and on more levels than these impersonal universal theories. I am sure you do not know about it though, and because it does not fit this media, I am not saying about it anything. Just that there is an alternative, what, it’s true, takes at least that much intellectual effort to be comprehensed as the ruling scientific theories, and sadly one that’s not really known not because it’s not there for the taking but because the lack of ability on most people’s part to take it.
Yes, the universe makes sense in all it’s aspects, all conflicts are generated by the imperfect intellect. But the intellect can be perfected, and extended by the use of other psychic tools.