Why we should all be Globalists: Resist against Nationalism

Can someone tell you what this means What is termed globalization is the culmination?


This whole topic is extremely predujiced, just look at what he says here:

This is pretty much what globalization is. We all, for example, know intuitively that nobody can shake their booty like the black people
Only a condescending little prick like SD could make a comment like this and imply that the black only have dance and music to offer, the Chinese nothing but kung fu and Indians only some yoga and meditation. This is extemely unrespectful towards the various cultures around the world. On top of that he is saying that these cultures need to emphasize only those parts of their culture that have become popular globally in order for us to unite as a human race. This is a dangerous view of a little prick trying to impose his own populistic notions on the entire planet.

I was reviewing this thread and I noted that there is at some semblance of an argument in this post by Sarva. The argument appears to be that I am undermining the culture of different nations by reducing them onto to an area that they are popular in.

This is a strawman of my original argument that global culture should be based on the best of what every culture has to offer. Notice I said best and NOT popular. I identified some of the areas that many major cultures are best at and which they are admired for, not just because they are popular.

India has historically always been admired for its philosophy and still admired today for its philosophy, even by atheists. It has never really been admired for its technology. Even in ancient times, before one mentions the underground sanitation system of the Indus Valley civilisation or the lost wax metho if they even know about it, one mentions the Pyramids of Giza, the Antikeythra Mechanism and the Archimedes hydraulics systems and the very fine examples of Roman engineering which includes automatic steam powered doors, a steam engine(by Heron of Alexandria) automatic sprinkling system, fine extinguisher, among many other discoveries. Even the Chinese have been far ahead of the Indians in technology in ancient times. In modern times, the situation is no different, the West has invented virtually every technology of modern times: steam engine, motors, light bulbs, electricity generators, electronics, computers, satellites, space rockets, shuttles, particle accelerators. Still today, practically all new technologies come from the West. India, at best, simply copies them or adapts them.

Indians like Sarva need to learn humility to bow to excellence. Indians are not good at technology and never have been, still today the area they most excel in abstract things like programming, which still is basically using systems developed by the West. There is no real innovation coming from India.

All cultures have something unique to offer the world, just like every person has something unique to offer by playing on their talents. Nature decided that it would give philosophy to the Indians; engineering and technology to the West and martial arts and governance to the Far East. Music, dance and improvisation to the Africans. Today, we know each of these cultures as specially gifted in these areas. If the African people were not gifted in music, dance and improvization then why is the entire world today taken over by Rap, RnB, Jazz, Blues, Hip Hop? Ever heard the saying, “White men can’t rap” even worse than a white man trying to rap, is Indian man trying to rap, and worse still is a Chinese man trying to rap!

There is nothing wrong in admiring the qualities of another culture(of course a nationaist suffers from a psychological myopia to credit anything good to another culture" I consider myself a globalist and humanist, this is why I read on every culture, I don’t separate achievements like nationalists and say “Indian achivements” “Chinese achivements” I recognize them as “human achievements” It still helps to know which part of the world each achievement came from in order to know the strengths of each culture. Nationalists are stupid people who deliberately narrow their vision of the world only to one region and find it very difficult to value the achievement of others. Even I was suffering from this stupidity in the past, as I came very close to becoming a Hindu nationalist, until my sense finally prevailed.

Sarva earlier said that globalization is something I want to happen. Kareng corrected him by saying it is not something that I want to happen and it makes no difference whether I want it or not, it is something that is happening, and unless you are from another planet or living in a village in rural India, there is no way you cannot see that globalization is a fact of society today. We are indeed moving into a global world, and it is really is only a matter of time before we have what Kaku calls a type 1 planetary civilization, most likely towards the end of the century. In other words we are going to have a global culture - whether you like it or not. If you like it, it makes the transition process easy, otherwise it is going to be bumpy ride in the march of humanity to globalism.

To be honest, most people really like it, its only nationalists that don’t like it. Unfortunately, the nationalists have more power and influence on today events. So whether it be Zionists, Han Chinese Supremists, Hindutva or Wahabhi Islamic fundamentalists, they are wielding the most influence in the world today are and causing rifts, animosity, intolerance and wars. To be honest, it would be a miracle if we do not have a WWIII in the next 5 years, because thanks to these nationalists we are now on the brink of it starting. In fact some analysts say it’s already started. We are just seeing everybody move into position. The most likely start date is 2013. You better pray that I am wrong. The sad fact is I won’t be be able to tell you “I told you so” when it does. When it starts, if there is anybody you want to blame for why it happened, it’s these nationalist idiots - who as Kaku says are still savage in their mentality. They are going to bring us all down - our next generation are going to be living in a planet that is highly irradiated, where clean drinking water is scarce and disease is rampant. They are going to really hate us. The next 20 years on this planet are going to be the worst times in history. Billions will be killed, and the survivors are going to be living in hellish conditions.