Why we should all be Globalists: Resist against Nationalism

It will be noted that ever since I have been on this forum, I have dedicated most of my time and energy to discussions on religion, in particular on the negatives of religion and the need to eradicate them. I first began with the need to eradicate Abrahamic religions, and bring our emphasis on Dharmic religions for the 21st century. I said this was because the Abrahamic religions have long passed their sell by date and were relevant only to the times of a desert culture, and intuitively we all know this is correct, but much of what is advocated in the OT portion of the bible we instinctively reject, and by calling it an ‘Old Testimant’ we institutionalize our rejection of it. Still, unfortunately, many fundamentalist groups adhere to the OT, and Islam in particular more strongly adheres to it than Christianity. There, are unfortunately parts of the NT too that are passed its sell by date, such as the deification of Jesus and the belief he is our only saviour and way and lives up there in heaven with his father god, not to mention beliefs in flat earth.

I call on anybody following Abrahamic religions to reject them. There is nothing in them. They are highly destructive and backwards religions, which will make you backwards as well.

Now, I have said we need a shift to Dharmic religion worldwide, but this does not mean we accept Dharmic religions as they are practiced today. Even they have passed their sell by date. Popular Hinduism with its huge pantheon of gods and goddesses, bizarre rituals, absurd mythology and dead traditions is as relevant to the 21st century as is neanderthal stoneage culture. Popular Buddhism, suffers to a much lesser extent from this, but it too is based on dead traditions and also suffers from superstitions.

I call on anybody following the popular forms of Dharmic religions to reject them. There is nothing in them worth preserving. Rather bring emphasis to the actual philosophy of them, the general principles they teach, without being attached to any traditions, rituals or canons of scriptures, even the Vedas.

What we will note about the Dharmic religions that they all focus on human spiritual development. The Dharmic religions are in fact a set of philosophies, psychologies and physical and mental disciplines(yoga) to aid human development. As such they are highly relevant in the 21st century globalist and individualist world, where the fundamental values are personal and social progress. Everybody is toiling to progress on an individual and collective level: career development; health development; social development; mental development; spiritual development. This is a culture of self-development. Why else would Yoga be so important in this century?

The Dharmic religions are are highly tolerant, multicultural and flexible, that they can absorb even the Abrahamic religions. Indeed, this is what we have seen how Christianity has been Hinduized the past century, to the extent where Christians being born today think Christian Meditation(A Hindu form of meditation) is an essential aspect of Christianity. Modern Jews are paying more emphasis on Kabbalh. Modern Muslims are paying emphasis on Sufism. Western people in general are bringing back focus on their older, neglected traditions like Paganism, Neo-Platonism, Essences, Egyptian mysticism.

It is easy to see then why Dharmic religion provides the suitable framework for 21st century religion and suits the 21st century environment of multiculturalism, tolerance and personal development. Unfortunately, there are many elements in this world that are against this happening and their common ideology can be summed up as: Nationalism.

If there is any true enemy of humanity today it is nationalism; whether they be Christian Evangelicals; Hindutva; Islamic fundamentalists, Taliban; KKK, BNP, Neo-cons, Chinese Han supremists, Black Panthers, Zionists. They are the breeding ground for international wars, terrorism, civil wars. They are a huge threat to global peace, stability and progress. This is why I am so opposed to them - and so should any other responsible human being.

The fact is if humans do not oppose nationalism in all its forms and variants, we are going to let them destroy our planet and bring humanity to the point of extinction. There are an estimated 20,000 stockpiles of nuclear weapons in the world, and approx 8000 nuclear weapons fully operational, which can be triggered at the press of a button. In about five years time several dozen countries will have them. There are several nuclear flash points appearing all over the world: North Korea and America; America and China; India and China; India and Pakistan; Iran and Israel; Iran and Europe. All of these countries are under the threat of nationalism.

If the world does not unite soon, the likeliness of nuclear extinction of humanity is great. Thus we owe it to ourselves to make every effort to unite. We should all be globalists. Resist nationalism.

I want to bring focus on the viewpoint of Mr Michio Kaku, a world famous theoretical physicist, co-founder of String theory and prolific speaker on humanitarian issues. He echoes the views in my OP, and articulates them with far more insight

Question: What is the likelihood that mankind will destroy itself?

Michio Kaku: I say looking at the next 100 years that there are two trends in the world today. The first trend is toward what we call a type one civilization, a planetary civilization, a civilization that resembles something out of “Buck Rogers” or “Flash Gordon.” A type two civilization is stellar. They consume so much energy they can play with stars. That is for example the Federation of Planets in “Star Trek.” “Star Trek” would represent the typical type two civilization. Then we have type three, which is galactic like the Borg or “Independence Day” or the empire of “The Empire Strikes Back.” That is a type three civilization, which is truly galactic. Now by the time you reach type two, you are immortal. Nothing known to science can destroy a type two civilization. Comets, meteors, earthquakes, even a supernova a type two civilization would be able to survive even a supernova.

The danger is the transition between type zero and type one and that’s where we are today. We are a type zero civilization. We get our energy from dead plants, oil and coal. But if you get a calculator you can calculate when we will attain type one status. The answer is: in about 100 years we will become planetary. We’ll be able to harness all the energy output of the planet earth. We’ll play with the weather, earthquakes, volcanoes. Anything planetary we will play with. The danger period is now, because we still have the savagery. We still have all the passions. We have all the sectarian, fundamentalist ideas circulating around, but we also have nuclear weapons. We have chemical, biological weapons capable of wiping out life on earth.

So I see two trends in the world today. The first trend is toward a multicultural, scientific, tolerant society and everywhere I go I see aspects of that birth. For example, what is the Internet? Many people have written about the Internet. Billions and billions of words written about the Internet, but to me as a physicist the Internet is the beginning of a type one telephone system, a planetary telephone system. So we’re privileged to be alive to witness the birth of type one technology, a planetary telephone system. What is English? English is the beginning of a type one language. Everywhere I go around the Earth, people speak English because that is the lingua franca of science, technology, business. They all speak English. It is the number one second language on the planet Earth. And what is the European Union? The European Union is the beginning of a type one economy. And how come these European countries, which have slaughtered each other ever since the ice melted 10,000 years ago, how come they have banded together, put aside their differences to create the European Union? Well to compete with us and who are we? We are NAFTA, so we’re beginning to see the beginning of a type one economy as well.

Then we’re beginning to see the beginning of a type one culture. Everywhere I go you turn on the radio and what do you hear? Rock ‘n’ roll, you hear rap music. You hear youth music. Youth music is now planetary, knows no boundaries around the planet earth. Everywhere I go I see high fashion: Chanel, Gucci bags. We’re witnessing the birth of a planetary fashion. Also sports, take a look at the Olympics. Take a look at soccer. We’re seeing the beginning of a tribal initiation rite called sports being turned into a planetary initiation rite that unifies the entire planet.

So whenever I open the newspaper every headline I see in the newspaper points to the birth pangs of a type one civilization information. However, every time I open the newspaper I also see the opposite trend as well. What is terrorism? Terrorism in some sense is a reaction against the creation of a type one civilization. Now most terrorists cannot articulate this. They don’t even know what the hell I’m talking about, but what they’re reacting to is not modernism. What they’re reacting to is the fact that we’re headed toward a multicultural tolerant scientific society and that is what they don’t want. They don’t want science. They want a theocracy. They don’t want multiculturalism. They want monoculturalism. So instinctively they don’t like the march toward a type one civilization. Now which tendency will win? I don’t know, but I hope that we emerge as a type one civilization.

Now in outer space we look for signs of intelligent life in outer space. So far we find none. Civilizations like type one should be commonplace in the galaxy. Some people assume therefore that type zero civilizations are rather common, but only a few of them make it to type one because that society for the first time in its history has the ability to commit planetary suicide, so maybe that is the reason why we don’t see aliens in outer space. Maybe they never made it. Maybe one day when we have starships and visit them we’ll see atmospheres that are irradiated because they had a nuclear war, atmospheres too hot to sustain life because they had a runaway greenhouse effect. Maybe when we go in outer space we’ll see the corpses of type one civilizations that never quite made it. Who knows?

In continuation of Kaku’s model of type civilizations

It would be pretty sad if our type 1 globalist culture is a culture where: English is the common spoken language; MTV and Hollywood is the common media and entertainment culture; Gucchi, Chanel is the common fashion and cosmetic culture; football and Olympics is our common sport.

Kaku is right that this is exactly the kind of globalist culture we are seeing today and I think this is why this fuels the fires of nationalism, because this kind of culture is very Western. The Indians, Chinese, Muslims, the Blacks are thinking “What about us” What about their own cultural contributions, their own institutions, their own arts and sports. Surely it is unfair if in a globalist world all we have is Western culture and every other culture just accepts it. This is why this would not be a true multi-cultural world, it would be a Western cultural world, with other cultures existing as minorities within it.

The truth is globalization is definitely not a one way process, it is very complex process which involves cultures intermingling. The reason that Western culture is more dominant today is because it has more economic clout, but Indian, Muslim and Chinese culture is now starting to develop more clout, so their influence is now being strongly felt on our global culture. The biggest influence of India on our global culture is the global spirituality movement, which is influencing every religion in the world.

Indians/Hindus should be contributing more and more to the global spirituality movement. I say to the Indians/Hindus, the world needs your spirituality. They need your Yoga and Vedanta, simply because they are the best systems of self-development and art of livings on Earth. But don’t take this personal - they don’t need your Krishna, Durga, Shiva; they don’t need your mythology; they don’t need your traditions. A responsible globalist Indian should contribute to bringing Yoga and Vedanta to the world, and forget the rest like irrelevant details.

The West win out in material science and technology
The Indians/Hindus win out in philosophy and spirituality(spiritual science)
The Chinese win out in martial arts, simplicity and etiquette
The Blacks win out in music, dance, improvisation
The Muslims win out in unity and solidarity

The above covers pretty much the entire landscape of the world. The global culture we should hope to live in should combine the best of every culture in the world. This is pretty much what globalization is. We all, for example, know intuitively that nobody can shake their booty like the black people - practically all of MTV culture is heavily influenced by black culture. We all know intuitively that when it comes to science and technology, nobody else in the world is as practical as the West. We also intuitively know when it comes to philosophy and spirituality, nobody is as contemplative, rational and advanced as the learned Hindus. All of these cultures are coming together in a giant melting pot, and like so many different ingredients cooking in a pot, they are working out their differences. The result will be a true global type 1 civilization.

We must encourage the development of this global civilization, by contributing the best that we can towards its formation. I am doing my part as an Indian, born into a Dharmic religion, by bringing to the world our Yoga and Vedanta. I have brought so many of my friends into the Dharmic fold of thinking, without compromising their own traditions, but including them into the dharmic fold. Western people should do their part by bringing their practical science and technology to the world, and assist spiritual unfoldment through scientific research into spirituality(which is what many Western people are doing) Muslims need to teach the world the values of morals and the vices of idol worship and superstition. They need to teach the solidarity that they possess more than anybody else, that will bring people together under one banner.

We each have our part to play today in bringing about a true global age. So I repeat again(maybe it will become my motto) We should all be globalists. Resist nationalism!

I really hope I inspire readers(those that post here or don’t post) to becoming globalists.

Unfortunately the globalists/[B]illuminati[/B]/[B]New World Order[/B] are the ones who make all the wars. They fund both sides of conflicting groups, sell weapons to them and fund hate groups. The globalist groups include the Royal Institute of International affairs, the Bilderburg Group, the Club of Rome, the Bohemian Club, the Codex Commission, the Earth Charter, the United Nations, Freemasons, the Trilateral Commission, NATO etc…

These groups want to reduce the world population by a huge percentage, they use chemicals, GMO foods, vaccines, wars, promotion of dangerous activities in the media, artificial famons, and wrong education of the youth to achieve their objective. They own the satellite, television, radio, and textbook publishing companies. They want to censor the internet.

There are 12 bloodlines who have ruled the world since ancient times. These groups are dreaming of having total control of the Earth. They control the weather using Tesla technology (HAARP). They are eugenicists and racists. Megalomaniacs/Asuras like Hitler, Napoleon, Mussalini, Stalin, Genghis Khan are the only people who can claw their way onto the throwns of power, these characters don’t care about money… only domination.

Star trek and Buck Rodgers are ‘Brave New World’ style militaristic dis-topias, the people wear synthetic uniforms, eat synthetic food, there is a captain and those who do not follow orders are imprisoned or shot with a phaser.

The globalist want to disarm the population and stomp their boot on us all. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. But Nationalism is not any good either.

Also most of the mythologies of various religions have different levels significance depending on your level of initiation. Children can enjoy them and take them on a literal level to learn dharma, and adults can take them symbolically, some adults can interpret them on a astrological basis. I recommend to read on the subject of ‘astro-theology’, books by George Orwell such as ‘1984’ and to do research on NWO (new world order).

This is a good site for information Conspiracy Central

This is a good site for information Conspiracy Central

Sorry, I don’t do conspiracy anymore. I went though a naive phase of NWO/illumanti/Reptillians, I even got a book by David Ike, and when the first Swine flu outbreak broke out I was the one telling my friends, “They are going to declare martial war, don’t get the vaccine, they are going to kill us all” I grew up very quickly. A shame though, a lot of my friends still lap that stuff up and I have to just sit there and sigh listening to it.

No wonder you believed that conspiricy crap. Your posts in this thread are nothing but rehashed populistic views of the world. The superficiality of your own undertanding is shining through in all your writings. You talk about so many different subjects, but you have no grasp of any of them.

Aiunt enim multum legendum esse, non multa

—Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus

No his views are not what you say. You are wrong

We are in full swing of the Aquarian age now, 2012.

The Dharma AS WE KNOW IT will die…it is written.

Nationalism will be replaced with Globalism

The Dharma will take on a new shape that allows all to practice it. The Science behind it will emerge

The Aquarian age will not tolerate anything that separates us. Religions for example.

Alternative medicines and practices will increase

Yoga will be more successful providing it is sensitive about making it accessible to all in its presentation

If you just look at TV you can see clear examples of this happening e.g. X Factor and the voice (British) American Idol…this allows anyone to show there talents, to have the chance to be famous instead of the old way which only allowed people to become famous via strict routes.

Embarrassing bodies is another example on TV. Bringing it into the public eye and thereby showing that we have these problems instead of hiding away them away.

Big Brother

There are an increasing number of shows for the minorities that before had no voice, no airing to the masses.

Wars will be on humanitarian grounds.

Saving the planet will be a major issue

Animal cruelty will not be tolerated…we can see this by looking at Spain where Bull Fighting is now being recognised more and more as an inhumane sport. It is banned in certain parts now

Brutal Dictatorships will be brought down.

Then look at the Internet…the global network

Facebook, twitter, Forums etc etc

Technology will increase

Community orientated projects will be welcomed more and more

Smoking banned in public places to protect all

The only problem with this age will be increased spying…Big brother watching you!
A global dictatorship will emerge
Methods will be found to enforce rules that many will find hard to adhere to. Much like the Communism we know of but with a new face to fit the age. There will be nowhere to hide.

No his views are not what you say. You are wrong

We are in full swing of the Aquarian age now, 2012.

The Dharma AS WE KNOW IT will die…it is written.

You talk like an imbecile.

[QUOTE=Sarvamaṅgalamaṅgalā;73404]No wonder you believed that conspiricy crap. Your posts in this thread are nothing but rehashed populistic views of the world. The superficiality of your own undertanding is shining through in all your writings. You talk about so many different subjects, but you have no grasp of any of them.

Aiunt enim multum legendum esse, non multa

—Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus[/QUOTE]

I say this with utmost modesty. I am a better human being than you :wink:

You’re just peeved off because I have ridiculed Puranic Hinduism so much on this forum and spoken so much against Hindu nationalism. You guys represent part of the mentality that is holding us back from uniting as a planet, and increasing our chances of having another world war and wiping ourselves out.


Kareng, perhaps we should start some kind of Globalist Revolution :smiley:

Everything Karen has said is a fact, and anybody us living in this day and age can clearly see society in most parts of the world is tending towards globalism. This is just a natural process of social evolution of humans beings. We no longer live in an age of empires, the last empire on this planet ended with the British. The British, as cruel as they were and I have spoken with great contempt of the atrocities they inflicted on many native cultures in the world in the past, actually ended up uniting most of the world by spreading English education, the scientific method and technologies like telephones and railways around the world.

The British started the next wave of social development of humans with globalization. This is why the early stages of globalization were eurocentric and globalization was seen as synonymous with Westernization. However, as more and more countries got involved, globalization became a more complex process, an intermingling of many cultures. The Internet, is a great example of a globalist form of communication. At the start, the internet was dominated by the West, but today the entire world is logged on and have the power to influence the internet as much as anybody in the West does. The Indians and Chinese in particular wield a huge influence on the internet today.

Even Western people don’t know what the West is anymore, because what we call the West today is a hybrid global culture. It is easy to prove, what is the national dish of the UK? Curry. What is the most common kind of Hollywood action today? Martial arts. What is the most common form of mind-body practice today? Yoga, meditation and Buddhism. Where is most of the electronics the West uses manufactured? Japan. Where is most of the hardware and cheap goods manufactured? China. Where is most of the software engineered and developed? India.

Therefore the West is definitely not this monolithic and imperialist culture anymore which goes around the world dominating everybody and forcing them to appreciate Shakespeare, read Milton and chant, “God save the queen” - it is a hybrid global culture which is becoming a prototype for the wider global culture we see are seeing spread everywhere. It is spreading everywhere, even in places like China, not because the West are forcing the Chinese to conform, but because the Chinese want it. Just as the Indians want it. Intuitively, we know it is not really Western culture, it is globalist culture.

Globalization is an inevitable fact of the world we are living in today, resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. What we need to ensure that globalization takes place in a fair and balanced manner that all the best of all cultures is a part of it and enrichens it - the last thing we want is a globalization that is based on only the contributions of one culture. We need the strengths of every culture on this planet. This will only happen when members of non-Western cultures actually contribute their bit to globalization.

To the Indians I say, stop being copycats of the West, you are several decades behind and you are following a failed model of development. You are not pioneers in anything in science and technology today. You are just copycats. Leave innovations in science and technology to the West. The West had thousands of year of experience with material science and technology. Instead focus on your actual strengths, areas where you have excelled: philosophy and spirituality. This is what you can bring to the table, and this is what the world will respect you for. It is such a shame that the average Indian knows nothing about their philosophy and spirituality - but will know Shakespeare and Elvis! :wink:

[QUOTE=Surya Deva;73418]I say this with utmost modesty. I am a better human being than you :wink:

You’re just peeved off because I have ridiculed Puranic Hinduism so much on this forum and spoken so much against Hindu nationalism. You guys represent part of the mentality that is holding us back from uniting as a planet, and increasing our chances of having another world war and wiping ourselves out.[/QUOTE]
You are not a better human being than anyone, you are just a fool who thinks too highly of himself, chasing around popular notions of spirituality without having any depth of understanding about anything. You have very dangerous and intolerant ideas, people can only unite according to you if they agree with the hogwash you are spouting. The world can only be “saved” on your terms. Your messiah complex is not very different from that of mentally disturbed terrorists like Charles Manson. I am glad you have disassociated yourself from Hinduism, because people like you are the opposite of everything Hinduism stands for.

?we should all be Globalists?

and again…

?To the Indians I say, stop being copycats of the West?

And the reality is You are a deranged psychotic. I?m so sorry.

The Dharma AS WE KNOW IT will die…it is written.

Yes, old religion is dead. All religions will die by the end of the century: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism. The new world will see a new type of global religion which we see unfolding today in the name of new-age religion, but which is more correctly called global spirituality. Global spirituality is basically Dharma, but in a modern avatar. Spirituality is basically scientific religion, as in religious values and practices which are scientifically demonstrated and hence can be practiced by anybody in the world e.g. Yoga and Meditation.

The most important value of new global spiritual religion will be self development and respect for the universe. We will see ourselves as cosmopolitan, the whole universe as our home and see ourselves as humanity as opposed to Indian, Chinese, German, French.

In Kaku’s terminology we already seeing the emergence of a type 1 religion: Yoga and meditation, spiritual medicine and energy healing, reincarnation, astral travelling, transpersonal psychology, epigenetics, psychotronics

[QUOTE=Sarvamaṅgalamaṅgalā;73422]You are not a better human being than anyone, you are just a fool who thinks too highly of himself, chasing around popular notions of spirituality without having any depth of understanding about anything. You have very dangerous and intolerant ideas, people can only unite according to you if they agree with the hogwash you are spouting. The world can only be “saved” on your terms. Your messiah complex is not very different from that of mentally disturbed terrorists like Charles Manson. I am glad you have disassociated yourself from Hinduism, because people like you are the opposite of everything Hinduism stands for.[/QUOTE]

Nah, the truth is I am a better human being than you are, and it is clearly evident by contrasting what I write where I am taking about global unity, peace, stability, humanity and embracing all cultures, against your nationalistic, angry, contemptful, violent and divisive vitriol.

In actual fact whatever you have to say is empty. You cannot give us any real reasons why globalism is wrong or why my “notions of spirituality” have no depth of understanding. You speak only empty words.

Why don’t you go and take a dip in the sacred toxic Ganga and cool off :wink:


And the reality is You are a deranged psychotic. I?m so sorry.[/QUOTE]

That is a most accurate observation.

[QUOTE=bjoy;73423]‘we should all be Globalists’

and again…

‘To the Indians I say, stop being copycats of the West’

And the reality is You are a deranged psychotic. I’m so sorry.[/QUOTE]

Heck, even Indians know that Indians copy the West. Just stating a fact. Hello, is it not a fact the countries main film industry is called Bollywood and 90% of the films are rehashes and rip-offs of Hollywood films :wink: Is it not a fact that most Indians dream of leaving India to get green cards to America and UK? Is it not a fact that most Indians buy skin whitening creams to be white :wink: Is it not a fact most Indians dream of India becoming another America?

Sorry I know the truth hurts :wink:

I mean come on I’m Indian myself, and and even I look at the people of my race and see how pathetic they are. What is India famous for today? Call Centers, outsourcing and Bollywood? It is no longer famous for Yoga, spirituality or philosophy - the biggest sponsor of Yoga and spirituality today is the West, not India :wink: India is a gonner. There is no future for that country. It is rife with nationalism, sectarianism, superstition and ritualism.

Hollywood is in your spine.
Can you Convert the body to spirit and realise the self, that has no limit.

[QUOTE=Sarvamaṅgalamaṅgalā;73409]You talk like an imbecile.[/QUOTE]

Names like Sarvamaṅgalamaṅgalā may have to go too :smiley:

I expect you have problems seeing the end of your nose each day!

Proof will be needed in order for the Aquarian age to accept the Dharma. When this is found then the Dharma will reach the masses, at last!