[quote=Rashmi;14436]dear friends ,
As we are aware that that lord Jesus was born in Jerusalem and Christianity spread. Lord Buddha born in India, Buddhism spread. Hazrat Mohammed Sahib born in Arab and Islamic religion spread. In the same manner so many religions have come into existence on this earth for the last so many years.
These people were not religion founders. Their followers were those who created religions as organized form.
Also, while I realize, because I am a proclaimed christian (but not the average christian), I can be easily judged as biased, I am convinced that Jesus’s role was uniqie in human history. The hint to that is exactly what you say in the following quote:
I personally believe that jesus was a realised soul his teachings are manipulated becos never a yogi will tell others to Kill and say that only worshippers of jesus will get salvation. A yogi never says he is God, Krishna never said, shiva ,sai baba of shirdi, swami Nityanand etc. All of them said they are humble servants of God. Infact if Jesus is a yogi, he must have conquered all the 5 perceptions , indriyaan and a yogi with ritambhara tatra pragya buddhi.
Yes, the man Jesus did say, although not bluntly, that He is the Son of God, but, those who have seen Him have seen the Father, referring to God.
This is a basic christian belief, one of the pillars of christian faith. That is what really makes Him different of any guru, teacher or avatar. The Gospel of John talks about The Word. The Word is present in the Vedas. Is that too hard to accept that The Word did manifest itself physically, as a human being at a precise time in human history ? Because that’s what the gospel of John states. This is a great mistery.
To think that the Bible is juts distorted truth is offending to all christians. The problem with the Bible is not that it is distorted, but the fact that even christians do not comprehend it. It’s superficial understanding created very unpleasant hystorical events, yes, just the other night I watched a documentary on David Koresh. I was deeply touched by it … and it make me think about human rights and freedom.
[B]Everyone is free to search for the truth, and believe whatever he’s able to, until this belief does not affect the same freedom of others.[/B]
I hope we should stop imperialist attitude and accept the facts as it is. Prior to advent of christanity and islam every body used to follow vedas. However mahabharat war has disastrous effect on the entire earth which was earlier known as bharath. Many aboriginal tribes and cultures were brutally destroyed by Christian missionaries and islamic invaders, if you study these lost cultures you may get more information and insight.
I know you realize that it is one thing to express on’e believes, and another thing to force it on others. Christianity is often seen as agressive, because one of it’s fundamental believes is that it is an universal faith, that Christ has come for all mankind. The real rason for imperialism was never the propagation of faith, but the need for power. Yes, there has been a short sighted catholicism, especially the jesuits where human freedom and dignity was subdued by religious dogma. But this is true for all great religions. Christianity was just more powerful because western culture made progress in science and industry.
So there is a dire need of a revived spirituality what unites waht is common in all religions, what tries to make them shine in a new light, because today’s people need comprehension, and reason. That’s why yoga is so popular and so fitting in many traditions, because it is a scinece axed on the human being, the individual, and it’s strive for truth. This does not mean that we throw out old traditions, but see them as representative to their ages and cultures. None of the great traditions is a sole bearer of the whole truth. Not even hinduism. It might be the deepest, and the widest, and a great treasure for our minds and hearts to learn form, but this does not make other religions useless, or of lesser value.
The old christianity needs a rebirth, and it is happening. Understanding the Christ event is what will really make universal brotherhood, based on spiritual love, possible. In this, organized christain religions are just as far behind as any other. This is what I beleive, and I dare to say it. In my world view the Vedas and hinduism fit perfectly. In yours, christainaity is a fake religion based on distorted facts. (and sadly, this is somewhat true)
I am not speaking on the behalf of the latter. I speak on the behalf of a new “christianity”, what is lit through the light of reason, and comprehension, one, that unites every living tradition in a perfectly fitting new one, a living one. Love instead blind faith. Comprehension instead blind acception. Freedom instead ritualistic rigour. Right actions through right will coming from comprehension, understanding, knowledge, reason. Acting insetad of talking. Giving and acting instead of waiting for miracles. I just use the name christianity because the central figure of this has been called by the greek world Christ. It does not matter. Not the words matter, but what they represent.