A lot of people get caught up in money and power and start to forget the spirit. In such cases they will do anything to get their money fix. We can see this with our current financial mess. The Wall Street crowd had “get all the money I can and the hell with everyone else” on their mind it seems.
Myself …I like money, but am low capacity with my limited money making potential. So I make due with my limited means. What I do is to try and balance and limit my attachments with the teachings of impermanence and non attachments. It helps with being at peace most of the time with family and life.
Developing a good vipassana practice of seeing things clearly is very important. This insight meditation practice deals with seeing things in terms of impermanence, suffering and non-self. Seeing things for what they are helps prevent further uprising of new passions from ignorance. But, it is still up to use individually to decide on how many attachments and desires we wish to have in our life.
The life the contemplative or renunciate must live is not practical for ALL to live. The Buddha did not work or produce any goods or services other than generate wisdom for peace development. He depended on others to feed him as the monks of that time just begged for food and did not work.
We cannot all be Buddhist monks and nuns and beg from each other for food. No one would reproduce sexually and our species would die out. Yes, a few of society can become renunciates to gain insight, but not the whole of the population can do it and expect the society to flourish. If nothing else we would be overrun with bugs! (Buddhists tend to dislike killing them.)
Myself? I seek balance. I am at peace 80% to 90% of the time if I work my practice and recovery program and accept this is as good as it gets with living a normal or close to normal life. I have a family and have to live within and work with society, so I work to balance attachments with that of inner peace.
I realize that excessive attachments and desires kills peace and causes us blindness and this blindness can lead to further wrong actions which destroys my inner peace and it can snowball from there. So, I limit attachments and desires. But, I do not go to the other extreme of trying to live a life of no attachments or desires whatever. I have come to a point in my life and practice where I am satisfied and content as-is.